Akihiko Hayashi



2 years, 4 months ago





Akihiko Hayashi








Hellbent on discovering the truth about the Dmitri Mafia and bringing them to justice, by any means necessary. He values his ideals and would always uphold them. He hates seeing injustices happen thus, he would always be upfront and will strive to do what's right. He wants to participate with missions to take down the Dmitri Mafia but alas, his uncle forbade him to join unless he was ready.

Aki understands this and trains everyday to be able to prepare himself but without Gavina's and his uncle's knowledge, Aki does his own investigations on the Dmitri Mafia. He knows the consequences by doing this but he believes that he'll never get accepted by his uncle's group, the Karkoff Family. He believes that they are hiding something from him; information about his past, anything related to the Dmitri Mafia and Karkoff Family all of those information are being kept from him. He is determined to find out the truth even if it means risking his own life.

"Listen. It's never easy to do what's right, I'd say it's more easier to cause harm instead. But, that's not gonna stop you isn't it? "



November 29


Neutral Good


"Hey, do you want my help?"

@ 4K1SHI


Aki is calm, stoic, and he's good at hiding his emotions. He's perfectionistic and takes pride at that, and most of the time, he'd prefer to be left alone. Despite that, he's always jumping head first when someone requires help and is generally seen as a very dependable person. He wants to become strong to be able to protect the people he cares about and because of that, he dislikes showing any signs of weaknesses.

Aki needs to maintain a calm composure, to ensure that he won't accidentally activate his berserk mode. It's quite hard to remove him from his calm state but there will be times when he will slip and he will make a passive-aggressive statement or genuinely show his true emotions about the situation. He has a soft side to him that can only be seen by mostly his loved ones. He tries to hide this as he gets flustered every time someone points out that he is being sweet.









"Hahaha! Don't try to hide it, I know you're blushing under that hat!"

from Max Collins



My child, every moment I had you in my arms are moments that I will never forget. I love you.

Akihiko Hayashi's father was the original Don of the Dmitri Family before his brother betrayed him and usurped him from the position. His father was aware of an oncoming betrayal and tried to save his wife and Aki, but it was too late. They were ambushed by mafia members who supported his uncle, and his father and mother died. Fortunately, Aki survived, as his mother protected him using her body as cover. His uncle found Aki and took pity on him, he is aware that Aki's very existence is a threat to the stability of the mafia, but he believes that it's unfair to take his life away and deserves a chance at life. He decided to send him to an orphanage in Japan, far away from anything related to his origins.


Akihiko Hayashi, nicknamed Aki spent most of his childhood in an orphanage, his life during that time was filled with happiness and joy. He lost everything due to an unfortunate event, he doesn’t remember what caused his orphanage to burn but his last memory during that time was his caretaker whom he saw and called mother holding his hand as they escaped underground. As they were running, he heard gunshots and screams from the upper floors. Young Aki was shivering in fear after hearing those frightening noises. Aki’s mother took notice of this and she kneeled towards and held Aki’s shivering hands, she calmed young Aki and said that he should go on without her. Upon hearing this, Aki was understandably confused, he demanded to know why he must go on without her; "The exit outside is not too far off, please come with me" he pleads. But before she could explain, a loud explosion occured, and the ceiling above collapsed on top of them. When Aki awoke, he only saw darkness and felt the cold embrace of his mother; he was trapped with her under all that rubble for who knows how long. He kept crying and praying that hopefully his mother was alive but when he was eventually rescued, it dawned on him that his mother was truly gone. On that day, Aki felt nothing but despair and anger. He was placed under the care of Gavina and her uncle but he was cold and silent, he tried to avoid any interaction with them. But, after some time, he slowly accepted Gavina and her uncle as his new family, even calling Gavina, “Big Sister Gavina” when he was younger. As he grew up, he started to notice that Gavina and her uncle were hiding something from him, he rarely sees his uncle anymore and Gavina became busier too. They never explained to Aki what their work was and Aki didn’t mind that but what bothered him is that their “job” became more taxing on them as days passed by.

One day, Aki was all alone in their home, at this point, this was already normal for him, and the usual routine for him to do every night is to lock up the house. Their house was located in a densely wooded area, Aki describes their home as a big and old-fashioned house that was probably built in the 60s. Aki starts with the front gate of their house and as he was about to lock up the gate, he heard a bustling noise from outside the gate coming from the dense shrub. As curious as he was, he avoided opening the gate as he believed that it might have been a wild animal, he locked the gate and proceeded to go back inside. As he walked back towards his home, he felt a chill go down his spine, he tried to ignore this feeling but got reminded about one of his uncle's teachings which is to always trust his guts. Before he could open the door, he heard something move inside, this finally confirmed his suspicions and he prepared himself to bust the door open. As he busted the door open, he was only greeted by the silence of the room but Aki was alert, he slowly moved around the house, carefully checking every room. But unfortunately, he was suddenly tackled by an unknown assailant. This assailant was covered head-to-toe with dark clothing and to top it all he wore a huge dark cloak that concealed his shape, making it hard to identify his assailant. His assailant tried to stab Aki with a combat knife but he managed to dodge at the right time, he continued to fight off his assailant; swiftly dodging fatal attacks and carefully reading the assailant's attack patterns. Aki and the assailant were at a stalemate, and his assailant failing to kill him decided to escape. Aki realizing this decided to try to apprehend his assailant, due to Akihiko being a humanoid, he has an edge on his assailant in terms of strength and speed, he successfully tackled the assailant but he felt a prick in his thigh..

The assailant pricked him with a syringe, Aki kicked his assailant off but was confused that it did nothing. While Aki was distracted, the assailant managed to recover and run; Aki gave chase but he couldn’t catch his assailant, as they already managed to reach the wooded areas. After the assailant escaped, Aki decided to go back inside and call Gavina about what happened. He dialed up Gavina but she wasn’t picking up, he tried his uncle but no use. As he kept trying to call them, he felt a sudden sharp-bounding pain in his heart, he dropped down to his knees; clenching his chest. He felt weak and a burning sensation permeated throughout his body and his vision started to become a dizzying blur, he was overwhelmed with painful sensations and lost consciousness. When he awoke, he was strapped to his bed; Gavina who was right beside him was surprised and told him to calm down. Aki was confused about the situation and demanded to know why is he strapped, "It was for your safety... and ours too." she painfully replied. Before he could even ask more, his uncle entered the room and silence followed, his uncle sat down near Aki and interrogated him. The questions he asked were all related to the break-in that happened but what shocked both Gavina and his uncle was when he mentioned the syringe. His uncle furiously sighed and exited the room, when he came back, he brought a doctor with him. The doctor explained Aki the situation, he said that he was pricked with a syringe that contained a substance that triggered his berserk mode.

The berserk mode only affects humanoids (half-humans) and it only activates when humanoids are forced into a life-threatening situation, when it activates, their strength, speed, and power exponentially increase but they lose themselves in the process, like an animal backed into a corner. But the problem is that the modern humanoid’s berserk modes have long laid dormant and it doesn’t activate during life-threatening situations anymore. The doctor further added that this was the reason why he passed out and is now strapped unto a bed, the doctor pulled out an item from his pocket. The doctor further added that he now needs to wear this shock collar, it will help in controlling his berserk mode and this is also not only for his safety but for the people around him as well. Aki was confused and shocked by this information, he couldn't give a proper reaction and was only silent. His Uncle told the doctor that he could take his leave and that he’ll take it from here, the doctor gave the collar to Gavina and left the room.

His Uncle helped free him from his straps while Gavina attached the shock collar around Aki’s neck. Aki was finally free from his bed and was ready to listen to what they had to say. First, his uncle finally revealed what was his work and Gavina’s too, he explained that he was one of the leaders of a group that wants to overthrow the Dmitri Mafia. The Dmitri Mafia is known for their illegal activities but lately, they have been delving into inhumane experimentations, one of which is forcing the re-activation of the berserk mode of a humanoid. The Dmitri Mafia has ruined and destroyed countless lives and they're willing to sacrifice more until they succeed but his group is not gonna let them. His uncle further revealed the reason why they kept leaving Aki in this house, it was to protect him from the mafia, and the self-defense he taught Aki was also a part of his protection. Aki was still silent, contemplating everything that just had happened, trying to absorb all this information, His uncle patted him on the back and comforted him saying that he doesn’t need to understand all of this now, he can take his time and ask questions later. Then suddenly a knock could be heard at Aki’s door, Gavina opened the door and the man informed her that they were ready to go.

Gavina nodded and gave the signal to her uncle, his uncle then explained that they need to move because they aren't safe here in this house anymore. Aki quickly stood up and mentally prepared himself to see what he has done, upon exiting his room he already sees the damage that he had done to the surroundings; bullet holes, broken pillars, and the stench of blood are what Aki witnessed. Aki continued to walk forward in silence, he felt responsible for what he had done and he was frustrated that he can’t do anything about it. Gavina patted him on the back, she had hoped that her comfort will help ease the pain that Aki was experiencing. Aki only gave her a strained smile as they walked away from their home, they finally entered the car and he said his last goodbyes to his home. After this incident, Aki vowed to train himself to become strong, he wants to be able to protect the one he loves and also to punish those who have wrongdoings. His uncle believes that it’s too dangerous to make Aki participate in their group’s mission and Aki believes that, he knows that he is weak, which is why he trains every day hoping that someday his uncle would be able to accept him to the group.


golden eyes, with pale skin and snow-white, short hair.

He is humanoid. Half-human and half-bear(Panda)

He has sharp, golden-colored eyes giving him a natural glare.

He prefers clothing that have neutral colors.

His height is 182 cm (6 ft) and has a ectomorph body type.

The small screen in his shock collar shows his current heart rate and will change color depending on the situation. Normal Heart Rate will show green, Low Heart Rate will show blue and High Heart Rate will show red.

If you don't need anything from me anymore then you can leave.

He wears a shock collar that will electrocute him if it detects that Aki is about to enter berserk mode.

He will enter berserk mode when he experiences overwhelmng emotions.

He's very good with household related work. (Cooking, Cleaning, and etc.).

He trains everyday either alone or with Seth (if he's avaiable).

As much as he hates to admit it, he enjoys spending time with his friends and may occasionally skip training to hang out.

He is knowledgeable with certain guns and their usage. He keeps a pistol (M9 Beretta) and keeps it with him at all times to protect himself from assassins

Stop being such a NEET and come hang out with us!

@ CathyCat






assissination attempts

shock collars
