Dandelion Hopps (Dandy)



2 years, 5 months ago


'Dandelion Hopps (Dandy)'

She/Her CisFemale

April 24th


??? Pan?


Rabbit Beastial






Dandelion is a small innocent looking young lady, but dont you underestimate her! Dandy is extremely work oriented and prides herself in being a reliable and hard working maid! She's yearned to find independance for herself and believes shes discovered it in the home of the lords who saved her. Dandy is a polite and model beastial from the Fieldlands being sheltered and taught how to perform as a good servant all her life and knowing nothing less then to be a devoted worker with many skills from sewing, cooking, cleaning, farm work, shopping - basically anything you could possibly need done to keep an estate farm running!

Dandy has a positive outlook on life and likes to look at the glass half full, sharing her enthusiasm and optimism with whoever she comes by. You'd be hard pressed to find Dandy genuinely angry about anything, she is suspiciously always chipper like nothing could get her down. One might think she's putting on an act but Dandy has never been one to lie. She is not without her flaws of course. Dandy is comfortable in her social status and has yet to see the cruelty of the world, she holds a naivety that she tries to deny about herself, frustrated that she knows so little.

She is most critical of herself and tends to push herself more then she needs to, insisting that she needs to earn her keep and prove her worth by piling on mountains of work. Mind you she is exceptionally good at getting her work down and barely shows a sweat for it, but when no one is looking she finds herself exhausted and insists shes not doing enough. Dandy has always been the baby runt of her family and the thought of failing after finally finding freedom is crushing, so the beastial never lets up on her work and always says yes to accepting more of it without needing help. She is an independant worker to a flaw.

Despite this Dandy remains a bright and sweet young lady of her town and is glued to Sir Dee's side who she is very fond of and has formed a strong work friendship with. Its not an odd sight to see the pair together as Dandy works as a sort of assistant to the man in charge of the lords's business. She loves learning things from him and deeply admires the knowledge he's carried from his travels, wishing she could one day follow in his foot steps as see the world. Dandy has a deep love for stories and adventure and doesn't let her illteracy get her down! Despite not being taught to read Dandy makes it a goal in life to write her own stories of the life she wished she could be living and writing her people to be heroes too.


Strength -1

Inteligence 0

Dexterity 2

Wisdom -1

Constitution 3

Charisma 1


  • Backed goods
  • Watching the sunset
  • Quiet afternoons
  • A busy happy dinner table
  • Sappy romance novels


  • Storms
  • Loud sudden noises
  • Waste/Leftovers
  • Overdue work
  • Not being able to work/relying on others


Spooky Scary Skeleton

Advantage on DEX checks to Disengage or Dodge. It only works if she's reacting to a perceived threat. Dandy is not usual a timid person, but she is a rabbit who is prone to being spooked like most of her kind are, at least the more feral kind. And like wild rabbits Dandy is a very speedy girl, nimble and quick on her feet and thus able to run faster than most people, but she runs like a bullet when frightened.



Was born to a humble jam making family in the Fieldlands, her parents Huckleberry and Saffron were well liked in the community and known to be hard workers who struggled to get by. Their business allowed them to support themselves with barely scrapping by to provide for a child, but they managed through the years raising only one child at a time who would leave go find their own work and give their parents less financial stress. Their lives weren't luxurious but they happy and got by just fine. Until Dandy was born.

Dandelion Hopps was their precious meadow flower, but was born a runt and terribly sick. Her parents feared she would be lost before the end of the year and dried out much of their savings just to find the means to have her makeit to her first birthday. After many months of none stop care and expending whatever means they had the Hopps were finally able to raise their baby girl to a healthy state, at a deep cost of their finances and stability, but it was worth it for their little Dandy

Dandy had always been loved by her parents and doted on by her siblings who bothered to visit, but the young beastial could never escape being the 'runty baby' of the family, treated like a delicate vase that would shatter at any minute. Dandy knew her family loved her and were only worried for her and at first the babying was fun, but as she got older she began to yearn for independance and to be treated like an adult. She looked forward to the day where she would move out like all her previous siblings and finally have a chance at freedom, but was crushed when she learned that her parents never intended on kicking her out and that they expected her to stay home where they could take care of her. Dandy tried to argue that she would just leave but was guilted into staying seeing the fear in her parents eyes, she couldn't bring herself to put so much stress on them even as she saw the signs of their poverty begin to set in.


Despite her dissapointment Dandy tried not to let it get her down and instead planned to prove to her family that she was capable and not just some stupid farm girl! Chores had always been a part of her life even when young but once she was old enough to take on more responsibility she charged ahead at full speed, learning all the trades she could and taking on as much work as she was able to. Dandy spent hours in her day taking care of the farm and learning small business skills , trying to accumilate the skills and reputation shed need to prove herself, but no matter her efforts her parents only saw their baby runt being so precious and good for them.

As the years passed Dandy's dream to leave never diminished but her resolve chipped away as their home became harder to provide for. The Hopps were never a wealthy family, they lived humbly and still had years that were hard to scrape by, but now without their savings life became much harder for them and Dandy felt a creeping guilt for causing it. Had she not been born sickly her parents would not have needed to give up their savings to provide for her and would not have needed to struggle so much to put food on the table now. Her parents never said it but Dandy felt like she owed her aging parents for caring for her this long, like they NEEDED her to stay and so she did. Chained to the family farm by guilt to contribute whatever she could. When their crops proved not enough Dandy took it upon herself to offer other work to earn whatever coin she could, freelancing herself as a small time repairs tailor, selling flowers and small accessories she made and offering her other skills in market.Dandy quickly learned to value what was put on her plate as her family's status continued to drop and much of what she owned became worn and old. To level her guilt Dandy worked on being a positive force in her home to make their hardships less painful and to make her pressence worth the effort.


It became glaringly obvious that they were not doing well, having to resort to skipped meals and living off scrapped cloths to get by. Their tools were rusty and old but they could not afford new ones, Dandy watched her Pa come home exhausted every day even with hers and Ma's help. It was just too much effort for so little pay off. Dandy's guilt had only grown stronger through the years and she had resorted to begging for her parents to let her go, to insist she could find better work and send them money, that they didn't need to work so hard if they had one less mouth to feed but they remaind adamant that it wasn't needed and continued to smile.

Things changed however when Ma Saffron came up pregnant. They had agreed that Dandy would be their last as they were old and struggling as is, but Helios had other plans it seemed. It was then that Dandy saw her parents for the first time look DEFEATED, finally did it seem to weigh on them that things may not pan out well for them if they didn't make serious changes. Finally did Dandy think she was making progress perhaps her parents would finally let her go? One evening while her parents rested from work and tended to her pregnant Ma, Dandy offered to go out and do some work for the day. She had intended to stay out longer when the rain started and she was forced to turn back, not realising that a storm was upon them until the winds near blew her off her paws.She'd never seen a storm this bad, having pulled trees from their roots and turned roads into mudslides, she was fearing her saefty as she ran home. Dandy rushed to get back inside only to freeze as lighting pierced the sky and struck the tree outside her home. She screamed seeing it fall right onto her home...while the other half fell towards her

Fast on her feet she was able to run out of its path only for the mudslide to catch her and send her barreling into the gushing river below. Dandy in a panic fought to stay above water and avoid all the debrise, but was too weak to fight the current and soon went unconcious believing she was about to join her parents in the beyond. When she woke up she was surprised to find herself being taken care of by servants of the local lord, she'd was even more shocked to find it had been a few days since the storm and that she had come down with a fever and a sprained ankle. In a panic she asked for her family to be contacted, thankfully they had survived the storm but were left without a home and working for another lord to make up for their loses.

Determined to do her part Dandy asked the lords who had taken her in for a job to earn her keep and a means to provide income for her family so that they could eventually afford to live on their own again. She was surprised by how....differently things were run in this far away town but paid no mind as she got to work proving herself to its dezians, surprsing all by her tenacity and excellent work ethic. She made a place for herself among the other servants and earned a place by the assistant lord, Dee, side. Dandy learned that it was him who had found and brought her inside to be cared for and she has been grateful ever since, coming to form a work relationship with the man and admiring his skills and stories.

Current time

2 years later and Dandy is happily settled within the estate serving the old lord Freinbach Oughenritter and his ward Decoyte. Dandy is pleased to finally be free of her family home and able to prove herself capable, though she struggles with lingering guilt and ensures she ships off monthly payments to her family for all their efforts.

She still longs to see the world and was beyond excited learning that they would be visiting the Capital on the Old Lords behalf! Though it was a short trip Dandy enjoyed the sights beyond their farming region and tentativly admired the city of Garrison. The trip has left her a little more world weary as she came to see just a fraction of what beastial treament was like beyond the fields, she has learned to be more thankful for the lords shes found herself with.




  • She is afraid of storms and getting sick/injured as it reminds her of the event that cost her family their home. They came out okay but the idea of being unable to do anything on her own is a point of stress. She hates being taken care of.
  • Her apron pocket is a little dimension to whatever supplies she needs. Not literally but she holds various objects that she needs in there to many peoples surprise.
  • Her parents had a little gimick of being known by their nicknames relating to work. Huckleberry = Jam for his family trade, Saffron = Biscuits for the treats she made. Dandy broke the trend but her name could be affiliated to the flowers she picked for market.
  • Dandy is learning to read and write under Dee's tutoring who also acts as her non official chef mentor.
  • Her loved language is personal time and food, so her ideal romancing is cooking together. Though she also just enjoys it to form stong platonic bonds.
  • She has a mild aversion to running bodies of water due to her inability to swim and having fell into a river during a storm
  • Dandy has 4 older siblings who are spread out through the Fieldlands doing their own work and living their own lives. Shes never been close to them as most do not visit but the ones who do have been kind to her.
  • She is not phased by things that usually scare others like snakes and spiders, she grew up in a shabby farm after all. However she does find herself afraid of more silly things like dogs who she was chased by one when she was young.
  • Her voice claim is Laura Bailey with her role as Tohru (fruits basket), but with the accent of Imogen (Critical Role)

RP Tracker

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris.
  • Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.
  • Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit.
  • In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo.
  • Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget.


Decoyte A'lazulo La'Danistae [ Assistant of/Work Friends ]

Dandy looks up to Dee a great amount and has a deep affection and fondness for him and his strange antics, funnily enough she does not seem very phased by them and actually enjoys playing along with his sense of humour and brand of character. Dandy is forever indebted to him for pulling her out of the river and giving her not only a new home but a new chance at life, she feels being by his side to help in him in all things is but a small crumb to the huge deed he did for her. Beyond that though she finds him to be a kind and sweet soul who is too hard on himself with his work load and often its her job to bap him into shape.

Imogen Murphy [ Fond of ]

Their interaction was brief but charming and Dandy finds herself fond of the soft spoken lady who she and Dee helped that fateful day. She thinks her very pretty much like a princess and thinks her dog, though big and scary, is kinda neat too.


Another noble lady she thinks well of! Again their interaction was brief but Dandy enjoyed their time baking and hoped she would visit again as it was nice to see Dee socialising for once. Dandy thinks she was very pretty and is unsure as to why she seemed somewhat apprehensive of her. She must be shy!


Finding her upset one evening Dandy chanced to invite her to a small cooking workshop with Dee and Lord Peter to lifther spirits. Dandy thinks of her as beautiful as a princess and hopes whatever was ailing her has lifted, its only right princesses to have happy endings.

Lord Peter Wriegh [ Fond of/Fleeting crush ]

Well, they met when Dandy attacked him with a broom thinking he was an intruder. She is lucky enough that he let it slide with more grace then one would expect. Afterwards Dandy found herself rather charmed by the lord, thinking him looking EXACTLY like a handsome prince from her stories and being rather blushed around him. It was a fleeting crush of course and she is simply glad that he and Dee got along in their brief moments together.

Nemo Schiffbauer [ Dislikes ]

Initially she had thought the man to be very sweet, a gentle giant who was willing to help a lady in need, but he quickly changed his tune when he saw what she truely was and his treatment of her left her distressed and deeply upset. It was the first time experiencing a glimpes of beastial prejudice and she finds shes not ready to face that yet.