
2 years, 4 months ago


In development

Height: 6'0

Age: 19

Weight: 140

Sexuality: Gay

Relationship: single

Species: Deer

Personality: ambivert, he hides most of his true emotions and enjoys complimenting strangers.

Abilities: ambidextrous but mostly right hand main, plays multiple instruments, can predict someone's personality instantly.

Extra: he enjoys drawing, cooking, and face to face interactions.

Attracted to: confidence, strong builds, masculinity, extroverts, dominaters, and cuddle bugs. He enjoys people taller than him but is okay with smaller people.


Phase 1: When vels hands glow, he's able to make someone emotionaly feel how vel feels or how he wants them to.

Ex: Vel feels sad and touches someone whilst his hands glow, they feel just as sad as he does. This get changed unless the person has strong will/determination. Other then that he can make someone feel how he wants but only if he's focusing.

Phase 2: When both his hands and horns glow, he's able to make someone physically feel how vel feels or how he wants them to.

Ex: Vel gets a cut and touches someone whilst his hands and horns glow, they get the exact same cut in the exact same area. This can't be prevented unless their skin is stronger than vels, even then it isn't likely. Other then that he can make feel absolutely horrid, he can make their arm blast off, their head split in half, etc. This is only able to happen when he's focusing heavily.