Victor (London, 1886)



2 years, 4 months ago


Okay so pretend he was born almost 100 years later, and Victor Frankenstein, 23, has recently been kicked out of the University of Ingolstadt due to his... rather shady practices. Forced to transfer schools, Victor finds himself at a small medical school in London, England where he meets Dr. Henry Jekyll and Mr. Edward Hyde who are most certainly not the same person, right? Yeah. Haha. 

THE TEXT BELOW WAS WRITTEN BY THE lovely. I love them. MementoMoriAL

With Henry
With Edward
On the surface, it makes sense that Dr. Henry Jekyll would be friends with an up and coming scientist. He's a well known man trying to network with whoever he can. But there's something a bit different about this friendship. Well first of all, it's hardly a friendship. He's in what can only be described as a secret relationship with the university student Victor Frankenstein.
How they met isn't important. They swear it's an uninteresting story. Well... more like Henry swears while Victor just smiles awkwardly and hides behind him. That's a lot of what their relationship is. Victor lets Henry do the talking for the both of them, and Henry takes that leadership role with pride. After all, he's used to talking in front of other people after the past year of socializing with London's upper class.
Henry enjoys making Victor attend fancy parties with him, often doing his best to get the other man to interact with anyone. This yields mixed results, but usually ends in them leaving early in favor of doing something less stuffy. Victor often borrows one of Henry's spare suits for their fancier outings, whether it be to the parties or some science showcase Henry was invited to. Henry plays the part of a perfect suave gentleman, while Victor is a lot more flustered. He hides behind Henry as best he can.
All this leads to the two men spending most of their time together at Henry's home and lab. Victor enjoys listening to Henry play the piano, while Henry loves hearing stories of Victor's childhood. They could sit in the parlor for hours just rambling about whatever comes to mind. Well, until it comes to science. Their scientific conversations happen solely in the building that holds Henry's lab. They both have secrets in their respective experiments that they'd rather keep under wraps for the time being.
For Victor, he knows that people finding out he's stealing corpses and sewing pieces together will surely get him expelled from school. For Henry, he's positive that the upper echelons of London society would despise hearing that he's transforming into the fiend who's terrorizing the streets every few nights.
Needless to say, conversations stay in the lab. But they both could go on for even longer telling each other about their experiments. They also steal most of their physical affection from each other here, kissing and holding each other as Henry leads Victor in a waltz around the potion-filled room.
Henry has allowed Victor to visit his lab at any time he's in, though sometimes, it isn't exactly Henry that Victor comes face to face with on his visits. Well, not exactly.
Victor first met Mr. Edward Hyde a few months ago during an underground science exhibition. It was one of the few places he could actually openly talk about his ideas of reanimating the dead, and he wasn't going to pass that up for the world. There was only one issue: No one would stay to listen to him talk. He had all these great ideas, but no one would listen.
Except one. During the whole presentation, a man stood before him, leaning on a cane that was too big for him and grinning like a madman. Edward Hyde. Edward fell in love with the ideas Victor spoke of, and after attracting a crowd and threatening them to stay, made Victor repeat his speech for them all to hear.
The two got to talking after the meeting, and after learning exactly how much Victor looked up to Dr. Jekyll, Edward just had to tell him. He couldn't help himself.
Edward Hyde and Henry Jekyll are one and the same. Not different personalities or anything, but one man living two different lives. It was extremely difficult for Victor to believe at first, but after Edward proved it by drinking the transformation potion in front of him, there was no doubt..
Edward is extremely forward with his feelings for Victor nowadays. He tends to enjoy taking the younger man on outings around London on nights Victor stops by, taking him to a bar or to watch the people at the square.
Edward is extremely clingy when Victor is around, making a point to sit in his lap or hold onto his arm whenever an opportunity presents itself. It's the public affection he doesn't feel safe partaking in when he's Henry. And while he knows it isn't exactly safe now, his mind is full of thoughts of not caring.
Victor is easily flustered by the man's advances, but his smile makes it clear that he doesn't mind. Victor happily accepts any (stolen) gift that Edward gets for him, and Edward adores all the physical affection he receives in return.
In the lab, Victor and Edward also spend a lot of time together. Most of it is romantic banter, Edward smugly leading the conversation along until Victor is blushing intensely, but the table does occasionally get turned. Victor loves placing his hand on Edward's cheek and expressing how much he loves his eyes until Edward gets so embarrassed his face is flushed pink.

Unfortunately, Victor hasn't yet fully processed that Henry and Edward are the same person, but it's a work in progress. For now, both Victor and his secret lover are glad that there's someone out there who genuinely enjoys them and their science experiments. From Henry's repression to Victor's lack of confidence in himself, having that person to support them fully means a lot to both men.