Avery Armory



6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Avery Armory





Eye color:

Golden yellow








October 13th

Hair color:

Dirty blonde

Favorite color:

Dark red


Hobby: Playing video game, Hunting, Parkour

Likes: Money, Geckos, Meat, Donuts, Noman, Isabelle, killing wolves/lycans, Winning

Dislike: Baths, Lycans/Wolves, Bullies, Losing, Vampire bats who murdered her parents, Boredom, Mint cookies

Bio: As a young child, Avery is a normal child who enjoys her childhood and loves her parents. That night after the festival four large groups of vampires that look mix of a human and a bat like creature ambush them from the trees. Avery's father pushed her away with her mother to run, but the father was attacked and eaten alive. The other two grabbed the mother leaving the child for last. Avery watched in horror seeing her parents ripped apart and feast their blood, which lead her to having a trauma. Avery ran away from them to find a safe hiding spot to make them give up on searching. Couple years later Avery received a letter from her aunt to live with her in London leaving her foster home in Columbia to go live her aunt. Few months later Avery despise living as aristocrat regret leaving her friends and foster mother that took care of her. She decided to ran away did not want to live life as a aristocrat. When she was fifthteen, she ended up living in an orphanage that takes care of runaway children and learned there was a hunting job ages 18 and up, which will pay them handsomely rewarded. Avery ran away again from the orphanage in order to become a hunter. They didn't hired her because she is too young. The owner jokes about giving her a mission to hunt one werewolf, which motivates Avery to hunt the werewolf. She hears more workers keep on laughing at her that she will die in a second. During that night she came back with the dead body of a man look the same as the picture which shocked the owner. She was hired as a 20th rank Lycan hunter. She kept the money and the man. She use a force transformation spell on the dead body to transform to a wolf so she can skin his fur out. With her preference of attacking her prey from above and the beast skins that she wears, she became known as the Golden Eagle. Avery Armory is a hunter and taxidermist. Known as the Golden Eagle for the glow of her two yellow eyes shines at night and her aerial based abilities, she makes a living taking down beasts for money.

Avery's current mark is a Lycan that possesses the ability to control lightning as ordered by humans who fear of monsters. When she heads to the village that is said to be terrorized by a werewolf, she meets a tall, long haired man, wielding a cross like sword with a bat companion. Who reeks the scent of a damphir his name is Noman -Van- Hellsing.

Personality: She is very hyperactive and mentally unstable as a young teen it is normal for her to be random and annoying. Avery likes to tease people whether it's an insult or joke regardless if it gets her into trouble. She dislike boredom, usually reacting with complaints or groaning.