Atelei Katast



6 years, 8 months ago


Atelei Katast
atelei from atéleia (defect in greek), katast from katastréfo̱ (deface in greek)
renegingAphorism - #0042a4 (Cerulean)
Gender: Male
Age: 7 sweeps (~15 yrs.)
Height: 5'8"
Sign: 2 Pallas
Quirk: wvw, what a sztunning exsample. (Lisp (sz, xs), o=v)

Dream Planet: Prospit
God Tier: Heir of Light
Land: ???
Strife Specibus and Weapon: Volatilekind and Metalkind, he uses his own handmade explosives and a crowbar at close-range.
Lusus: A carnivorous three-eyed rat with shark teeth
Fetch Modus: ???

Atelei Katast is a chemistry enthusiast, prominently a fan of volatile substances, explosives, and firearms. After a lot of practice, he's good at making homemade grenades. He also wants to get into welding, blacksmithing and metallurgy in order to be able to work with metal on his own.

He is also the owner of the infamous worst lisp ever, and paired with his normal quirk, it is nearly insufferable at times. He claims for it to have happened due to an unfortunate accident during an experiment, but really, Echmis punched his teeth out. Echmis himself is quiet about it because he does not want to be known as a stereotypical violent highblood.

Sometimes he likes to interest himself in painting, and due to his knowledge of chemistry, he knows how to extract paint from items, which is the main reason why.

He's completely indifferent about the hemospectrum, treating everyone from mutant, rust to b100 as an equal and respecting the purples and seadwellers in a bit of a fear.

He is rather friendly, although not overly optimistic, preferring to stay levelheaded and rational. He gets flustered a little easily. Whenever he's sarcastic, he doesn't sound like it, but sometimes when he's serious he sounds sarcastic, and it's a bit of an issue for him. It's a little easy to piss him off, and he commonly switches between passive-aggressiveness and straight-up murder. He actually secretly really loves himself, sometimes dressing up at home and checking himself out in the mirror.

He can be especially annoying to people he has a caliginous crush on.