Zhivin Praglen



2 years, 5 months ago


Zhivin Praglen

Poison specialist/merchant
176 cm


Zhivin is a rather positive and calm person, seeing good in most things. Zhe treats everyone as an old friend unless they show themselves to have ill intents/behavior, in which case zhe will simply treat them with the respect of a far acquaintance. Should they show to want to improve themselves, zhe will go back to treating them as an old friend, as zhe believes everyone can change for the better, and zhe wants to give people this chance be it once or five times.
Zhe generally has a very calm demeanor and keeps a cool head even in stressed situations as zhe is a firm believer that panicking will never help. Zhe will also avoid violence at all costs, as there is already enough death by zhes hand in zhes wares.


  • Calm and peaceful places
  • Helping and bringing joy to others
  • Exploring and learning new things


  • Greedy/selfish people
  • Being hurried on/impatience
  • (Mean) Pranks or sarcasm as zhe has a hard time understanding these


Blood Color: TBA

  • The cap, as well as smaller mushrooms spread around on zhem, is very much growing on zhe and cannot be removed.


  • Zhes outfit has a ton of hidden pockets so zhe can spontaneousely collect things or take things with zhem without needing a pouch or bag.
  • Zhe is always carrying around snacks, be it in a pouch zhe carries or in one of the hidden pockets found in zhes outfit.

Magical Powers

  • Zhivin can stimulate the production of any venom/poison production in any living creature who produces such to either become faster or slower. However seen as this could become dangerous for the target if done too excessively, Zhivin tends to use it for long term, small boosts in order not to harm them.
  • Zhe can furthermore boost the immune system to work better against being poisoned.

Physical Powers

  • Being a fungivis, Zhivin can regrow anything given that zhe isn't killed and gets enough time to do so, such as regrowing an arm. This also means that zhe can use zhes own body as components in a moderate amount.
  • Zhes body is highly poisonous to most living beings. A small amount alone can bedrid a human, and the more you consume the more likely it is to kill you.
  • Zhivin has an excellent grasp of poisons, how to make them, and the traits of the components for making them. This makes zhe able to make makeshift or new poisons as well as work without professional gear quite well should the occasion arise, however zhe would only do that in emergencies.
  • Due to zhes experience with poisons, zhe can pretty accurately determine which ones would work best in any given situation given some time to observe. Zhe can do this by either observing the place zhemself, or even hearing it second-hand from the person employing zhem.
  • Zhe is quite slow and heavy. Zhes large feet and arms leaves zhe with less mobility and a harder time at doing fine tinkering work. Zhe has, however, learned how to bypass this for making zhes poisons. Zhe simply uses more time and care for it.

Origin Setting:

World Bazar


Zhivin grew up amongst zhes own kind in a remote forest they inhabited. Zhes childhood was calm and rather usual for one of zhes species. Zhe learned about the nature and how to live as one with it, the means and control of the limited magic zhes kind can make, and anything else zhe'd need to live a comfortable life. Zhes affinity of poisons was something that developed from learning about zhes own body and its functions, as well as the circle of life and means of survival. It was something not many dived into, the making and handling of poisons, but it was something that could greately benefit zhes society in different ways. Thus, while growing up, zhe spent a lot of time with the few others invested in poisons around zhe to learn from them and discover with them.
As zhe grew and learned zhe also found a fascination with exploration and appreciation for the beauty around zhe. Once zhe was considered an adult amongst zhes kind and zhe had learned much of what those at zhes home could teach zhem, zhe decided to travel around the world to see new places and to offer zhes help wherever zhe could. Turns out, a lot of places could use zhes knowledge of poisons and ability to make such. For a couple of years zhe traveled slowly across the planet zhe was born on to see its different sights, before zhe temporarily settled down amongst a group of sylvans. Here zhe started learning about their customs and ways of living, and though it was much different from what zhe was used to, zhe found the community to be quite comfortable.

Due to only being in World Bazar for a very short time, this section has been redconned.
Nevertheless, here is zhes old story for the group, enjoy!

Born and raised in Viridi Forest, Zhivin’s parents both worked in the pesticide business themselves, one for making them, and one for selling them. It was rather natural for Zhivin to follow in their footsteps as zhe had an interest in zhes parents business from a very young age and was able to learn and help out by both of them. Once zhe decided to become a merchant zheself, zhe had a smooth integration into the World Bazaar due to zhes parents already being merchants themselves.
Doing the same business as zhes parents zhe couldn’t really stay with them, as they of course already filled out the role, and zhe wanted to improve the field of pesticides in a different direction than they had. Hearing about Zephyr Islands and how they could imbue magic into items, zhe decided to take zhes business there in hopes of either learning that power zheself, or cooperating with someone who could do it, in order to imbue zhes pesticides with different forms of magic. With the help of the World Bazaar, zhe moved to the islands in search of betterment of zhes pesticides, and in turn being able to more efficiently help the world.













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