Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:



– Please read my DNI+BYI+Triggers Before interacting with me! You can find that all here or here!

– All of my characters, outside of characters UFT/UFS/UFO/EOs on here & on my alt account xParty-Animalx, are hidden! You must be authorized to see them. I will be picky with who I authorize, but you may ask in comments or PMs/DMs!

– I cuss quite frequently, like a sailor even. I'm working on cutting back on it, but if this makes you uncomfortable, I wouldn't recommend interacting with me!

– I block for comfort as Toyhouse is my safe space. So even if I have blocked you [or a friend of yours] It may have just been because I was uncomfortable for whatever reason, doesn't mean you automatically did anything bad. Please don't take it personally! I only have a small number of people on my blacklist rn, which is not public. PM/DM me if you wish to see my blacklist.

– Feel free to block me if you do not like a fandom or something that I like or if it makes you uncomfortable. I can 100% understand, afterall I like some problematic fandoms- and I will note just because I like a fandom doesn't mean I support the creator! I say this because I will likely post OCs/Fanart/etc related to said fandom and don't wish to make anyone uncomfortable!

– Apologies in advance if anything I say comes off as rude, dull, or uncaring. It probably isn't meant to sound that way! I have trouble with tones and struggle with properly wording my sentences/finding the right words, so if you can, please use tone indicators with me! You don't have to use them constantly but every now and then is nice, and it helps me a lot!

– My characters, art, stories, and other original creations may not be sold as NFTs, sold for Cryptocurrency, or used to train any form of AI!

– Do not age up or down my characters, change the race / culture / colors / markings / species / gender / sex / orientation / body type / etc of my characters unless I give you written consent to do so!

– Do not ship my ocs with your characters or draw my characters with other characters not listed on their profiles unless I give you written consent to do so!

– You may color pick my characters, I don't own colors and I highly prefer that people color pick my characters when drawing them due to how sensitive my eyes are to color! However, do NOT make carbon copies or look-alikes of any of my characters!


My characters may contain mentions of the following! I will tag images appropriately + put warnings in their profiles if any of them have any of these; as of right now all my characters’ bios are huge WIPs so it shouldn’t be an issue right now/you shouldn't be seeing any of these yet as I work on coding them + uploding old artwork! But, this is a warning for the near future as I work on getting them all properly coded and getting them more artwork! You may frequently or occasionally see any of the following sensitive topics under characters [topics are subject to change.] List will be updated as I add-onto characters/flesh characters out more! Also, just because some of my characters deal with these topics/actions does not mean I condone/support them! Characters with stories or art containing any of the following sensitive topics will have them mentioned in a warning on their page or spoilered properly! Also, a lot of my characters are often used for coping and/or story purposes, and that's generally where most of these warnings come from! You've officially been warned; whether you decide to continue browsing my characters or not is up to you!


  • NSFW+Sexual jokes
  • Nudity
  • Dysphoria
  • Transphobia
  • Homophobia
  • Ableism
  • Stockholm Syndrome
  • Drug usage
  • Alcohol
  • Self-harm
  • Suicide
  • Mental Disorders
  • Physical Disorders
  • Eating Disorders
  • Various Phobias
  • Trauma
  • Violence/Blood/Gore
  • Weapons {Guns, Swords, Daggers, Katanas, etc}
  • Murder
  • Death
  • Experimentation
  • Abandonment

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