


2 years, 5 months ago


Well-hidden among the Timberlands lies the home of the cowfolk; known by humans more commonly as minotaurs or half-minotaurs, as their name in their own tongue (Bóhtarr) is generally heard as an indistinguishable bellowing sound to those unfamiliar with their language. The settlement is primarily peaceful, wanting little to do with the affairs of outsiders. They are a farming community, tending to a range of (primarily native) crops, as well as their prized herd of cattle, including unique breeds originating with the cowfolk themselves. They produce a stunning variety of products utilizing their cattle - including milk, cheeses, butter, soaps and lotions, paints, glues, and even yarn fibers. Once the cattle reach the end of their lifespan, great care is taken to tan the leather, which is turned into both ceremonial garments and mundane objects. These products are sold and traded via the humanoid front of the Timberjacks, though the herd remains primarily self-sufficient.

Cowfolk can live up to 200 years, though 80-120 is a much more common lifespan. Elders are well-respected in their culture, and a council of elders acts as the main leadership for the herd. Children are community-raised; while they know their direct family, they are taught and raised together with other children in the community, fostering a strong sense of duty to the community as a whole. The cowfolk consider much of the village their extended family, or their herd, and it is thus extremely tight-knit.

While bulls do more commonly take up the more physical roles in the village such as guards, warriors, or laborers, cowfolk women are by no means prohibited from doing so. Rather, few choose to do so, having a culturally ingrained desire to stay close to their families. Tending to the home and family is considered one of the most important tasks in the village, as this is seen as the unifying force that keeps the herd strong.

Traveling is generally discouraged among the cowfolk - it is seen as dangerous and even foolhardy to leave the safety of the herd, and some even view those that leave for extended periods of time as traitors who abandoned their people, unless their reason for leaving is a great one.