GeQuès Karachkwa



2 years, 5 months ago


GeQuès Karachkwa

Manifested Vessel
~3 years
Keeper of Pestilence
83 cm


Generally seen as stoic and calm, GeQuès is simply the type to not show any emotion outwards. While nul keeps a light frown on nuls lips and will not flinch at anything, nul is a very confused and nervous person. You could describe nul quite well with "screaming internally 24/7".
Despite this, nul is a very responsible person and tries nuls best with nuls tasks even if nul isn't familiar with them at all.


  • Solitude and silence
  • Praying/otherwise doing religious activities
  • Colorful liquids


  • Noisy/crowded places
  • People going to nul for advice. Nul doesn't know what nul is doing either
  • Bumping into stuff or being knocked over

Important Info:

Blood Color: A light, poisonous neon green

  • TBA


  • GeQuès is very religious, worshipping life itself.

Magical Powers

  • Nul has a flawless grip on anything pestilence related and can manifest any decease or otherwise, as well as remove it.
  • Nul can manifest and disperse a neon green, goop-like substance. This substance works as an extention of nuls body and nul can move it as such.

Physical Powers

  • Nul has a flawless grip on anything pestilence related and can control any decease, spread it, stop it, etc. at nuls will.
  • Nul cannot die of any decease nor can they truly harm nul, even if nul can get any effects a decease might have.
  • TBA

GeQuès was created through a ritual. A religious group who worshiped the Keeper of Life and Life itself wanted a fraction of their deity by their side and so performed a ritual to create a "Servant of a Deity", in this case a Servant of Life. With the current Keeper of Life being a creature nuturing bacteria and viruses, the servant which was summoned came to be of a similar caliber. A creature manifested to be a vessel for bacteria an viruses sprung forth, carrying a sliver of the powers of Life as well as a certain bacteria Life wished to spread. Combining this vessel with a soul, this Servant of Life came to be named GeQuès Karachkwa by those summoning them and put in a position of being considered a miracle. The bacteria GeQuès carried with nul was likewise seen as a miracle and a gift, even if it presented major difficulties for the community. The bacteria was one that took neutrients from the body of its hosts as well as took away any sense of tiredness from them. This meant that the community needed to become much more adamant over the amount of food they intook, as well as keeping a sleeping schedule even if they were not tired, yet this lack of feeling tired was also considered a boon in certain situations. Luckily, it was not a bacteria which killed its host as long as the host was careful and diciplined about their new lifestyle.
GeQuès was taught the ways of the communities religion and to worship Life. With the miracle status over nuls head, nul was expected to be someone who could lead them down the right path and connect them further to their Deity, and while it wasn't entirely wrong, GeQuès sure didn't know how to do that. Nul wasn't created with knowlegde, but rather a strong connection to life, but with so many depending on nul, nul quickly learned the art of seeming calm and collected even when nul was incredibly stressed out or confused. Trusting nuls gut-feeling really became a skill nul had to use a lot.

Nul was placed underneath the care of the higher ranking priests. Especially the bishop of the community saw to the teachings given nul as well as nuls well-being whenever they had the time. Nul came to see the bishop as a figure of guidance and confided a lot of nuls insecurities with them. It was thanks to the bishop that nul learned nuls calm and collected manner of being even when nul was stressed out of nuls mind or confused, as they taught nul that belief and reassurance was what the people needed the most. As long as GeQuès could be the steady rock to lean on, then people would follow nul and even accept being hosts to bacteria and viruses which were much more fatal or painful than the original one nul had arrived with. This certainly came in handy once nul came to be "blessed" with potent powers to control, manifest, and disperse these. The Keeper of Life had taken to nul favourably and so shared more of their powers with nul, entrusting nul to help keep and spread these bacteria and viruses. Which nul did, with help of nuls community.

As it stands nul is as unsure an individual on practical means as always, yet stands side by side to the bishop of the community. Nuls grasp on nuls powers have become very potent and controlled, and the connection to the Keeper of Life is as strong as ever to a point where nul is pretty sure nul can hear their voice to times or feel their feelings.
Yet nul still doesn't really agree with the amount of trust people put in nul, and especially not the amount of responsebilities nul has. At least nul has the bishop to confide in, seek help by, and keep nul on the right path.

A miracle.
This was the first nul remembers being referred as. Nuls entire existance was a miracle, a sign that the Keeper of Life saw favourable onto the people who had made nul manifest. Nul's first experience in this life was that of unparallelled joy, a celebration. A celebration of nuls existance. It was intimidating.
Unsure what nul was, where nul was, what nul was made to do, this greeting into life was quite overwhelming. Nul had a feeling - an idea of what nul was supposed to do, but nothing was clear. The saving grace of this experience was the person nul came to know was the current bishop of the religion that had made nul, DeLarkin Karachkwa. They guided nul through the ceremony and the overwhelming stimulations around nul and succeded to be the calm rock in the else thunderous storm around nul. It was also them who came to explain nuls situation after the ritual, after the people were satisfied with the results of this important ritual.
Nul was a miracle, a testament to the dedication of this community, and someone who would be made to lead and inspire them. Nul was an extention of the Keeper of Life, a blessing bestowed upon the community, and as out of control as nuls powers might have been at the start, they were the proof that all this was true. While DeLarkin had not seen it coming that the manifestation of a sliver of the Keeper of Life would be one of an infectious bacteria, surely it was a sign which they'd follow. While DeLarkin was a very busy individual themselves, other priests where there to devide nuls care between them.













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