Gabriel Rizzo



2 years, 4 months ago



Gabriel Rizzo


NAME: Gabriel Rizzo
AGE: 24



Birthday: Oct 29
HEIGHT: 5'10
VOICE: Chester from linkin park

Gabriel is 5'10 feet tall. 117 pounds. He is tall, lanky and very skinny and resembles Jack skellington. XD His body language is usually pretty awkward/shy and turned in on himself. It is very obvious to see that he has very low self esteem He naturally has brown hair and blue eyes but he dyes his hair black or gray on occasion. The white streak in his hair is natural and he chooses to not dye over it because he likes it. He paints his nails black and always keeps his wrists covered. He doesn't like to show a lot of skin and tries not to as much as possible. He tans easily if out in the sun but he does not go out much so he is usually pretty pale. He has piercings sometimes on his ears or face but he's very indecisive so he is always taking them out or putting them back in.

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my self-rightous suicide

everything's blue, spilling out of my head


Name: Originally born as Luigi Rizzo, after his catholic baptization as a teen, Gabriel changed his name in order to represent his new reborn self who is completely dedicated to God.
Personality: Due to his low self esteem Gabriel is shy and very quiet, barely ever speaking. He is always afraid of people judging him like they always do so he chooses to keep his mouth shut most of the time. He can be both caring but also a scornful person. He loves the people around him but also hates and blames humanity for the ways he’s been treated all his life. His opinions on things are constantly changing and he is easily swayed depending on how people treat him and on the day. He can be unstable and moody and his emotions can be changed by any little thing. He cries often and idealizes suicide. He tries to kill himself often but never succeeds. He also self harms in any way possible. Sometimes he loses hope completely and just wants to die but other times he believes that if he kills himself he will be resurrected and be able to prove to everyone that he is Jesus. Main personality traits are: sensitive, moody, emo, shy, suicidal, unstable, rude sometimes He is not very good at reading people or understanding social cues which makes him often come off as scary or creepy. He takes up as little space as possible and doesn't speak very loudly. He is always frowning or smiling too hard or looks scared. Gabriel has a few hobbies. He likes to write poetry or music which never really gets finished. He likes to draw but is not a pro at it or anything. He is skilled in clothing related things because he often has to dye or fix the clothes he buys in order for it to fit his emo/gothic style better. He likes christian rock bands and most alternative rock bands in general. His favorites are Nine inch nails, flyleaf, evanescence, and linkin park.
Girlfriend: Gabriel met his Girlfriend one day when he was delivering pizza to her house. They instantly had a connection and Gabriel became obsessed with her. He thinks about her a lot and writes poetry about her. He spent most of his life obsessing over God but now thinks about her just as much. He believes Kitty is a real life guardian angel sent down to save him. He gets worried about Kitty breaking up with her all the time and tries to do anything possible in order to not let that happen because if it does he will kill himself. He would do anything for her and likes her more than anyone else and would stay loyal to her no matter what. He is saving himself for marriage with her and wants to give her everything in the world.
Jesus mode: Sometimes Gabriel will become much more confident and daring, especially when he's in a moment where he fully believes he is Jesus and can do anything. During this time he will completely stop caring about what people think of him and his negative thoughts will disappear. Instead of being locked in his room all day or laying in bed he will finally be brave enough to step outside and do as he pleases. This occasionally gets him in some trouble. One time he attempted to nail himself to a cross which obviously failed and he ended up in the hospital but he still has the nail scars.
Family life/job: Gabriel works at the family business, a pizza restaurant named "Rizzo's". Everyone in the family is obligated to help but Gabriel is forced to do most of the non-cooking related jobs like cleaning and delivering because his Pizza making skills are not as good as his younger brother Antoni's and he does not have another job or go to school outside of the family business like the rest of his siblings. Gabriel lives with his Italian mother, father and three younger siblings, Antoni, Danielle and Giana. His parents are very proud of all of their kids except Gabriel because they view Gabriel as lazy and weird unlike the rest of his siblings who have many friends and hobbies. Gabriel's siblings go out almost every day to do their own things while Gabriel spends most of his time locked in his room or at church and his parents are sick of him and constantly urging him to move out. Because of Gabriel's unsettling demeanor and inferior pizza making skills, Antoni the second eldest is who the Rizzo's have entrusted to take over the family business. Gabriel's family is Italian and has pretty traditional beliefs and they believe in God but are not overly religious. Gabriel's interest in Catholicism piqued at a very young age and he decided himself to become very religious.
Early life: Gabriel was a loner from the beginning. He found it very hard to become friends with people and was often told he had “strange” or “weird” interests by both his family and anyone else around him. The loneliness led him to the church, a place which promised to accept him no matter what. After this he finally found a friend. God was his friend and he could hang out and talk to him through prayer when no one else wanted to. Catholicism changed his life forever from there on out.
Teen life: Gabriel is an attractive man but when he opens his mouth people start thinking twice about talking to him. Although people attempt to be his friend on occasion, when he starts talking he always ends up bringing his religion or strange world view and the people either react very negatively or leave. He has accepted this and believes it's simply because these people are below him and wouldn't understand someone like him. He did not attend any highschool clubs or events and opted to spend his free time studying the bible, making clothes, or making music by himself. He has had very few friends in his life, if any.
Adult life: Once Gabriel graduated highschool he refused to go to college. High School was enough of a traumatizing experience for him with the mistreatment of his classmates so he decided to become a shut in. Obviously his parents disapproved of this and forced him to help out more with the family business or risk being kicked out. He now begrudgingly does all the chores no one else wants to clean. He is not allowed to do jobs like be a receptionist because his family and siblings are embarrassed of him and his emo style.They often call him gay looking or weird and Gabriel denies it and goes to cry in his room all night. During his late teens/ early 20s Gabriel slowly came to a realization. After a long life of suffering and solitude, he realized he related a lot to Jesus so the bible must actually be about him and he is the second coming of Christ that everyone talks about. Although he is still a “fan” of Jesus like he always was since he was a kid, he often goes back and forth between being a fan and believing he is him. Sometimes things in his life happen in ways that start to convince him more of this.
More random facts: Gabriel’s diet is 80% pizza and 20% whatever else the family restaurant sells. He is too unmotivated to make his own food which means he is always stuck eating whatever is left over. He owns and collects crosses and hangs them all up on the wall above his head. In his room he has crosses, music posters, framed photos of him and his girlfriend kitty, photos of jesus, skull themed objects, candles and other gothic things.



  • his girlfriend and guardian angel, Kitty
  • God, church
  • Anything black like his soul


  • His family, society in general
  • pizza, makes him feel sick
  • People who just dont get it

His personality flips between his shy side and his more adventurous side. No one can stop him when the Dark side takes over. Gabriel doesnt have demons, he has dark angels and they give him the power to do anything.





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Maecenas condimentum dui in justo ullamcorper, eget porta ante rhoncus. Vivamus sit amet turpis gravida, molestie risus in, bibendum dolor. Nam sagittis risus sed nulla finibus tincidunt id nec nibh. Ut sed dictum metus, et sagittis felis. Quisque nec dui sit amet est rhoncus convallis sed ut libero. Nam iaculis magna quis quam dapibus rutrum. Ut rhoncus imperdiet magna, euismod suscipit ante. Etiam blandit erat eu purus eleifend, vitae congue elit blandit. Integer at ipsum sit amet justo faucibus viverra non sed mi.

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