✦ ~ Oliver ~ ✦



2 years, 8 months ago


Oliver Luciel Ires
age / dob
31 : 48 at death
artificial demon
formerly forensics (ballistic, pathologist) -> hitman
protag evil guy
Date created
Oliver Ires

Oliver is a heartless and sadistic murderer with little empathy for others, He's strategically violent and with a skill in hiding his identity. He lives his life with difficulties on finding his identity, as he has never had a proper grip on it since childhood. The man is considered to be mindless, bordering on the label of 'inhuman', a man who lives only for the purpose of shedding blood and tears.

Crazed and cunning, willing to do anything to get his way and what he wants. He seems to have this sense of charm on a normal daily basis, until he achieves a thirst for blood. The criminal communities know of his sadism and crimes, yet he will always keep them silent no matter the circumstances. This may lead to torturous methods or entirely unethical practices, which often lead in death.

intelligent clever confident apathetic sinister unfair

  • Like most individuals, Oliver has a soft-spot for those he's spent time with. He'll present himself as compassionate for these people
  • He still has morals even if he behaves like he's lost them all. During certain nights he'll be quite generous with those he's held hostage.
  • Oliver has compassion for abuse survivors, as he's had some form of experience with them.
    • He'll often be kinder to these people and avoid them when he's especially violent.
  • strawberries
  • spiders
  • forensics
  • cats
  • raspberries
  • other demons

Oliver's legal name was Felix Hale, a cowardly human who was easily battered and bruised. The youngest child out of his three siblings, Amelia, Timothy, and Anthony he was often ignored as per the unofficial or even unacknowledged family tradition. The Anthony, the oldest, was especially mocking and aggressive towards Felix, thus sprouting a rivalry and bordering hatred between them no matter what favors they did out of family obligation.

The day Anthony chased Felix off while they were camping, Felix not only got lost but was found by a kind woman who seemed to share his pain. She offered him the same choker that she wore, however it wasn't a fabric but more of a metal. In the moment he wore it, a sharp pain coursed through his spine and in just seconds all over his body. Not only did his body change, but his personality progressively did too. The woman merely laughed in his face, and Oliver quickly dragged her down with his newfound strength, battering her into the leaf litter.

As he grew older since that day his intrusive thoughts had worsened as did his temper. He became unpredictable in nature and no longer resonated with his name. He was aggressive to anybody who seemed like a threat, constantly in school fights and suspensions like crazy. After his first however he showed an interest in forensics. During this time he met Christine, someone he absolutely adored and would give his life for. The two graduated together and quickly became engaged and tried to start their life as early as possible as Felix was unsure of when he'd die.

Later on in their engagement, she had a baby. Unknowingly to Felix, it wasn't his. Five years later, he was furious to find it was Anthony's instead. Rather than blaming her about it, he was deep into the belief that Anthony had taken advantage of his fiancée. As a result of his fury, he swiftly took Anthony's life. In that moment he felt nothing but satisfaction and relief, but Christine had heard a terrifying scream to be cut off short. As a witness, Felix pleaded for her not to tell. Out of fear, he silenced her with a curse.

His family also knew of his crime, as they heard from Christine. Before she told anybody else, he found her and silenced her with a curse despite how much it hurt him. As punishment, his parents practically kept him restrained. They could never forgive their son for what he had done. In the span of several months they ripped his newly (fully grown, most of his life they were still small and hideable) grown wings away inch by inch, until he was left with nothing. In a spur of the moment, his anger reawakened, thus hospitalizing his parents and silencing his siblings aswell.

After killing Anthony and destroying his family, he felt like a burden had been lifted off his shoulders. Nothing provided him with such relief as that. Felix began to go by Oliver to most, and began to somehow cover his identity to make it much harder for authorities to know him. Of course, it was still difficult but he managed to do it. He lived his best life, while also continuing with his murders and crimes. Along the way, he's still felt love, sympathy, and gratitude no matter how rare the occurance was. That would never make up for the horrible person he became.

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Physical Notes
  • Fairly muscular, just not like crazy buff.
  • Wings are optional.
    • Without wings, his scars are required
love interest, unknown if reciprocated.
ex-fiancée. oliver wishes things had ended better
brother/enemy. oliver never regretted his death
older brother. severely regrets blinding him permanently