



NOTE: This profile is a work in progress & has incomplete/missing info


My sona and self insert for the game Mabinogi

The Languid Blue




Storm was created from an mmorpg called Mabinogi and was created as my own self-insert for the game, yet they have since grown to be somewhat of a general 'sona for myself -both online and just in general- and as such, they are very personal to me and they will never be available for purchase or trade.

They are a traveler who is trying to explore all of Erinn as they make friends along the way. They appeared in Filia alone and were basically left to fend for themselves as most of the Tuatha de Danann's around them figured they were fine as they're a Milletian. It was a few years later when they were taken in by Siora (the Fairy Queen) and also Manannan (the God of the Sea) who both watched over Storm to make sure they were okay, even as they continued to travel around and explore new places either alone or with friends. Now, it is just Manannan who watches over them as Siora left Erinn one day and hasn't returned since.

As Storm explores and experiences new things, they keep track of it all in a journal that they keep with them at all times. This journal is both used to note down anything they deem interesting, like new locations, herbs, animals, or anything else they deem interesting/important. However, they also use this journal to make note of important events in their life, how they're feeling, ect. So they're careful with which pages they show certain people. Overall, they are a very happy and outgoing person who is filled with a lot of curiosity about a lot of things and they try their best to keep positive, despite all the bad things that have happened to them and their friends.




  • Flying
    They naturally love being able to soar freely in the skies and finds it to be very relaxing as well.
  • Exploring
    Ever since they appeared in Erinn, they have always been fascinated with the world around them so they quickly took to wanting to explore every part of the world around them. They will often travel for days on end either alone or with friends they meet along the way.
  • Night Sky
    They find the night sky to be very pretty and they love learning facts about the stars and are fascinated with the two moons, Ladeca and Eweca.


  • Large Crowds
    They get overwhelmed easily with large crowds. It always gets too loud for them and they feel trapped a lot of the time, so they tend to stay away from very crowded areas if possible.
  • Mushrooms
    Despite not being too much of a picky eater, they despise the taste and texture of any kind of mushroom and will spend a good amount of time picking them out of their food if they are ever served a dish with mushrooms in it.


  • Thalassophobia
    When they were young and first learning to fly, they jumped off a cliff in an attempt to learn how to fly, but they ended up falling into a lake, hitting their head on a rock (breaking their left horn) and almost drowned in the lake. Since then they've had nothing but bad luck when in/around large bodies of water, so they stay clear of large bodies of water.
  • Glas Ghaibhleann


  • Journaling
    As they adventure and travel the world of Erinn, they like to make notes on things they find important or interesting. They also sometimes write their feelings or make little doodles in the book as well. They have notes on things such as what common herbs are used for, maps of the places they've been, notes of anything new plants or creatures they find. Stuff of that nature.
  • Cooking
    They like to be able to cook for themselves as well as their friends. They aren't the most picky with food so they like to try new things and they're always up for a bite to eat so it's a win-win.
  • Commerce


Storm has a very happy and bright personality and likes to try and cheer others up if possible. They're also very curious about many things and they often get distracted if they see something new that they haven't come across before and will make a note of it in their journal.

They don't like feeling sad or any other negative emotions, so they have a bad habit of bottling up certain emotions, but they're trying to work on that more recently and to not hide their negative emotions and instead work on processing them properly. Despite all this, they still try to make light of most situations, but they can also tell when some situations need a more serious attitude.

Their body language tends to show their emotions as Storm tends to fidget a lot in general. Most commonly, they tend to stim subconsciously by flapping/fluttering their wings a lot when they're happy, and this has led to them accidentally whacking some of their friends with their wings if they aren't paying attention.


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


Friendly Reserved

Polite Blunt

Clever Foolish

Sensitive Tough

Brave Timid

Careful Reckless

Sincere Deceptive

Pessimist Optimist

Calm Irritable

Diligent Lazy

Messy Organized

Humorous Serious

Humble Arrogant

Loud Quiet

Cruel Kind

Shy Outgoing


Describe what your character is like in public here. Donec turpis nisi, porta lobortis ipsum eget, pharetra feugiat sapien. Fusce ante diam, convallis non mi vel, tincidunt commodo dolor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.Nullam et est ut justo volutpat faucibus. Suspendisse convallis nec urna sit amet sollicitudin. Aliquam porta ac magna eu mattis. Vestibulum non turpis ac enim viverra condimentum sit amet ultricies orci.


Describe what your character is like in private here. Fusce dapibus nisi ut ornare gravida. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nunc auctor dignissim mi, tempor semper neque suscipit et. Integer cursus sem enim, vitae posuere mauris maximus a. Donec imperdiet mi quis nisl mollis consequat. Phasellus sit amet placerat metus, luctus porttitor tortor.


Describe what your character is like when they're with their loved ones (ex. friends and family). Pellentesque mollis sit amet sapien eu consequat. Maecenas eget justo a ante suscipit eleifend. Aliquam justo tortor, iaculis vitae orci in, fermentum vulputate nulla. Nam massa sapien, consectetur a nunc non, pretium venenatis sem. Integer rutrum, ante eget vulputate auctor, quam magna efficitur mauris, a imperdiet libero lectus eget sapien. Praesent volutpat viverra aliquam.


Describe your character's demeanour here. How do they carry themselves? Are they stiff and upright? Do they slouch? Does their demeanour change when out in public, when in private, and/ or when in the presence of loved ones? Donec egestas consequat lacus vel dapibus. Donec dignissim, lorem in rutrum fermentum, ex felis faucibus enim, accumsan finibus lacus orci at quam.



Describe your character's neutral (i.e. natural/ relaxed) body language here. How are they standing/ sitting when neutral and/ or relaxed? Sed blandit purus id urna dictum tincidunt. Etiam molestie nisi auctor vestibulum cursus. Phasellus aliquam nec tortor at iaculis. Mauris sed felis eu mauris tincidunt rhoncus.


Describe your character's body language when they're happy/ enjoying themselves here. How does their body shift from their otherwise neutral state to show they're happy? If they usually cross their arms, do they uncross them? Does their expression change to a softer one?


Describe your character's body language when they're disdainful here. Does it become obvious to others around them, or does their body language stay relatively the same and it goes unnoticed? You can add more of these sections/ headers (such as to describe their body language when they're sad/ upset, angry, etc.) as you'd like.


Describe how your character walks (if applicable) here. Do they walk in a slow/ leisurely manner, or do they walk with more hurried steps? Ut eu placerat ipsum. Praesent consequat, mi vel cursus tempor, libero magna venenatis felis, ac congue augue massa a ipsum. Morbi pulvinar suscipit sagittis. Pellentesque vestibulum, dolor cursus lobortis rhoncus, lacus mauris hendrerit orci, non varius diam urna quis dolor.



Describe your character's habit here. Habits are actions your character does on a regular basis (sometimes under certain conditions), whether they're fully aware of it or not. For example, an unconscious habit that they might have is biting/ picking their nails when they're nervous. An example of a conscious habit is writing in a journal before going to bed. You can add/ remove as many of this habit sections/ headers as you'd like.


Ut dapibus tortor et purus mattis aliquam. Aliquam et felis in sem lobortis fermentum at sed quam. Proin bibendum consectetur erat, viverra vehicula dui scelerisque id. Quisque placerat cursus lorem consequat pulvinar. Vestibulum interdum diam vitae pretium pellentesque. Nam pellentesque ultrices massa, et laoreet dui rutrum eu.


Nam ut convallis lacus. Pellentesque ac velit purus. Integer vitae leo id velit imperdiet laoreet. Praesent in ligula diam. Nulla scelerisque lacinia eros nec consectetur. Nunc tincidunt sapien id nisl sollicitudin, quis varius turpis suscipit. Vivamus id justo vel erat commodo auctor. Cras id mollis sapien.


Before Game Storyline

Storm had first appeared in the elf town known as Filia in the continent Iria. They were around 5 years old when they first appeared and were ever curious about the world around them ever since day one. They never truly had anyone to watch over them and so they decided they wanted to go exploring and learn as much as they could about the world.

They traveled through the large area of Iria, before arriving in Port Qilla and managing to get on a boat to Belvast. They didn't explore too much of the continent at this point, only really exploring the areas around the Commonwealth of Belvast, before they got on a boat to Uladh. They were the most captivated by Uladh and had spent ages traveling and exploring around the continent. Their travels were on and off over the years, and they had even tried to teach themselves how to fly by jumped off of a cliff in Abb Neagh, but their wings weren't strong enough yet to support them in flight, so they fell into the lake that was below the cliff, hitting their head on a rock which is how they had broken their left horn. They also almost drowned in that lake and had since become more weary around large bodies of water. They had spent a handful of years exploring alone by now and we're around 9 years old.

Eventually they had found out about a place called Fiodh Forest and had thought it sounded cool, so they decided to look around as they always liked discovering new plants the most, and this place was full of new and exciting plants! They had soon found out however, that the forest felt more like a maze and they couldn't find a way out, though they tried not to worry and continued to look around. After walking around for a bit, they heard the sound of a young peryton in pain and went towards the sound and discovered a young peryton foal that had an injured back leg. The child had tried to help the young peryton, and even though they did have a first aid kit, they didn't actually know how to use it properly due to how they didn't have an adult around to show them how to do things properly, so their knowledge was all self taught. They had wrapped up the injured leg in bandages, although it was a bit messy, and had decided to stay with the peryton to make sure it was okay and had decided to name her Tayy whilst they kept her company.

After spending a few hours with Tayy lost in the forest the ruler of this land, Siroa the Fairy Queen, had managed to come across the pair and was surprised to see a young elf alongside the injured peryton. After thinking it over a bit, Siora knew she couldn't leave the child out here alone. Typically she wouldn't treat humans who wandered into her forest kindly, due to the actions of the humans she had last let into her forest, and this rule went for all races. Humans and elves included. However, this young elf clearly had meant no harm, and had not destroyed any of her forest and had even tried to help this young peryton to the best of their ability.

And so, Siora had led Storm back to her home of Mag Mell, carrying Tayy in her arms as she could not stand on her injured leg. The queen brought the child into her palace where she helped treat Tayy's injured leg correctly, and had even shown Storm what she was doing so they could learn in the future.

It was a fairly big change for Storm to have a parental figure watching out for them, but they found that they didn't mind at all as Siora taught them a lot about the world, and showed them around the forest herself so that Storm wouldn't become lost again in the future. Siora had even introduced Storm to her good friend Manannan, who was the god of the sea and the two of them gradually started a co-parenting system as the years went on, due to how often Storm would visit Manannan it made sense to split the care of the milletian between the two of them.

After Siora had taken Storm as her own, it wasn't too long before she brought Storm with her whilst visiting her friend Manannan. The two would meet every so often, so Siora had thought it a good idea to introduce her newly adopted child to him and Storm got along well with Manannan quickly as the two bonded a lot during their visits to Scuabtuinne. The young Milletian also loved to play with the Far Darrigs that would come over to his island from Mag Mell as well and could often be found playing tag or hide and seek with them on several occasions.

It only took Storm just under a year to begin calling Manannan 'dad', only a handful of months after they referred to Siora as 'mum'. Their co-parenting arrangement was more of a natural progression as time went on, rather than a single agreement. They both knew they cared for Storm as their child and Storm of course saw each of them as their parents, so they were happy to go between the two areas as their home when they were off exploring.

During this time, Storm's wings had eventually grown strong enough to carry their own weight properly and Manannan was largely responsible for helping teach Storm how to fly properly. Of course Siora was there as well, however her wings were more the fluttering fairy type, rather than the feathered wings Storm and Manannan had, so the milletian found it easier to learn from Manannan. He also taught them how to properly groom their wings, but he often ended up sitting down grooming their wings as Storm squirmed around, akin to a parent brushing their child's hair free of tangles.

It was also during this time that Siora had gifted Storm a flower crown that was made up of everlasting flowers, picked from Mag Mell, as a reminder of her love for them, and that they would always have a place in Mag Mell with her. Storm always keeps the flower crown on them, even if they're not constantly wearing it everyday.

When they were around 12, Siora had randomly left Erinn one day after cryptically asking Manannan to continue to take care of Storm after she had left. She never gave a reason as to where or why she was leaving. Storm was staying in Mag Mell when Siora left, leaving the island to start crumbling and breaking down around them. Thankfully Manannan had went to go check on Mag Mell after Siora had left and had managed to give part of the island enough of his own magic to continue to stay, but he could only save the front part of the island, leaving the rest of it to become empty and blocked off by large boulders.

After that, Manannan had brought Storm and several other animals back to his own island, and worried for Storm due to how Storm had shut down for a while after that incident. After a while Storm had perked up to their usual self, but Manannan had soon learnt of how Storm often shut down or froze in stressful situations. He became very good at knowing how his child was feeling and always made an effort to make sure they were okay.

Advent of the Goddess

Donec enim turpis, tristique eget varius in, sagittis sit amet orci. Duis in tempor nibh. Vivamus nibh turpis, cursus in consectetur eget, elementum vel. Pellentesque facilisis dui fringilla est scelerisque, sed gravida est porta. Duis sollicitudin commodo ipsum eget posuere. Mauris sit amet varius ex, a congue lectus. Donec eu sapien est. Suspendisse varius hendrerit mi, id eleifend ex eleifend eu. Vivamus eleifend eros bibendum arcu rhoncus, fringilla malesuada ex imperdiet. In efficitur leo varius iaculis aliquet. Nam elementum eu arcu quis rhoncus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas vulputate erat at turpis blandit gravida.

Saga 1&2

Donec enim turpis, tristique eget varius in, sagittis sit amet orci. Duis in tempor nibh. Vivamus nibh turpis, cursus in consectetur eget, elementum vel. Pellentesque facilisis dui fringilla est scelerisque, sed gravida est porta. Duis sollicitudin commodo ipsum eget posuere. Mauris sit amet varius ex, a congue lectus. Donec eu sapien est. Suspendisse varius hendrerit mi, id eleifend ex eleifend eu. Vivamus eleifend eros bibendum arcu rhoncus, fringilla malesuada ex imperdiet. In efficitur leo varius iaculis aliquet. Nam elementum eu arcu quis rhoncus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas vulputate erat at turpis blandit gravida.

Divine Knights

Donec enim turpis, tristique eget varius in, sagittis sit amet orci. Duis in tempor nibh. Vivamus nibh turpis, cursus in consectetur eget, elementum vel. Pellentesque facilisis dui fringilla est scelerisque, sed gravida est porta. Duis sollicitudin commodo ipsum eget posuere. Mauris sit amet varius ex, a congue lectus. Donec eu sapien est. Suspendisse varius hendrerit mi, id eleifend ex eleifend eu. Vivamus eleifend eros bibendum arcu rhoncus, fringilla malesuada ex imperdiet. In efficitur leo varius iaculis aliquet. Nam elementum eu arcu quis rhoncus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas vulputate erat at turpis blandit gravida.


Donec enim turpis, tristique eget varius in, sagittis sit amet orci. Duis in tempor nibh. Vivamus nibh turpis, cursus in consectetur eget, elementum vel. Pellentesque facilisis dui fringilla est scelerisque, sed gravida est porta. Duis sollicitudin commodo ipsum eget posuere. Mauris sit amet varius ex, a congue lectus. Donec eu sapien est. Suspendisse varius hendrerit mi, id eleifend ex eleifend eu. Vivamus eleifend eros bibendum arcu rhoncus, fringilla malesuada ex imperdiet. In efficitur leo varius iaculis aliquet. Nam elementum eu arcu quis rhoncus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas vulputate erat at turpis blandit gravida.

[Chapter 8]

Donec enim turpis, tristique eget varius in, sagittis sit amet orci. Duis in tempor nibh. Vivamus nibh turpis, cursus in consectetur eget, elementum vel. Pellentesque facilisis dui fringilla est scelerisque, sed gravida est porta. Duis sollicitudin commodo ipsum eget posuere. Mauris sit amet varius ex, a congue lectus. Donec eu sapien est. Suspendisse varius hendrerit mi, id eleifend ex eleifend eu. Vivamus eleifend eros bibendum arcu rhoncus, fringilla malesuada ex imperdiet. In efficitur leo varius iaculis aliquet. Nam elementum eu arcu quis rhoncus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas vulputate erat at turpis blandit gravida.



Adoptive Father


Manannan is the god of the sea and is a good friend of Siora. The two of them pretty much co-parented Storm when Siora took them in, however before Siora left Erinn she made sure that Manannan would continue to look after Storm when she left. He lives in his temple on the Scuabtuinne island and is also friends with the Far Darrig that reside on his island.

He is protective over Storm, although he knows he can't stop them for exploring on their own or with friends for days at a time, he always makes sure that he is their for them as much as possible and has taken pride in raising them alongside Siora, and even by himself. He is very proud of the person Storm has grown up to be and looks forward to seeing how they grow more in the future.


  • Put trivia facts about the characters relationship here.
  • Duis sed tempor turpis. Sed tincidunt quam ut enim placerat, quis mattis erat tristique.
  • Donec eget sollicitudin justo, gravida iaculis ex. Nam auctor felis nunc, in posuere dui suscipit at.


Adoptive Mother


Siora is the Queen of fairies and is a good friend of Manannan. Before she left, she watched over the forest of Fiodh, and Mag Mell, as its ruler. She found Storm lost within the forest of Fiodh when they were a child and took them in as her own, and had a co-parenting system with Manannan where they both looked after the young Milletian. During this time, Siora had gifted them a flower crown that would never wilt to show them they belonged in Mag Mell with her, even if Storm didn't see themself as particularly 'royal', despite being the adopted child of the Fairy Queen.

When Storm was 12, Siora had left Erinn, causing part Mag Mell to fall when she left, and now Storm lives with Manannan in his temple. She has yet to return and Storm worries as they have started to forget what she sounds and looks like exactly.


  • Put trivia facts about the characters relationship here.
  • Duis sed tempor turpis. Sed tincidunt quam ut enim placerat, quis mattis erat tristique.
  • Donec eget sollicitudin justo, gravida iaculis ex. Nam auctor felis nunc, in posuere dui suscipit at.


Close Friend


Toru is a character that belongs to my friend. Toru is a quiet human who had come across Storm after they were attacked by a bear and helped to heal them. Toru didn't speak for a while, but was happy to quietly listen to Storm's ramblings and enjoyed their company. Later on, Toru started to warm up more and is now a bit more talkative around Storm, though is still far more reserved than the elf. Storm thinks of Toru as family and has openly stated this to the human on several occasions.

After Toru killed their abusive ex-boyfriend Vayne, Storm decided to take them out for the day, picking out new clothes and trying out new things to try out, before Toru settled on a more purple outfit with their hair tips dyed yellow. The two walked around for a bit more before Storm took them to Mag Mell and gifted them a daffodil that would never wilt as it symbolizes rebirth and new beginnings, which was fitting for the moment.

(Character & art is done by my friend, a link to their Insta is in the characters name)


  • Put trivia facts about the characters relationship here.
  • Duis sed tempor turpis. Sed tincidunt quam ut enim placerat, quis mattis erat tristique.
  • Donec eget sollicitudin justo, gravida iaculis ex. Nam auctor felis nunc, in posuere dui suscipit at.




Llywelyn and Storm met in G21 and had gotten along fairly quickly. They bonded over their interest for researching things, although Llywelyn is far more academical and studious than Storm is while making notes.

Llywelyn is pretty flirty and he finds it amusing how flustered Storm can get. Llywelyn enjoys going on dates with Storm, taking them out for cute cafe dates and picnics where Storm gets the chance to cook foods for their picnics, as they always enjoy getting to make stuff for their loved ones. Storm has also tried to convince Llywelyn to let them take him flying. It still hasn't happened yet.


  • Put trivia facts about the characters relationship here.
  • Duis sed tempor turpis. Sed tincidunt quam ut enim placerat, quis mattis erat tristique.
  • Donec eget sollicitudin justo, gravida iaculis ex. Nam auctor felis nunc, in posuere dui suscipit at.


Close friend


Merlin is a highly skilled mage of the Aces. He developed the spells: Snap Cast, Spellwalk, and Meteor Strike. His magic is second-to-none, and he is also said to be a very skilled craftsman. However, Merlin is extremely arrogant, brash and self-centered, though he remains loyal to his friends in the end and doesn't mean any harm.

He and Storm met many years ago and the two got along quite quickly, despite their differences and almost see each other as siblings, yet it remains to be said out loud by either of them. Merlin had gifted them a pair of golden earrings, as he got the idea from his own earrings that his old friend Talvish had given him. He played the gift off as a casual thing, saying how he "saw the gold and figured they would match with their outfit", but it was a sign of their close friendship and Storm is sure to never lose them.


  • Put trivia facts about the characters relationship here.
  • Duis sed tempor turpis. Sed tincidunt quam ut enim placerat, quis mattis erat tristique.
  • Donec eget sollicitudin justo, gravida iaculis ex. Nam auctor felis nunc, in posuere dui suscipit at.


Old Friend


Ruairi was an old friend of Storm, to whom they grew pretty close with as the two spent a couple months loosely traveling together, until one-day Ruairi disappeared. Storm later learned about the Three Lost Warriors and that Ruairi was one of the three.

Later on the two finally crossed paths again, but Storm was framed and Ruairi believes they killed his young brother Rian, when they didn't. Ruairi spent several days hunting down Storm and forcing them to fight him several times. These repeated battles all lead up to a point when Ruairi decided to sacrifice himself to open a door to another world. Storm tried to stop this plan and the two fought once more in their biggest battle yet, to which Storm just barely won. They never want to have to fight another friend again.


  • Put trivia facts about the characters relationship here.
  • Duis sed tempor turpis. Sed tincidunt quam ut enim placerat, quis mattis erat tristique.
  • Donec eget sollicitudin justo, gravida iaculis ex. Nam auctor felis nunc, in posuere dui suscipit at.

Skills and Abilities


HP 1850/2500
MP 2110/2500
SP 1950/2500
STR 680/1500
INT 860/1500
DEX 610/1500
WILL 540/1500
LUCK 310/1500



Describe your character's strength here. Curabitur ut efficitur felis, at semper dui. Sed id orci metus. Donec quam magna, malesuada a eros non, ullamcorper congue nisi. Proin viverra aliquet arcu a malesuada. Nulla justo sem, posuere eu viverra non, pulvinar quis velit. Morbi elementum, libero a eleifend iaculis, est eros venenatis ante, a hendrerit arcu purus eleifend risus. Nullam suscipit mollis rutrum.




Celtic Howling Chain Blade
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra massa massa ultricies. Mi tempus imperdiet nulla malesuada pellentesque elit. A diam maecenas sed enim ut. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus purus in massa. Integer feugiat scelerisque varius morbi enim nunc faucibus. Pretium vulputate sapien nec sagittis. Nunc mattis enim ut tellus elementum sagittis. Integer vitae justo eget magna fermentum iaculis eu.


STAFF - Sitka

Celtic Druid Staff
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra massa massa ultricies. Mi tempus imperdiet nulla malesuada pellentesque elit. A diam maecenas sed enim ut. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus purus in massa. Integer feugiat scelerisque varius morbi enim nunc faucibus. Pretium vulputate sapien nec sagittis. Nunc mattis enim ut tellus elementum sagittis. Integer vitae justo eget magna fermentum iaculis eu.


BOW - Denahi

Black Dragon Knight Bow
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra massa massa ultricies. Mi tempus imperdiet nulla malesuada pellentesque elit. A diam maecenas sed enim ut. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus purus in massa. Integer feugiat scelerisque varius morbi enim nunc faucibus. Pretium vulputate sapien nec sagittis. Nunc mattis enim ut tellus elementum sagittis. Integer vitae justo eget magna fermentum iaculis eu.


Chain Impale


Describe your character's skill here. You can mention how they developed this skill, how good they are at this skill, if they use this skill for good/ evil, etc. Keep in mind that a skill is different from an ability. A skill is something that's more learned/ acquired, and an ability is moreso something that is natural/ innate. Some examples of skills are playing an instrument, sewing, cooking, and playing darts.

Chain Sweep


Vestibulum tincidunt tincidunt diam vitae dignissim. Curabitur sit amet risus a ipsum laoreet viverra. Cras porttitor rhoncus lectus, id vehicula neque bibendum id. Vivamus ac sapien lectus. Maecenas libero tortor, condimentum sit amet lacinia et, tincidunt vitae leo.

Chain Crush


Cras id tortor venenatis, sollicitudin mauris id, finibus augue. Aenean quis odio vitae felis fringilla tempus. Pellentesque maximus libero sit amet sem suscipit, quis aliquet enim consectetur. Nunc dignissim ut nunc et accumsan. Quisque eu velit vehicula, faucibus quam non, fermentum risus. Proin tristique in leo at mollis.



Integer non sem vehicula, congue nulla sed, pharetra nulla. Nam velit lectus, euismod vitae pretium eu, luctus a velit. Vestibulum in sapien quis sem sollicitudin sollicitudin. Donec sit amet est eu nibh ullamcorper ultrices.

Meteor Strike


Cras id tortor venenatis, sollicitudin mauris id, finibus augue. Aenean quis odio vitae felis fringilla tempus. Pellentesque maximus libero sit amet sem suscipit, quis aliquet enim consectetur. Nunc dignissim ut nunc et accumsan. Quisque eu velit vehicula, faucibus quam non, fermentum risus. Proin tristique in leo at mollis.




Describe your character's ability here. You can mention how this ability affects their day-to-day life (if it does), if they choose to keep this ability a secret (why or why not?), and other general details about the ability. Keep in mind that an ability is different from a skill. An ability is something that's moreso natural/ innate, as opposed to a skill that is moreso learned/ acquired. Some examples of abilities are flight, heightened senses, heat/ cold resistance, and use of magic.



Sed ut egestas elit. Curabitur id varius tellus. Pellentesque consectetur nulla a massa ultrices, sit amet mattis diam porttitor. Morbi tristique turpis nibh, vitae gravida odio iaculis sit amet. Proin aliquam consectetur feugiat. Duis sagittis arcu at ipsum imperdiet, semper rutrum purus consequat.



Morbi vel quam vel nibh faucibus rhoncus. Donec ante augue, feugiat eget neque at, placerat dictum neque. Praesent vehicula, turpis eget malesuada consectetur, massa arcu bibendum velit, ac iaculis felis mi a erat. Nunc ligula elit, faucibus sed lorem id, egestas scelerisque ex. Nulla blandit eleifend nisl et rhoncus.


Everyday Life



Where does your character live? Do they live in the city? In a quaint village? Do they live in a house? Apartment? Shack? Do they live with another person/ other people? If so, who? Or do they have no permanent address at all? What is their living condition like? Are they able to live comfortably, or are they struggling to get by?

Feel free to describe their living space/ living habits here and any other general details about the life they live. Cras quis arcu at quam pretium euismod vitae at tortor. Integer id elit ut ante consequat sagittis. In nec faucibus tortor, et ornare ipsum. Vestibulum mattis sem elit, aliquet pellentesque diam euismod id. Vivamus finibus ante vitae tortor rutrum ultricies. Vestibulum mattis risus sagittis blandit ultrices.


Describe your character's daily routine here. Is their life peaceful enough that they can follow a (relatively) consistent schedule, or is every day completely random to them, and they don't know how it's going to turn out? This can be left as an overview, as the tabs below can go into further details.


What does your character's morning routine entail? What time do they wake up? Do they eat breakfast, or do they skip it entirely? Is their morning hectic/ busy, or is it lazy? Integer in nulla fringilla, molestie sapien eget, rhoncus diam. Mauris at mollis orci. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec aliquam fringilla nulla, ut faucibus leo scelerisque ac. Vestibulum id eros vitae eros tincidunt hendrerit eget eu ipsum. Donec id congue libero.


Aenean sed aliquam dolor, posuere sagittis risus. Cras consequat, nisi eu dapibus euismod, libero nisl porttitor velit, et dictum purus dui ac neque. Duis a ex vitae eros egestas laoreet ac vitae quam. Aliquam eros libero, eleifend sit amet urna malesuada, lobortis molestie ex. Donec mi metus, auctor ut est sit amet, mollis tincidunt nisi. Etiam lobortis elit vel risus elementum, non pretium massa finibus. Fusce vel feugiat felis, sit amet feugiat ante. Donec et nibh sit amet ipsum ultricies porttitor sed non nunc. Nunc a tincidunt lectus. Duis pharetra posuere metus, eget rutrum massa fermentum et. Etiam consectetur ultricies odio, in consectetur neque tristique quis. In at scelerisque purus.


Phasellus sed consequat augue, vitae viverra metus. Nullam magna ipsum, volutpat eu arcu in, pulvinar commodo mauris. Suspendisse interdum metus quis nisi suscipit, vitae tempus sem varius. Curabitur in nisl lorem. Duis ac mi id enim vulputate ultricies non vitae ex. Donec dui turpis, molestie feugiat rutrum in, interdum non augue. Donec ut dignissim mauris. Aliquam justo lorem, sagittis nec elit et, pellentesque rutrum velit. Etiam ut nisl enim. Nam tellus ante, volutpat in nibh nec, egestas consectetur augue.


Nulla fermentum ex quis bibendum elementum. Etiam tincidunt ante ligula, nec luctus felis vulputate at. Aliquam sagittis semper feugiat. Mauris vitae mi viverra, suscipit massa imperdiet, blandit purus. Phasellus fermentum lectus magna, at viverra dolor mattis non. Praesent imperdiet tempus viverra.


Describe your character's general health here. Are they healthy or are they sickly? You don't have to go into specifics here if you want as this is meant to be an introduction. Proin tristique, velit eget dictum mollis, dolor quam consequat nibh, vel aliquet dolor ligula ut turpis. Suspendisse tristique, ex sed ornare efficitur, orci urna congue nisi, vitae sagittis eros tellus in est.


What is your character's posture like? Do they have a good posture, or do they tend to slouch? Is their posture more stiff/ upright/ rigid, or are they more "loose"? Proin non ex nec erat venenatis ultrices. Phasellus cursus odio eu odio laoreet viverra id non sem. Donec efficitur arcu ac pellentesque vulputate. Vestibulum ac placerat nisi, et dictum leo. Donec nec imperdiet velit.


Describe your character's eating habits here. Do they have a healthy/ balanced diet, or do they favour some/ one food group over others and neglect them? Do they eat at a consistent time, just whenever the mood strikes them, or only if they feel hungry? Suspendisse eleifend auctor tristique. Vestibulum hendrerit mattis risus ut accumsan. Mauris ipsum nisi, accumsan non tellus vel, feugiat pulvinar risus. Cras sagittis eget libero nec porta. Donec in nibh eget orci porta finibus non a diam. Curabitur et tincidunt diam, nec tincidunt nulla. Nunc fermentum purus eget odio venenatis vestibulum. Aenean vestibulum id felis nec vehicula.



Describe your character's sleeping habits here. Do they stay up/ pull all-nighters, or do they go to bed on time? What sleeping position do they take? Do they snore, talk in their sleep, sleepwalk, etc.? If they share a room/ bed with someone, how does their sleeping habit affect said partner(s)? Duis orci dui, sollicitudin vitae diam sed, ullamcorper consectetur mi. Aliquam quis blandit velit, ac eleifend turpis.


What is your character's physical health like? Do they suffer from any physical illnesses, conditions, and/ or disabilities (ex. asthma, scoliosis, cancer, cerebral palsy, etc.)? How do they maintain their physical health, if they even do (ex. do they exercise regularly, such as going for a jog, or do they simply not care about their own health)?


What is your character's mental health like? Do they suffer from any mental illnesses, conditions, and/ or disabilities (ex. depression, anxiety, amnesia, etc.)? How do they maintain their mental health, if they even do (ex. do they meditate to relax, write in a journal, etc.)?

Values and Beliefs

Give a brief summary of your character's morals/ values here. What do they believe in (ex. belief in a god, belief in a person, belief in themselves, etc.)? Why do they believe in said thing(s)? You can keep this short since this is meant to be an introduction. Sed sagittis tristique lectus, pellentesque interdum sem bibendum nec. Integer tempor ipsum sit amet nunc accumsan tincidunt. Aliquam rutrum, dui eget dapibus consectetur, odio ligula maximus nisl, at dignissim orci risus id enim. Pellentesque et metus augue.


Describe your character's morals/ moral compass here. What do they consider right/ wrong? Where did they learn/ form these morals? Mauris quis nisi egestas, gravida nisl in, placerat eros. Praesent commodo dolor vitae nisi egestas pretium. Cras congue sem non venenatis vulputate. Mauris scelerisque diam et aliquet faucibus.


Honesty Feelings

Law Justice

Journey Results/ Destination

Comfort Security

Honour Loyalty

Realistic Idealistic

Go into details about your character's values here. Why do they have these values? Why do they value one thing over another? Nunc arcu justo, consequat a magna nec, feugiat sodales magna. Nulla mauris diam, vestibulum nec euismod a, viverra sed est. Phasellus diam turpis, eleifend eget neque at, cursus varius ante.


Higher Power
Good & Evil

Go into details about your character's beliefs here. Why do they/ do they not believe in these things? Ut in mauris id est venenatis porttitor. Quisque sollicitudin, enim in sollicitudin sodales, sem risus dapibus ipsum, eu aliquam nulla tellus eu mi. Pellentesque velit risus, dapibus non tempor eget, hendrerit eget est.



Describe your character's way of speaking here. Do they stutter? Are they formal and use polite language, or are they more casual with their words? Do they slur their words or mumble, or do they speak in a very clear way? Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam faucibus elit turpis, eu lobortis mi ultricies eget. Nam ante odio, tristique ut pharetra faucibus, facilisis quis tellus. Nulla neque lorem, ultricies sit amet dolor vitae, tempor pretium diam.


How does your character laugh? Is it a very hearty laugh, or is it more quiet and subdued? Is it easy to make them laugh? Is their laugh infectuous, or does it tend to scare people away? Integer pretium vehicula purus. Fusce et gravida erat, sit amet accumsan leo. Nunc odio nisi, ultrices id diam vitae, efficitur suscipit est. Nulla posuere augue sit amet leo fermentum luctus.


Does your character swear? If yes, how often? What kind of swear words do they use? If they swear, do they try to be aware of the time and place, or is it more on impulse? If your character doesn't swear, is it because they don't know any swear words, or do they choose not to? If they choose not to, is there a specific reason for it (ex. they find it rude)?


Low Pitch High Pitch

Smooth Rough

Soft Loud

Slow Fast

Describe the quality of your character's voice here. Do they have a pleasant voice, or is it more grating to the ears? Pronunciation and enunciation refer to how accurately and clearly, respectively, your character can speak. In other words, do they often mispronounce words? Can they speak clearly to get the specific sounds across so that others can understand them? Nam molestie dapibus cursus. Curabitur feugiat elementum ante, ut interdum eros dignissim eget. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.



  • They're actually smarter than they seem to think they are. They aren't really 'academically' smart, but they do take notice of the world around them and they enjoy learning new stuff about the things they're interested in. They know a lot of facts about nature and where to find things in the world, and they have a notebook they carry with them that's full of notes and drawings of things they've taken an interest in.
  • Their fear of open bodies of water stems from the fact that as a child they were left on their own for a number of years and had tried to teach themselves how to fly by jumping off a cliff. Naturally they didn't do well the first time and had fallen into a lake below the cliff, hitting their head on a rock which led to their horn breaking and almost drowning until they pulled themselves out of the water. It wasn't an immediate fear, though they were more cautious around water. After that though they never really had the best luck when it came to water and had become more fearful of it as time went on due to their repeated bad luck.
  • On a related note, despite their happy and bubbly personality, when they get scared or very stressed out, they often tend to shut down for a bit and will almost freeze or lock up at times. Which isn't the best response if they're being attacked by something. They've managed to try and overcome this when they're in immediate danger, mostly so that they don't have to worry about being killed and having to revive again (even though they can't die forever, reviving still isn't a fun experience). But in most situations, they often shut down and become pretty quiet, which concerns a lot of their friends and family, especially Manannan when he had Storm shut down on him for the first time right after Mag Mell fell and he took them in.
  • Storm still feels a sort of guilt for the fate of their friend Ruairi, perhaps stemming from the fact of how often they've been forced to fight with him. They were forced to defeat the Glas Ghaibhleann, which had Ruairi's soul trapped within it. Then later on how Ruairi had thought they killed his young brother Rian (they didn't) and spent ages tracking them down multiple times to attack them, with Storm being forced to have numerous fights with their old friend. And they were forced to fight him again in an attempt to stop the ritual of opening a gate to another world, which was their biggest fight yet and left both of them weak and exhausted, with Ruairi eventually being defeated.
  • For a while after Siora left, Storm had managed to develop pretty bad abandonment issues and was constantly scared that their adoptive father would also eventually leave them too. This got better over time as Storm managed to get past that way of thinking, but occasionally they will still worry about being left behind from time to time, although Manannan is pretty good at sensing how Storm is feeling, even if they try to hide it, so he's often there to reassure them that he isn't going anywhere any time soon.
  • They often like to have naps on warm days and can often be found sleeping outside in quiet areas or around Manannan's island. They mostly sleep on their front as it's the easiest way with their wings, and their wings substitute as a blanket most of the time they're napping.
  • While their happy personality isn't a complete mask, they are still a lot sadder than they let on and they had a bad habit of trying to hide most of their "ugly emotions", they especially try to hide a lot of the anger they feel towards a lot of things. They're angry at their mother for leaving them without so much as a goodbye, angry at how they were forced to fight their two old friends Ruairi and Mirach, at how unfair everything is and they feel bad for being angry about a lot of these things, so they tend to not really talk about it a lot, if at all.

AMA Thread

1. Question

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus. Aenean gravida eu nibh id tincidunt. Pellentesque lorem mauris, cursus sed ligula eget, cursus posuere risus. Phasellus vel enim volutpat, sagittis augue at, condimentum ex. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent consectetur semper ligula, nec pretium tellus iaculis at. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus gravida pellentesque dui.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus. Aenean gravida eu nibh id tincidunt. Pellentesque lorem mauris, cursus sed ligula eget, cursus posuere risus. Phasellus vel enim volutpat, sagittis augue at, condimentum ex. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent consectetur semper ligula, nec pretium tellus iaculis at. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus gravida pellentesque dui.


Reference & Design Notes

63814972_KYvFT9qKMBv1LLH.png?1686354013 VIEW FULL RESOLUTION














  • Up to date ref is always the first image in their gallery
  • They have droopy elf ears
  • Their left horn is broken (right as you look at it)
  • They have gold earrings (always include earrings)
  • Their flower crown is optional



Full Name


Nickname(s)/ Aliases

Gale (Manannan)
The Milletian

Age (Appearance)


Age (Biological)



10th June






Milletian Elf



(Main) Residence


Romantic Orientation

Queer (unlabled)

Sexual Orientation



Source Media


Gift Art/ Writing
Different Outfits
Different Hairstyle
Interacting with your OC(s)

These aren't canon to Storm's story, just a way to track my in-game talent levels.









The Star of the Dawn


Master Adventurer




Talents with (*) are talents I am actively trying to level up/improve.
Key: Grandmaster, Gold, Silver, Bronze

Elemental Knight







Chain Slasher







Pet trainer


Battle Alchemist



Construct Alchemist



The Languid Blue


Somewhere Only We Know


Come With Me


Soldier, Poet, King
The Oh Hellos


Test Drive
How To Train Your Dragon


Dear Fellow Traveller
Sea Wolf


Get This Right
Frozen 2 (outtake)


Two Birds
Regina Spektor


How Far We've Come
Matchbox Twenty


Barking at the Moon


Open Arms


Allies or Enemies
Crane Wives


Passing Through
Kaden MacKay


Wind Take Me Home!
Rise of the Guardians


Frozen 2 (outtake)


Song Title


Song Title


Song Title


Song Title


Song Title


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