Sadie Lambert



8 years, 8 months ago



Name Sadie Lambert
Age & D.o.B. 16 y/o, April 11
Build [info]
Height 160cm (approx. 5'3")
Species Human
Origin Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Occupation Student
Personality Cheerful
Enneagram 9w8
Design Notes

  • She wears pink leg warmers, which can at times partially cover her purple shoes.
  • The pink shirt is sleeveless on the left side, and has a long sleeve on the right.
  • Although her main hair bobbles are the spherical pink ones, it wouldn't be strange (for her) to use other kinds as well, like cherry-formed, bunny-formed--- anything cute formed, really. Other's, however, might find it to be a bit childish of her, though.

Sadie is a generally cheerful, yet naïve girl. She'll always try to encourage those who she sees are gloomy or just negative, even though they might not want her to do so. However, she oftentimes won't know that unless they actually told her, and even then she might misinterpreted it. She will always be inclusive and friendly, as her general belief is "why exclude someone from a party when the more they are, the merrier it'll get?!".

More often than not, she doesn't really get everything that others may talk about, especially when it is layered behind something else, such as irony or metaphors. She's generally innocent and naïve about the world, believing everything will improve and be fixed as long as one have a positive attitude to it. Despite being friendly towards everyone, she's really childish, and will, without fail, whine if she loses something, be it a game she lost against anyone or if she lost something precious to her. For how long, though, is variable. Also, if anyone pokes her you can bet she will poke back, and won't stop until she "wins". And, innocently enough, she tend to be quite absentminded. Not that it has really bothered anyone, apart from those that expect a serious answer from her.

TLDR: Cheerful and friendly, but also quite absentminded. However, she has a tendency to be very childish, as well as naïve.


  • She's ambidextrous, though she prefers to write/mainly use her right hand.
  • She's an early bird, and will usually start her day around 6 am regardless of whether it's a weekday or during vacations. Yet she's also the type to come too late at school for some reason.
  • She's able to speak fluently in English, and would be able to survive somewhat on the (Canadian) French she learned while growing up.
  • Her birthday (April 11th) corresponds to the day which she was first drawn/pixeled, in 2013, where she, at the time, was just a random cute pixel icon I planned to use as my icon on deviantArt. It wasn't until a few days later that I decided to make her my first OC, and drew a proper drawing/reference of her.
    • However, it would take until September of that year before she got her first name, Sadie. Her last name, though, I don't remember when she got it.
  • Sadie was originally going to have a (still unnamed) timid best-friend, whose design was more gothic-esque. This later changed when Marieyna came into the picture, who got many of the personality traits previously planned for to the other friend.
  • Before she got a last name, she was originally going to an American. However, after she got her last name, I found out that it had partial French ties, and decided to switch her over to Canadian instead of American.

heaven sunshine [ハム]
Aspiration [ハム]

She was born and grew up in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. While growing up she learned both French and English, where the French came from some of her friends and some of her grandparents, and the English from her parents and the school. But throughout her life she has mainly used English. She was never really the best at French, but she knew enough to understand what her grandparents told her.

She was always friendly as a kid, always wanting to hang out with classmates and the neighbourhood kids, but she struggled to actually form some kind of "real" friendship with anyone - every time she thought she had made a friend, she'd turn her back around, and they'd be laughing at something she'd said or maybe done "not quite right", which led to her somewhat distrusting people. She still tried to hang out and befriend people, but there was always something holding her back from being herself, from really trusting anyone.

This, however, changed the year she turned 14: her mother had gotten a job offer in the United States, in a town named Craydon in Michigan, which she took. This led to their small family of four to pack up their lives and move southwards, in persuit of future opportunities. She does still miss her home country, but not nearly as much as she would hadn't they travelled back almost every vacation to visit family.

But new country, new beginnings. Having decided to try being something new, she decided to try to be more cheerful, being the sun for everyone else instead of looking for one. To finally try and be more like what she was like, what she wanted to be like. Sure, she would have to endure people calling her an air-head and overly optimistic, but at least she'd know what they'd be saying about her, and be able to see people more clearly for who they actually were.

And hey, maybe one they she'd be able to find a friend, maybe even a best friend, who she could get closer to...?


  • Cherries
  • Anything sweet and cute
  • Bringing smiles and happiness to people
  • Cold days, where you just nuzzle inside your blanket in front of a fireplace, and drink hot cocoa in the company of friends.
  • Dancing

  • Horror movies (and anything related to supernatural occurences)
  • Being alone
  • Dishonesty
  • People who does nothing but make others feel bad
  • Swimming, or just being in a pool/ocean/lake (she can't swim)

Charisma 60%
Kindness 90%
Temper 40%
Integrity 60%
Courage 50%
Humor 80%
Attack 30%
Defense 10%
Magic 5%
Resistance 25%
Speed 50%
Stamina 60%
Appeal 50%
Confidence 75%
Intellect 35%
Manners 25%
Optimism 85%
Luck 70%

Marieyna Rendón del Bosque | Smol precious friend

The two met the first day of school, after Sadie moved to Craydon while they were 14 years old. At first, Marieyna tried to distance herself from Sadie, as the overly optimistic girl wouldn't really leave her alone (which got somewhat hard, seeing as they sat next to each other in class). However, Sadie wouldn't stop trying to get to know this person everyone else didn't give much concern to. Eventually, Marieyna would loosen up, allowing Sadie to actually spend some time with her, and not running/looking for her.

The two would chat about small stuff, maybe even stuff that had happened recently in their lives, but whenever the topic of stuff that happened a few years ago was brought up, Marieyna seemed to... talk it away? At least, that's what it felt like to Sadie. And there was also the thing with the glares towards that other person in class which Marieyna refused to talk about.

Something Sadie noticed right away about Marieyna, though, was how scared she was of other people, especially when they formed up in groups. It was a wonder that the poor girl had survived so long at school! Taking somewhat pity on her, Sadie decided that she'd try to "cure" Marieyna's people-phobia, and tried to gradually expose her to social interactions. At first, Marieyna seemed to manage to slip away from them, but as Sadie would be around to comfort her and her antics, the other girl at least managed to share the same room as a small group of people, even throw in some words if there was only one or two people other than the two ofo them. Which Sadie would always praise Marieyna for challenging her fears.

Marieyna, on the other hand, always has interesting stories to tell that whisks Sadie off to a fantasy-world, always a new one. Sadie isn't that much of a book reader, but she always loves listening to stories, so hearing Marieyna tell the stories of people in far-away places is always refreshing, especially with how Marieyna's voice seems to sound lighter, happier, whenever she tells them.

Honora Dempsey | Redhead

She doesn't really know her, except that her and Marieyna have some sort of history between them. Whenever she tries to ask Marieyna about it, she just evades the topic, and whenever she asks Honora, she just mutters something about "that strange girl", something which she doesn't explain.

It doesn't seem like she's so thrilled about Sadie, though, but she hasn't really figured out why. Sure, interrupting class several a couple of times hasn't really improved her opinion of her, but still...

Noriko Todoroki | Student council-gal

Noriko is always a fun person to talk to, as the girl seems to always have some sort of trick up her sleave. It's almost as if she practises them every day on someone else! Magical card tricks, pulling coins from behind your ear... A ton of different stuff!

She does sometimes mention stuff that doesn't really make sense, at least to Sadie, but whenever that happens, Honora usually stops her from completing the sentences. Otherwise, though, Noriko seems nice! She doesn't really talk all that much to her, given how Noriko is often busy doing student council work or other school work, but they do sometimes just have some small-talk whenever they pass by each other.