[ FT ] Seist Trarvol



2 years, 5 months ago


a second day and another male upload? what is the world coming to

  • a mage of the Rad Whale Guild, a fanmade Guild because I can eat my assĀ 
  • The Rad Whale's are an all-male guild in similar fashion to Quatro Cerberus but they're here to steal yo girl and break into dance at inappropriate times; they're everything Quatro Cerberus and Blue Pegasus wish they were Ā  Ā  Ā Ā 
  • he possesses Dance Magic and he'll absolutely destroy you at DDR
  • outside of his magic, he uses toothpicks as a weapon which he can spit or flick at people from any distance with precisionĀ 
  • whenever he and his guild show up, get ready for excessive posing and gyrating hips; he carries around a CD walkman on him at all times and tends to listen to his music to the point he can't hear anything
  • does he have hearing loss and potential damage? probably!
  • he's also really dumb just fyi
  • Seist: Oh god I think I'm blind, I can't hear you!
    Gray: That's not how that works!
  • Do you ever look at someone and wonder, "what is going on inside their head?"
    Seist, vibing: Ā  been a naughty girl, real bad so and so, done too many things a girl shouldn't know Ā 
  • a lot of the music he listens to is from female artists and he considers them to "go harder" than any male artistĀ 
  • we're now accepting Rad Whale membership, please bring your finest memes to the orientationĀ 
  • Also it's a rule that your RW member must be a milf hunter cause who else will šŸ˜©
  • pairing uhhh?? get back to me on that; might be gay and do one of the QC or BP boys
  • he may or may not be inspired by Sailor Moon villains