


2 years, 6 months ago


Name Lelai
Age 19
Species Racoon/Ferret
Gender He/Him
Status Single
Basic Info

Femboy. Omnisexual. Pup/Prince.
"When the sky cries, life thrives...isn't that sad?"

Lelai, named after the hyme sung in The Prince Of Egypt to symbolise freedom and faith in your own power, Lelai is exactly that. he is a person of his own strength and will, being who he wants to be and not changing to suit a single person. He understands that people come and go, and it's not his place nor job to chase after those who do not wish to stay. Fighting for someone who doesnt wish to fight for you, is a waste of time, and Lelai doesnt have the enery to waste on people that do not want to return those efforts.

Having been mistreated in the past by both friends, family and relationships, Lelai finds peace and comfort in plants and nature as a whole. Loving rain and calm damp weather he spends most of his time in the forest or amongst plant shops finding any plants that might need a little helping hand at life.


  • Looks after and treat wilting plants.
  • Doesn't speak to people he doesn't consider worth it.
  • Doesn't believe in chasing people who clearly arent meant to stay.
  • Tries hard to not be swallowed by insecurities.
  • Rain and wet weather is comforting.
  • Gets little outbursts of energy randomly.
  • Fashion is important and everything must match.
  • Isn't the biggest fan of insects but loves moths.
  • Spring & Summer
  • Lo-Fi Music
  • Moths
  • Independance
  • Egotistical
  • Autumn
  • Bitter Tastes
  • Manipulation

Hair color White
Eye color Lime Green
hair style Masculine
eye shape Vixen
hair length Short
build Slim Femanine
body shape Hourglass
clothing style Comfy
Design Notes
  • Lime green plant neck tattoo.
  • Piebald like markings on chest.
  • Lime green heart marking on left rear cheek.
  • Gradient green tail ring markings.
  • Small ferret shaped ears.
  • Rather large femanine eyelashes.
  • Fringe is always flopped between the eyes.
  • Different shades of green for the tongue and gums.
  • Freckles are actually markings.

Lelai was a very happy child. The typical joker that always had funny come-backs and comments delivered at the right times. Open to everyone and wanted to see the good in everyone even if it wasnt there. He tried foxing everyones problems and was easily able to be manipulated, never understanding the negative in peoples behaviours or lives. Being mistreated, used and taken advantage of ruined his positive view in people and instead turned it to something more innocent, plants.
He doesnt waste his time with those who don't deserve the attentino of effort. Only putting in what other's put in first to guage who deserves him at his best and who can handle him at his worst. Having trauma from people leaving, using him and lying their way to get what they wanted, he no longer opens himself up to people, even ones he trusts. No longer letting anyone into his walls.
Lelai doesn't look ahead. He simply takes things day by day as not to experience disappointment. Making plans that will go wrong, grow dependant on hope and thats something he'd rather just be without. he doesnt see himself with a happy ending involving someone else, but purely remaining happy by himself until life chooses to change that.

Platonic Soulmate
Euphoric has been there since day one, and is the only person that truely adores Lelai for who he is and the way he is. Understanding what he needs, doesn't need, and just being there as a friend.
Close Friend
Considering they arent the closest of friends, they enjoy eachother's company more than they both realize. Usually hanging out in the company of others or just by themselves doing their own thing. Maybe they get closer over time.
Partner in Crime
Originally they didn't get along, because they were very close compared to eachother and didn't like that at first. However now, they are considered friends and work their matching details to their advantage to keep other's at bay.