
Reccomendations and warnings:

  • It is highly reccomended to play the character's music to get the full viewing experience.
  • When drawing this character please read the design details and follow them when applicable.
  • This character's profile has sentitive topics such as mentions or depictions of depression, alcoholism, death, bullying, homophobia, abuse, & sucidal thoughts/actions. If you are sensitive to these things please do not proceed further.
"Darkness can drown you if you don't fight back."

Cis, male



May 16th




The Space Between

Personality & Background

Kurai is a aloof and introverted Konellos mainly keeping to himself. He prefers being alone because it gives him time to rest his mind and relax. The only times that he enjoys some sort of company is when he's around his close friends who have broken through his barriers and gained his trust. Trusting people has always been a struggle for Kurai for as long as he could ever remember. Because of his trust issues he finds it easier to just stay alone and not having to worry about the people around him.

Kurai is awkward and self-doubting on the best of days, on the worst he's deep in depression and barely able to get out of bed. His friends have to reassure him a lot because of his self doubt. This helps him out a lot and he is very grateful for his friends, especially Radar, who is almost always there for him.

His depression and self-doubting stem from the early years of his life. When Kurai was a kid his Mother died leaving him and his brother alone with their Dad. The two's Dad couldn't handle the death of his Wife and began to drink compulsively to cope with her death. When he was drunk he was cruel and harsh, especially to Kurai who he said was weak and feminine. This damaged Kurai greatly, both physically and mentally. It felt like he was walking on eggshells whenever his father was around.

Life at school wasn't much better. He was very timid and the target of bullies harassment and taunting. This persisted for years, damaging Kurai's already declined mental state. The pain he experienced gave birth to a mind demon named Darmizu. Through that time Kurai changed, becoming withdrawn and cruel to anyone who would try to interact with him. It was at that time a hot-headed fox named Radar came into his life.

The two clicked immediately and were seen together most of the time. He was still lonely but now he had the comfort of a friend. Kurai's life at home didn't change but he had a person to vent to now which allowed him to let out some steam. It didn't last long for long though with Radar's habit of being testy with anything that annoyed him. Kurai blamed himself and his venting for the cause of that and came back to bottling up his emotions

He couldn't keep his emotions in forever and they came out of him and it ended up hurting Radar. Feeling horrible about what he said his mental state plummeted. A few days later he left school early and took a trek up to the cliffs by the sea. Looking down from the overhang he felt a numb sickness. Steeling himself he jumped into the rushing waters below.

  • Music with heavy meaning
  • Black clothing
  • Emo style
  • Alone time
  • Writing
  • Big bodies of water (Seas & oceans mainly)
  • Trusting strangers
  • Big crowds
  • His father
  • Alchoholic drinks

Darkness Won't Last Forever

Design notes
  • Long ears.
  • Five stripes per ear getting smaller the farther up.
  • Ears cannot naturally stand straight up, always stick out to the side.
  • Two black ear gauges.
  • Nose and eye piercings can be removed and can be silver or black.
  • Eyes have heavy eyeliner.
  • Long dyed hair over one eye.
  • Physically weak.
  • Black painted nails.
  • Tall.
  • Thin long muzzle.
  • Canine-like build.
Radar Best friend

A close friend who he's know for years. One who cares for him a lot and helps keep him sane.

Winter Friend

A fox who experiences life similar to his own.

HTML by Eggy

Breaking Benjamin | Dear Agony