Vela Shockwave



2 years, 6 months ago


【 Name 】Vela Shockwave【 Nicknames 】THE BEAST, Bulbs, Kid (with permission)
【 Age 】19 (20 post ehs)【 Gender 】a radio wave (it/he/she)
【 Height 】4'11【 Orientation 】gay little thing
【 D.O.B 】March 5th, 2011【 Zodiac 】Picies
【 Nationality 】Greek/Japanese【 Talent 】Ultimate Radio Host/Radio Technician
【 Role/Story 】Chapter 2 Victim/Eventide Hills Studio
【 Playlist 】heeho

Taking the name for the constellation of a ship's sail, Vela’s an easygoing and adventurous person. Always moving forward and trying to foster positivity. Vela’s driven by curiosity and throws itself into anything new, exciting, or challenging to keep itself entertained. Drifting to the next new thing whenever it gets bored since it hates repetition and stagnation more than anything. Vela only pays attention for as long as its attention span allows, which usually isn’t long. While he’s pretty good when it comes to physics Vela struggles to do more mundane things like cooking. He’s notoriously easy to tease too, not that he’s naive or gullible, he’s not used to being joked with.

Vela's laid back and friendly personality took well to radio hosting. She loves making people's day brighter and listening to anything they have to say. Being supportive is what she does best. It just feels wrong to her not to try and care or understand. Everyone should feel like there’s someone cheering them on right? Despite this though Vela rarely accepts help from others, it’ll stubbornly do everything it can by itself. The way it speaks is also fitting of a radio host. Vela never has trouble expressing itself verbally; it rarely loses it's confidence and clarity.

A promising young researcher devoted to the observation of black holes. Vela Shockwave was entrusted with her senior's project overseeing radio signals from a space probe monitoring a black hole years ago, to the point she's become something of a reclusive hermit, rarely leaving her observatory. He even has an implant that picks up radio signals, letting them echo in his head like thoughts.

With its free time Shockwave decided to put the observatories' equipment to better use and start a radio station. EM waves constantly surround us after all. What’s more interesting than something that connects every living person together? Switching between playing uninterrupted music and hosting a radio talk show, Shooting-Star Radio is always on the air. Shockwave tries its best to provide quality entertainment. An effort that's appreciated by it's growing listener base as she's known for always being positive and authentic during broadcasts.

Music, learning anything new, puzzles and games, sour tastes, the study of electromagnetic radiation.
Being bored, confrontation, unco-operative people, bitter tastes, restrictions.
【 Design Notes 】
-they just have the sasuke cut but blonde
-freckles mostly on their cheeks
-if i forget to draw the stars in their hair no i didnt bc i dont. no i didnt. theyre there.
-how do the wireless headphones stay on? idk dont ask questions.