


2 years, 5 months ago




January 9th 2021
2D Artist


"In the heart of every artist, there is an OC waiting to be brought to life"

friendly • childish • optimist

A Tanuki not like the others but proud to be this way. This happy fella is always here to smile and have some fun time with his best friend Lauramy, his creator. This young and brought to life persona is the best companion to make your day better.

Very Friendly and nice character, always here to help and to cheer up people. He is quite optimistic and doesn't think about the bad side of things to not bring the mood down. He can be considered as a living plushy, since you can simply hug him and feel better quickly. He has a wild imagination, sometimes a bit too unrealistic, like a child would. In fact, he kinda is a child on his own. He tends to be very expressive and share his emotions with others.

Tanookamy is also Lauramy's second hand. He is always by her side to help her with her busy schedule and to bring her hapiness through her tough job. He is very caring towards anyone and would do his best to help. He can't leave anyone in misery, which makes him sad when he doesn't succeed to help.


• He was Lauramy's persona, before he was brought to life.

• He originally had a more "Mario looking" appearance. It is no longer used but kept as for a potential "Mario AU appearance"

• He was supposed to be the successor of the throne for the Tanooki Village but since Lauramy created him, this idea was quickly scrapped due to not being logical.

-Spending time with Lauramy
-The rivalry between Lauramy and Shadow Lauramy
-Lauramy being possessed
-Seeing Lauramy working too much


Shadow Lauramy • {Threat}

A completely twisted psychopath, always chasing her to fulfill her goal. He is aware of what she can do and is afraid of that

Lauramy • {Best Friend}

Cast Member who created him as she got her magic graphic tablet. They both get really along, like they were friends during decades.

MecaNick • {Colleague}

They do get along even though they don't spend that much time together because of their jobs. But Tanookamy doesn't mind being Lauramy's messenger when Nick's must contact her indirectly

Magic Sketchbook : can bring to life anything he draws. But the more complex the model/drawing is, more ink will be drain
Top Hat : works exactly the same way as Mary Poppins' bag. That's where he can store anyhting she wants, including his magic sketchbook
“Isn't fun to see your imaginary friend being real ?”


As she was growing up and trying to upgrade her skills, Lauramy had created her very first own character : Tanookamy. It was like an imaginary best friend she loves to draw and dreamed he would come to life one day.

But as became more mature as she got older, she slowly realized that dream won't come true. It's just a fictional character and cannot be real. But Tanookamy became her comfort character. But then, as she got her magic graphic tablet, she quickly learned she can bring anything to life.

So...why not try with her comfort character ?

She drew him slowly, to be sure if he would come to life, he would be perfect. And after hours of drawing, he appeared in her deskroom, all sudden. She couldn't believe her eyes, she finally made it ! That dream she had when she was younger was indeed possible ! And with that, Lauramy and Tanookamy became best friends and spent a lot of time together, as if Lauramy was living through her childhood again, with her real imaginary friend.