2. Emery



6 years, 6 months ago


Emmerich Dan Mondeel
Emery, Em
August 31st
5'8 ft
Demiromantic, Bisexual
Ashbourne, MA, Kenopsia
Broody . Angry . Calm . Back Talker

Emmerich doesn't take kindly to anything. Even the smallest of things can hurt him. So he wears contacts as a form of coping, so no one can see how much everything hurts. He is very depressed and hates eveything he does and is. His family treats him just as bad, leading him to feel even worse than before. He has a hard time getting a job because sometimes he can't even get up in the mornings.

Sergi was such a big change for him, eveyone else never noticed the sad bits of him. They brush past it and made him feel so much more alone like he couldn't talk to them. But Sergi waited and listened to anything he said, even the tinyest and stupidest things. Emery seems to be a whole different person around Sergi.


  • Contacts
  • Plants
  • Axolotls
  • Rainy Days and Coffee

  • Crowds
  • Bugs
  • Anyone touching him without consent
  • Failing and messing up
Epic quote time.

  • Emery has a whole case of contact lenses, most are just colors but a few have designs.
  • He also owns a lot of cute asseccories that he doesn't wear often.
  • Emery also has a lil box of stickers that he loves alot and has even made some of them himself.
  • He isn't a big artist but loves to draw cutesy creepy things.

Emmerich was born into a big family being the 2nd youngest out of four siblings. Of course, being one of the youngest caused many sibling problems for him and that his parents expected him to be better than the two older siblings of his. His older siblings did pick on him quite often and blamed him for anything that they broke in the house. Although he was expected to be 'better', his parents often took his siblings' side because they were older and 'knew' better. Especially his mother, she thought he was being young and childish, breaking things to get his way when he was told no. That wasn't the case but it did make him feel like he did do something wrong and it caused him to be shy around everyone.

When he got to school, being shy caused him even more problems than he could handle. In school, he got picked on and shoved around but he didn't want to fight back. But it seemed not fighting back got him beat up more.


When Middle school came around, it didn't get any better, it got worse. Then by the time he got into High School, Emery started to self-harm and grow out his hair. By that time his parents gave him an allowance for chores, so he bought contacts so he could freak everyone out. He also used them as emotional armor, so you couldn't see his emotions in his eyes. After Christmas break, during Freshman year, he made his first friend. A kid named Jon, who always seemed to be pissed off and angry at everything. Jon yelled at everyone and got into fights a whole lot, he even then started fighting Emery's bullies as well. The only thing he never seemed pissed at was this Lil' kitten he brought everywhere with him. He only ever showed Emery the tiny kitten, unknowingly some kids did see it that day. They told some others that had a bone to pick with Jon, they jumped him and killed his cat. After that, Emery never saw Jon again, later that week missing posters for Jon went up. They stayed up for a long time after that, never seeming to be answered. Emery did call the number on the poster during Senior year and they said Jon was still never found.


After High had ended, a couple of months later Emery turned 18 and by that point, he wanted to get away from his family. He found a job as a helper for a construction company, he didn't make much but one of his co-workers was looking for a roommate. They both pulled off getting a nice apartment and moved into together. The guy was fun and cheerful, always telling Emery how good he is doing and how wonderful he was. He started to fall in love with him, he was still shy and sad but they made him feel special. A year later, he felt terrible, he couldn't get up out of bed anymore. Emery felt void of everything and he couldn't help but break down crying. Days later and not getting better, he quit. Trying to cope with everything wasn't working and everything felt cramped and too much. He fell back into self-harm and started to hide away in his room. His roommate and ex-co-worker started to bribe him to come out and eat at the very least. They told him still how good he is and it made him love them so much more. Not long after, they told Emery that rent is still due but no worries because their boyfriend would be moving in soon. Emery felt so hurt, he never even knew about their boyfriend and he loved them. He felt so lonely as if no one would love him. He was so sad and he realized he wanted so badly to have Jon back. His first friend who only shared his secrets with Emery and his tiny fuzzy kitten who was the softest white and cream kitten. Jon would've cared for and loved him but he was gone. Emery then felt that he would join him and while his roommate was out, he tried to end it all. His roommate found him and called the hospital, he survived. He wasn't allowed out when he got better, instead, he was sent to live in a mental hospital until he got better.

A couple of months after turning 21, he was let out. He called his roommate but got no answer. Calling his old work he found that they still worked there but was refusing to talk to Emery. With no other choices, he called his parents. They said he would stay with them and that his roommate had already dropped all his stuff off to them. He did that not even a day after the incident. It hurt so much more, he just accepted to stay with his family until he got his footing once again. Moving back in with his parents didn't go smoothly at all and Emery couldn't get his footing back. They applied for a job for him and made him go. It was a nervous wreck for him and he kept breaking down and self-harming. Eventually, he started missing days and hiding away from home until they fired him. So they made his life a living hell, they told him how stupid and childish he was for doing that and trying to kill himself.

After turning 24, his family told him that they got him a gift. It was them all moving so they can start somewhere else and then maybe, just maybe he wouldn't be a failure in a new place. They sat him down and cut his long hair into an undercut and packed all his shit away with theirs. Soon moving a couple of towns away from his birthplace to a small town called Wolfwood. When they got to the new place, they unloaded everything and put all the boxes into their areas. Emery didn't even unpack, he didn't want to be here and he knew that he wouldn't even fit in here. When it turned night time he planned on running away. He would end it all and that would be it. His parents were by the front porch and his room was near the back of the house, he figured climbing out his window and over the fence was his best bet. Climbing over the tall fence was hard, Emery started to cry because he just wanted everything over with. Once he reached the top, he toppled over to the other side. Once, he fell it didn't hurt as much and he had figured it would've.

Opening his eyes, he saw fur, light brown to dark fur. Jolting up, he saw a large wolf on the ground in front of him and it was looking at him. It yawned and shook its head, then got up and sniffed him. Seeing that Emery was crying, it looked puzzled at its paws then back up and suddenly it licked his face. It started nudging Em's face right after and letting out a deep rumble that sounded like a purr before it sat down in front of him. Emery never felt so confused in his life. It sat patiently in front of him, while he tried to wipe his face. He didn't know why but he questioned the wolf if it did lick him, he knew the answer but he was just stunned. Not even a second later it nodded. “Do you understand me?!!??” he almost yelled. It's face scrunched up and it's head tilted but it then nodded when he finished the question. He wasn't sure if he was seeing things or what. He started to shiver in the cold wind and the wolf got up and nudged him towards the fence, helping him over it. It followed him and Emery just vented to it in his room. About everything, it had it's head in his lap as he petted it. So he inquired to it, “I was gonna end it all but if you understand me, can you bring me a friend and I promise to live just a Lil' longer. Can you do this for me?” It looked up and nodded and before it left it headbutted his head.

When he woke up, it was a bright new day, he grabbed his bag and left for the day. He found a small coffee shop and getting a vanilla coffee. He sat up his laptop and stayed. Its atmosphere was calming making Emery stay longer than he had planned. A while later a brown-haired guy bumped into him, knocking over his now emptied cup. Apologizing he offered to buy Emery a new cup to make up for his clumsiness. Emery figured why not and accepted it, he sat down after and introduced himself as Sergi. He looked so familiar that it made Emery's heart hurt. Later, he met Sergi's friends and later fell in love with Lucien. But after months of being friends with Sergi and his group, Sergi seemed to piss him off. You could tease and embarrass people and piss them off as well but Sergi didn't seem to react to anything. Emery couldn't get a good read on what Sergi was like at all, so he cornered him and screamed rude shit at him. But still, nothing, Sergi just apologized and walked away like it was nothing. Every time he talked to the group, Sergi seemed off in space, not paying attention to a word what anyone said.

A year into his friendship with the group, he realized that he liked Lucien. This time he wasn't going to let what happened with his roommate happen. He would confess to Lucien! He asked him out to the park and bought him ice cream, he then asked him out. Lucien was shocked, he looked away and said no. He then claimed something needed to be fixed before he would ever date Emery. Emery asked but got no answer until it was 'none of his business'. It hurt but he wanted this group maybe he could ask them, maybe they could help. He got nothing from them. Trying his luck, he asked Sergi. Sergi just said 'don't' and his reason why was that Lucien and his brother were creepy. A week later, after seeing a movie with a girl falling in love with a female vampire, Lucien asked him what supernatural creature would he date if he was given the chance. Thinking back to the wolf who led him to meet Sergi, he said Werewolf. Emery exclaimed that they would be cute and fuzzy yet being buff and can protect him. Hearing a noise, he looked over and saw Sergi was choking on his soda. He hit his chest, trying to get a hold of himself and once he did. He pushed Lucien away and said “I heard you want a werewolf boyfriend, so here. I. Am.”

It was the cutest thing Sergi ever did, Emery smiled and giggled. Composing himself, Emery told him that if he proved that he was in fact, a real live werewolf. He would drop everything including his crush for Lucien and date him. Lucien was pissed and told Sergi not to lie. Sergi only replied that it wasn't his fault that Lucien didn't tell Emery first about being a werewolf. Sergi did prove it afterward at his place. He was the wolf that Emery met. So they started dating after that. It was a rough start because Emery kept not trying to be with Sergi all because he still didn't get him. But once he did, once Emery understood all Sergi's quirks, he fell so hard in love. Sergi was just so sweet and cute. He might have not been looking at Emery while he was talking but he did listen. He didn't show anger because Emery was so cute when yelling and that he knew better. A year into dating, Emery found out Sergi's full name after seeing his cat. A soft white and cream kitten named Foxy, the same name and looking cat that his friend Jon had. Looking at Sergi, he looked just like Jon the day he went missing, the hair even the same length. Just his clothing was different. When Sergi told him, that his name is Jonathan but he started going by his middle name. Emery then realized that it may have taken 10 years, but he did find Jon afterall. Then it hit Emery, that Jonathan probably would've come back to him. He just had amnesia and didn't know how to get back.

code by jiko | background by @ user