Trevor's Comments

hello!! absolutely! What would you be comfortable offering? (headshot, half body, etc etc)

I would love to offer either a fullbody or 2 chibis, whichever you preffer! :> or if you like anything else from my examples feel free to ask, some people like my sketchpages as well 

A flat coloured full body sounds good!! Here's a link to my artfight,, Narcissus or Sou would be v nice to get some art for, whoever u prefer

( if you do Narc though, please don't include the nose piercing, only the bridge <3 ) 

oops i just found out you cant view artfight pages without logging in, hopefully these 2 image links should work? Lmk if they dont 

Sou or Narcissus (Second link for Narc since first reference is ooold )

Yeah these work good! and I think I will do Sou, do you have any pose in mind or anything is good?

Anything is good! Do whatever ur feeling!

Thank you for your patience <3 (I actually finished some days ago but my internet got bad rip-)
Feel free to ask for changes! specially im not sure if I did the burn marks well, but if you notice anything else that needs fixing, dont hesitate on asking <3

Hey !! Im so sorry it took me so long to see this but AAAH <33 you did SUCH A good job! I love how your art style looks ! <33 I've gone ahead and sent the transfer request <3

Its all good! <3Im so glad you like it :> thank you again for trading with me <3