⚓ Issac Galloway ⚓



2 years, 5 months ago


-Shoulder length, usually swept by wind or sprinkled with sea water, hair, tan skin, multiple small scars, hazel eyes, and a confident sometimes reckless attitude

-Captain of the Grand Mistress, a pirate ship usually traveling between Arborelia and Sashana

-Child of a noble Shashana family, the Frasiers

-Brother of Henry Fraiser

-Never loved up to his brothers potential, ignored and ridiculed by his parents, very close to his grandfather who was in the navy

-When his grandfather died at whe. he was 16, he ran off to the port to find any shop that could take him

-Charles Galloway, seeing bit of himself in him, took Issac in and he quickly became one of his closest advisors

-When Charles was finally killed in a fight, Issac took the position of captain while Cynthia took 2nd mate again, realizing how good of a leader he was and how close the two had been

-Romantically involved with Claire

-Father figure to Tyler