Lucy Lullaby



2 years, 5 months ago


Preferred Name: --- Lucy

Full Name: --- Lucy Lullaby

Nickname(s)/Alises: --- Lullaby, Ms.Cow

Gender: --- Female

Species: --- Animatronic Cow

Height: --- 5’10 [to not scare children too much]

Appearance: --- She has a vhs/cd player in her belly that allows the kids to choose from a selection of movies and cds to help get them to sleep with her eyes being projectors so they’d watch movies together with her vhs player.
Instead of a hard plastic exterior she has a silicone exterior so it’s softer in case a kid ran into her it wouldn’t hurt that much, this means unlike the other animatronics she has fur. The stars on her body can move to give the kids a nightlight during naptime. [like those light up pillow pets]

How Do They Dress?: --- Sometimes wears an apron when cleaning up the daycare

Voice Claim: ---



Sexuality: --- Bisexual

Relationship: ---

Friends?: --- Sun/Moon, Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Chica

Occupation: --- Daycare Animatronic


Backstory: --- Lucy was manufactured as an assistant to Sun/Moon. She was also so the daycare had another caretaker in case they were full and needed help.

Whilst Gregory is in the daycare with Moon, Lucy will often shine light on to Gregory when he’s in sight on the ground, this alerts Moon but she doesn’t do it on purpose. She’ll also play music which can kind of warble out where Moon may be. When Gregory is doing the rest of his tasks Lucy helps him to escape by shining lot to where he needs to be but only from where they are so it’s not the best. 

Personality: --- She is very peppy and enthusiastic, she loves children and always promises to never hurt them but due to the incidents happening all round her helping often goes wrong and does the opposite. This has subjected Lucy to depressive episodes and anxiety attacks in the back rooms. She’s been upgraded twice to fix her speakers as her breakdowns had become too loud for the children and she now has dimmer lights in her eyes to not blind anyone. 

When naptime rounds near she will put movies on pause and let the kids choose music for naptime, and when moon pops out she basically sits and watches from afar, making sure all the kids are napping but isn’t going to directly interfere

Habits: --- When nervous her vhs player will skip and scratch, filling the room with static and distortion, this has caused her to scare off many children

Likes: --- Children, Helping

Dislikes: --- When her helping doesn’t work

Hobbies: --- She loves arts and crafts, often passing the time during closing hours with sun making nice crafted decor in the playground.