Arthur Larose



2 years, 6 months ago


Current worth: 1,500 amino coins

Name: Arthur Larose

Age: 24

Height: 5'7

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: He's a softie, albeit a short softie, and will definitely welcome you into his home.

Relationships: Parents, obviously, and his friend Eric- who he suspects wants to be more than just friends, but wants to drag out their dynamic for however long he can. It's cute.

Fun facts: While he loves to tease Eric in his own way, he does eventually plan to reciprocate more directly, but for now, leisurely slow sounds lovely. He also happens to love Ramen nights, when Eric forgets to cook dinner or is too lazy to cook it himself.

Background Info: A man who helps to run a bookstore, he likes to indulge in some playful banter, make small bets, of course with little to no value, and is one to hang out with a person that just so happens to be a living mix of a shark and snake, but with only the features present in his mouth. He knows about it, but isn't bothered, feeling completely comfortable, though will sometimes "accidentally" flirt with him.