"Cam" Cavmin Zaree ([ Writing ])



.: Timeline

January 4th - Cam is born.

March 25th - Parents officially divorced. Cam visits their father every few months.

June 2nd - Contact with father is cut off, Cam permanently lives with their mother.

September 13th - Ruvnin begins dating Steirr Tesfrone, Cam's new stepfather.

November 29th - After a violent incident, Cam is banned from school grounds.

February 3rd - Cam starts being homeschooled.

January 4th - Cam's parents are assassinated, and so are they in turn.
January 5th - Cam's brain is transferred to a new head and a new body.
January 8th - After spending three days in their home without reporting the crime, Cam runs away and lives on the streets.
May 24th - Cam is offered shelter on the Atmos Station, and accepts it.

March 28th - Cam installs a hack database in their head.
April 6th - After amassing enough wealth, Cam packs their bags, steals a spaceship and leaves the Atmos Station.

August 3rd - Cam takes shelter on Rigel-7.
October 22nd - Cam leaves Rigel-7.

September 1st - Cam takes shelter on U65642 in the Mas system.
October 31st - Cam begins recording video logs.
November 11th - Cam is captured and imprisoned.

.: Rigel-7

[ STUPIDDDD.FSFV (4014-11-03)
RESOLUTION: 7680×4320
LENGTH: 20:36
GPS: Th5tCeMHxjfb9c5K5YJM95FTTt82cLzDzv6Z+x/Smg8=

I... I don't know, I think the worst planet I've ever stayed on was... Rigel-7. Yeah, you see the "Rigel seven" and you think it's near Rigel, right? Psyche. It was so far away from Rigel. And that was the point. I got as far away from that cursed Earth sector- Uhh... Goddamn, 15..? 20? Somewhere between 15 and 20. I don't know, man. I- Yeah, I know, I'm a clone cyborg, I've got a robot head, I should be remembering this stuff, shut up... But yeah. Got as far away from it as possible. They were looking all over the place for me there. Didn't want to get myself caught. I don't even know why I'm so important to them. Well, I do. You're kinda a pretty big deal when you can hack into the government's shit. Whatever. Kinda... Just between you and me, I sort of wish I didn't do that stuff?

But too late. Talking about Rigel-7, it really was a shithole. I didn't fit in there, so they wouldn't have thought to look for me there. It was a bunch of those really tall, red guys, big heavy tails that could crush me as soon as I got close. So I didn't. They weren't *too* reliant on technology or anything, they haven't gotten to the point where they just had robots do everything for them yet. But they *did* have some assistant robots there and there. So I just hacked into a few and had them take care of the guys for me. It was tough work, had to find the ones that did the heavy lifting and then just make the kills look like work accidents. Wasn't too difficult when you hacked into the robots helping them do the work.

Of course, I had to be there to see what I was doing. So I was. Saw the thing twist the poor guy's neck at an unnatural angle - or maybe natural, maybe they were flexible, I dunno, he was still screaming - and then just... God, I still remember the noise. The crack and the... Wet sound it made as metal ground up against his fragile torso, crushing and snapping every bone in his body.

And I... I watched. By that point, seeing all that kind of gross stuff didn't really affect me. Good while since I ran from Atmos. Had to kill a few guys to get them out of the way even before this shithole of a planet, either because they spotted me, or because I knew they'd kill me as soon as they saw me. And those guys on Rigel-7, they were big, and territorial. I didn't want to even *try*. So I just... Did that.

The robot I used got decommissioned real fast. I took it back from the dumpster with me and fixed it right up. Changed the ID signature and sent it in as their new "replacement", cut off contact with their supplier and set up a fake number. Got rid of my targets one by one. It was an illegal operation, so it wasn't like they could call anyone, and they had a lot of parts I could use. And going anywhere more... Public, would have been really risky.

So there. I had the place cleared out. I set up shop. It was calm and quiet, so that was a plus, but I really couldn't go anywhere. Oh, and one time a guy from some sorta... mafia, I guess? pulled up. It took a shitton of effort, but I just moved everything around so he'd think the place was the aftermath of a shootout. Pulled out the corpse I hid in the back and sat it down under that one massive blood stain I left on the wall. Left a gun in his hand. And oh god, I swear, when the guy came to collect whatever debt these fuckers gathered, he was considering taking that gun. It was my only one! He didn't, though. Guess it was too shoddy for him, hah.

Oh, why'd I- Why'd I put the gun there? Attention to detail, dumbass! N- Shut up, it wasn't stupid. He didn't take it, anyway, so it doesn't matter. And it was pretty low-powered, too, sooo...

Uh. Yeah. After that I took the corpse back. It was super quiet after that. I didn't have to deal with anyone coming in to clean the place up 'cause, like... Everything there was incriminating. So no one really wanted to deal with that shit. Except for me, 'cause I was already wanted, so.

I spent the next few months just sitting there and coding stuff. I really really wanted to learn some stuff as a failsafe, just in case... Deciphered a lot of security systems and added 'em to my hack database. What do you mean, "what hack database"? The one I'm using to hack with my head, duh. I installed that like a year before that. Put in all the knowledge I already had and I was ready to go. Could either hack stuff from a distance, or I had to touch it. And if that didn't work, that just meant it was a system I haven't decoded yet. So I had to take it and figure it out manually, and then add to the database. It was really hard to do it without a visual interface at first, 'cause I didn't know shit about being part-robot, but it went smoothly after I learned how to do it with just thinking. Takes some focus, but it's really good! Convenient.

Anyway, let me tell you how I set the place up. I left the blood on the wall, 'cause it *coooouuuld* become useful again in the future. Yeah, stupid, I know, but it was LEGIT blood, not shit like ketchup, and I wasn't gonna put mine on there. I got myself a sleeping bag, dragged in the bunch of clothes and personal stuff I carried around with me since Atmos, and the food I'd bring in by just... Hacking into shit. I figured out a really good way to get into stuff like vending machines without even having to leave my place. And then I'd send a robot to retrieve it. It was reeealll easy to get lazy after that, but I run a lot from people, so I dunno, I'd like to think I'm pretty healthy.

There was a bunch of panels and electronic stuff around the place. It was sort of like a warehouse. Really dunno what those guys I killed specialized in. But I used those. There was an independent power source, too, because they were kind of an operation off to the countryside, so who has the time for mainstream power sources? Ha. It was more reliable than the electricity at dad's place. Screw dad.

A lot of the things were made for those RIDICULOUSLY TALL people (now i know this sounds xenophobic but fuck aliens, and not in the sexual way), but somehow, luckily, they had a ladder there. But it was really shitty. I fell off the damn rickety thing like three times. At least I didn't break anything. But fuck that ladder. I swear I got like... ten bruises from it.

The place got really messy with time, 'cause I didn't really bother cleaning. A lot of the time I was too focused on getting my backup shit in order, fixing my code... Installing more stuff in my head. Sometimes I wish I didn't spend that much time on technical stuff. But... I really had nothing else to do. I was... I was scared, okay? Thought everyone was out for me. Didn't bother really using the internet much because I thought they'd track me down.

You think all this didn't sound so bad, that I just worked too much on getting everything in working order, so maybe that was stressful, but that wasn't the only terrible thing about it. Peace and quiet could've been nice... For a time. It got lonely. I never went out or anything like that. Felt kind of... Shitty. Now, I never really tell anyone about this kinda stuff. It's personal. Don't... Don't get it out there.

To be honest, I just kind of feel like I did this to myself. I probably did. Killed my own parents by doing whatever dumb shit when I was like 9. I was a dumb kid. Smart, but not in the right way. I. I don't know if I can get this out in proper words. But I just wish I'd turned myself in-