


2 years, 6 months ago



Name Lazarus
Nickname Laz
Species Gem People
Gender Male
Pronoun He/Him
Orientation -

Age 24
Birthday September 13th
Height 180 cm
Gem Type Lapis Lazuli

Place of Birth Inner City
Residence Inner City
Occupation Alchemist, Inventor
Mohs Hardness Scale 5.5

Status Alive
Hobby Taking care of his birds

Colour Palette

Reference Sheet


  • Birds
  • Studying
  • Expensive stationery
  • Chocolate
  • Dark-colored clothes


  • The God the inner city worships
  • Incompetent leaders
  • Cheap ink
  • Being the center of attention
  • Wearing revealing clothes


Belonging to a family of well known elites in the Inner City, Lazarus is the eldest and prized son of his family. A genius who's discoveries made him quite well known amongst other alchemists. Though he has made a name for himself since he was a child, he rarely goes outside. Which resulted into him being quite a mysterious figure because of the few amount of people who actually met him in person or even saw his face. The rare time he goes outside to represent his family is to join very important social gatherings, one that he cannot pass on or neglect as the eldest son. Little did they know, Lazarus often goes out at night to the outer city. Satisfying his pride and venting his anger to who knows what, over a god he never believed in, but inevitably involved in his life.

Lazarus is tired of sitting safely within the walls of the inner city. He doesn't accept how the one that gets thanked for keeping them safe is the "god" the elites worship. When in reality, it was the outer city residents who kept the monsters away most of the time. Thus he fights alongside them. Reckless and even suicidal, given his gem hardness isn't the fittest for combat. But to him, it was better than to sit prettily in his cage.

The nicer xela

He's a nice guy. He saved me from a monster once but I didn't get to say thank you. I kind of regret it but it's embarrassing to say it now.

The evil alex

Sometimes I want to punt him. Maybe kick him in the shins. If I didn't care about Alex I would. But I do, so.

Childhood Friend

I'm glad he's still here. Isai is a precious person to me. I don't know if telling him this would make him angry, the clothes suit him in a way. But I'll just keep it to myself.

Weird fish man...

Talking to him gives me a weird feeling in me sometimes. But I don't know what and whether it's a good thing or a bad thing. Whatever it is, it throws me off.

Suspicious bookstore owner

I barely speak to him but whenever I see him, he's always writing at insane speed. It's actually amazing. The characters in the novels he recommends to me are also funny. There's this super dense dense to the point he couldn't tell the difference between two people because of their blindfolds.

Her fortune telling is amazingly accurate! I can prepare ahead of time if misfortune comes, and be amazed when good luck actually comes. For once I didn't meet a scammer, she is probably my goddess.

No comment other than how her fans are crazy. Is she really that popular?

He's either dead or asleep

What do you mean he's not 12.


I've heard of his family. I didn't expect him to be such a huge fan of that idol girl though. I also see him often with the red haired idol fan. Birds of a feather.


No comment but somehow my bird Azul really likes to make him annoyed when he gets the chance. Also he's really bad at bird speech even I feel insulted hearing it.

Insane (2)

He cheered for me and Alex when fighting a monster one time and it almost gave me a concussion. The bastard didn't even go down to help us in the end.