Violet King



2 years, 4 months ago


Violet King
100+ years
trans man
asexual homoromantic
macrotermes termite
leaderly . precise . cynical

"A protective blanket made of thorny violets rests atop a kingdom, unpenetrable. A price to pay, for survival's sake."

The Violet King is the ruler of a very prosperous kingdom known as Sporaae. The kingdom is an economic force to be reconed with, being one of the biggest mushroom and honeydew farmer in miles and miles. Its influence extends far, far away, reaching isolated territories and far-off villages, all for trading purposes.

The King is very protective of his people and has zero tolerance for outside threats, often shutting them down as soon as they surface, even if they are from one of his biggests traders and isnt even really a threat. He also doesn't like his people interacting much with outsiders, despite the dependency they have on them to continue having a prosperous and rich life in their kingdom.


  • mushrooms
  • bioluminesce
  • humidity
  • the texture of wood

  • wars
  • outsiders
  • barren enviroments
Design Notes

  • his design is based off a termite queen, that is why he has a long almost grubby body unlike normal termites
  • his crown can be removed but he doesn't do that very often
  • even though his face has the consistency of a sort of mask, his eyes can be drawn closed or half closed from expression purposes

  • he doesn't eat nor harvest wood like normal termites, he is based off of a fungus eating species of termite
  • his kingdom is located inside a pretty huge tree, with sprawling underground tunnels following its roots for the harvesting grounds. there is also a pretty huge pond next to it
  • his kingdom doesn't consist of just termites, in fact, a lot of dragonflies and damselfies live in it too, due to the high humidity needed for the mushrooms. they make for excellents messengers, merchants and guards.
  • he has never meet the pale king nor heard of his kingdom, despite being alive a lot longer than him
author notes

  • this oc is actually one of my oldest ones (dating back to like 2017? i think) and was actually one of the reasons i started to take up drawing
  • god bless ants canada for making videos on this amazing termite species they are so cool, and they make excellent ocs aswell heheh
  • dont know what else to add here heeho
Subheading 1

Nulla tempus enim a venenatis rhoncus. Pellentesque venenatis egestas eleifend. Pellentesque eu mauris in mauris cursus egestas eu id velit. Curabitur condimentum ante enim, volutpat malesuada nisl aliquet id.

Nullam congue elementum felis id sollicitudin. Nunc eros neque, sollicitudin ac tempor a, fermentum a mauris. Duis dolor ex, maximus at accumsan at, pretium at nisi. Proin rutrum justo a nisi consectetur tincidunt. Ut a est diam. Integer vehicula ut velit et pulvinar.

Subheading 2

Fusce volutpat ornare congue. Mauris id eros imperdiet purus suscipit sollicitudin.

Donec volutpat dolor sit amet erat sodales, nec viverra leo gravida. Morbi tincidunt tempus mi, nec molestie sem molestie vestibulum. Curabitur quis lacinia neque.

Subheading 3

Integer venenatis ultricies malesuada. Aenean sit amet augue at quam convallis fermentum sed sed elit. Morbi sit amet odio mi. Phasellus nec sem justo. Phasellus mollis a augue nec eleifend. Nulla at suscipit lorem. Sed ut leo dolor. Vestibulum non blandit nisl, in interdum lectus.

Nam porta scelerisque ullamcorper. Maecenas consequat vel quam quis dapibus. Nullam ullamcorper enim ut tortor convallis, in suscipit dolor eleifend. Integer scelerisque, nisi sit amet auctor gravida, neque enim rutrum urna, nec ullamcorper turpis eros blandit ipsum.


  • Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
  • Maecenas sed neque aliquet, iaculis orci rutrum, posuere sapien.
  • Donec sit amet commodo magna.
  • Sed fringilla nunc vitae arcu scelerisque, in euismod nisl lobortis. Nullam eget nisi tincidunt, consectetur mi eget, ultrices augue.
Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum lorem, tincidunt non risus eget, fermentum aliquet mi.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum lorem, tincidunt non risus eget, fermentum aliquet mi.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum lorem, tincidunt non risus eget, fermentum aliquet mi.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.