09 | F2U Code (Code)



09 | F2U Code

code by ano_

thanks for using my code!

  1. You may not remove the credit however you may move it around and edit it
  2. You may edit and modify the code however you'd like
  3. You may use my codes as templates but it must be F2U and you must include credits (unless you heavily edited it)
  4. Please do not redistribute the code as your own
  5. Please consider bumping/ commenting on my coding thread or just favoriting any codes you use!
  6. Full Term of Service here
i understand and agree!

Ctrl+F to find keywords;
URL HERE is for images
# is for links-->
<div class="card" style="background-color:#b3aca5; color:#2d1a14">

<!--Shop Name-->
<div class="card py-3 border-0 text-white" style="background-color: #6d6166; letter-spacing:2px; text-align:center; line-height:2.5; border-radius: 3px 3px 0px 0px">
<i class="far fa-coffee-togo"></i>Shop Name

<!--Background Image-->
<div style="background:url(URL HERE); background-size:cover; background-attachment:fixed;">

<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row flex-column-reverse flex-md-row">

<!--Character Image-->
<div class="col-md-6">
<img src="URL HERE" class="tooltipster" title="Art by User">

<div class="col-md-1">

<div class="col-md-5"><br><br>
<div class="card border-0 p-2 mx-3 bg-white" style="letter-spacing:1px;">
<span class="px-2" style="letter-spacing:2px; border-bottom: 1px solid; font-weight: lighter; font-size: 18px">
<i class="fas fa-burger-soda"></i> Shop Menu</span>

<!--Image Carousel-->
<div id="carouselIndicators" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">
<div class="carousel-inner">

Page 1
<div class="carousel-item active p-2">

<span style="float:right">
<i class="fas fa-coins"></i> 10</span>
<blockquote style="font-size:inherit; font-weight:300; color:#584d4d" class="py-1 m-0">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit</blockquote></span>

<span style="float:right">
<i class="fas fa-coins"></i> 10</span>
<blockquote style="font-size:inherit; font-weight:300; color:#584d4d" class="py-1 m-0">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit</blockquote></span>

<span>Pumpkin Latte
<span style="float:right">
<i class="fas fa-coins"></i> 10</span>
<blockquote style="font-size:inherit; font-weight:300; color:#584d4d" class="py-1 m-0">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit</blockquote></span>

<!--Page Number-->
<span style="float:right; border-right: 3px solid; font-weight: 600" class="px-1">1

Page 2
<div class="carousel-item p-2">

<span style="float:right">
<i class="fas fa-coins"></i> 10</span>
<blockquote style="font-size:inherit; font-weight:300; color:#584d4d" class="py-1 m-0">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit</blockquote></span>

<span>Caffè Mocha
<span style="float:right">
<i class="fas fa-coins"></i> 10</span>
<blockquote style="font-size:inherit; font-weight:300; color:#584d4d" class="py-1 m-0">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit</blockquote></span>

<span>Iced Coffee
<span style="float:right">
<i class="fas fa-coins"></i> 10</span>
<blockquote style="font-size:inherit; font-weight:300; color:#584d4d" class="py-1 m-0">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit</blockquote></span>

<!--Page Number-->
<span style="float:right; border-right: 3px solid; font-weight: 600" class="px-1">2

<!--Carousel Controls-->
<a class="carousel-control-prev" href="#carouselIndicators" data-slide="prev" style="margin-left:-55px">
<i class="fal fa-angle-left fa-3x text-light d-lg-block d-none"></i></a>

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<span><i class="fas fa-triangle text-white" style="font-size:1.5em; position: absolute; margin-top:-18px; left:30%"></i></span>

<!--Text Box-->
<div class="card py-3 px-1 border-0 bg-white" style="border-radius: 15px 15px 3px 3px">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="container-fluid py-2 px-2" style="height:200px">

Beginning Text
<span style="letter-spacing:2px">
<i class="fas fa-comment-dots"></i> Hi there! What would you like to order?

<!--Option 1-->
<a data-toggle="collapse" href="#one" style="letter-spacing:1px; color: inherit; white-space: normal; line-height: inherit" class="btn btn-block btn-outline-secondary border-0 text-left">
<i class="far fa-chevron-right"></i>&nbsp; Coffee pls!

<!--Option 2-->
<a data-toggle="collapse" href="#two" style="letter-spacing:1px; color: inherit; white-space: normal; line-height: inherit" class="btn btn-block btn-outline-secondary border-0 text-left">
<i class="far fa-chevron-right"></i>&nbsp; Not thristy, sorry

Text Box
Option 1
<div id="one" class="collapse w-100" style="position:absolute; top:0; margin-left: -8px;">
<div class="card border-0 bg-white py-2 px-2" style="z-index:1; height: 130px">
<span style="letter-spacing:2px;">Great choice!</span>

<!--Option 1-->
<a href="#" class="btn btn-block btn-outline-secondary border-0 text-left" style="color:inherit; letter-spacing: 1px; white-space: normal; line-height: inherit">
<i class="fas fa-comment-dollar"></i> Please pay here at the checkout!

<!--Option 2 (Back to Shop)-->
<a data-toggle="collapse" href="#one" style="letter-spacing:1px; color: inherit; white-space: normal; line-height: inherit" class="btn btn-block btn-outline-secondary border-0 text-left">
<i class="far fa-chevron-right"></i>&nbsp; Back to Shop


Text Box
Option 2
<div id="two" class="collapse w-100" style="position:absolute; top:0; margin-left: -8px;">
<div class="card border-0 bg-white py-2 px-2" style="z-index:1; height: 130px">
<span style="letter-spacing:2px">Oh ok :( Come back if you need anything...</span>

<!--Option 1 (Back to Shop)-->
<a data-toggle="collapse" href="#two" style="letter-spacing:1px; color: inherit; white-space: normal; line-height: inherit" class="btn btn-block btn-outline-secondary border-0 text-left">
<i class="far fa-chevron-right"></i>&nbsp; Back to Shop


<!--Color Palette
> Note: The Coffee Meter doesn't
show on mobile to make it look neater

* If you want it to show, remove
"hidden-sm-down" on the next line-->
<div class="container-fluid hidden-sm-down" style="position: absolute; bottom:0; right:0">
<div class="row no-gutters">
<div class="col-2 px-1 display-4" style="font-size: inherit; border-left: 1px solid;">
Coffee Meter</div>

<div class="col-2 p-1" style="background-color: #2d1a14; border-radius: 25px 0px 0px 25px">
<i class="fas fa-mug text-white px-1"></i>
<div class="col-2 p-1" style="background-color: #584d4d">
<div class="col-2 p-1" style="background-color: #6e5146">
<div class="col-2 p-1" style="background-color: #9c8884">
<div class="col-2 p-1" style="background-color: #B3ACA5; border-radius: 0px 25px 25px 0px">

 <!--Image Box 1-->
<div class="col-md-3">
<i class="fas fa-square fa-3x text-light" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1; opacity: 0.6; right:43%; transform: rotate(3deg); margin-top: -10px;"></i>
<div class="card p-1 py-2 my-1 bg-white rounded-0" style="transform: rotate(2deg)">

<img src="URL HERE" class="tooltipster" title="Image by User">

<span class="p-2 py-1">
<i class="fas fa-coffee-togo"></i> Coffee caption!

<!--Like Icon-->
<span class="badge pull-right" style="background-color:#584d4d;">
3 <i class="fas fa-heart"></i>

<br class="d-lg-none d-sm-block">

<!--Image Box 2-->
<div class="col-md-3">
<i class="fas fa-square fa-3x text-light" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1; opacity: 0.6; right:43%; transform: rotate(-1deg); margin-top: -10px;"></i>
<div class="card p-1 py-2 my-1 bg-white rounded-0" style="transform: rotate(-1deg)">

<img src="URL HERE" class="tooltipster" title="Image by User">

<span class="p-2 py-1">
<i class="fas fa-coffee-togo"></i> Coffee caption~

<!--Likes Icon-->
<span class="badge pull-right" style="background-color:#584d4d;">
5 <i class="fas fa-heart"></i>


<!--Credits (do not remove)-->
<div class="card border-0 py-2 px-1" style="background-color:#6d6166; height:30px;">
<span style="letter-spacing:7px">

<a href="https://toyhou.se/ano_2/characters/folder:2215267">
<i class="fas fa-coffee pull-right text-white tooltipster" title="Code by ano_"></i>

<a href="#">
<i class="fas fa-bookmark pull-right text-white tooltipster" title="Images Credits"></i>
