Okuya Ka'hana



2 years, 5 months ago


♦ Stats
Okuya Ka'hana
Su Saya,Skyland
24th of december
Ochita Megami
♦ Intro

Okuya herself is rather quiet, calm and very noble behavied while the other self she got is living captured deep inside of her, it destroyed Okuya most of the time of what she is and what she can do if she let her other self out. Even though it's locked Okuya fears that anyone will get to know what she had done. She herself often made her forget what had happened and is very sensetive toward this topic. Her life after the murder events is very quiet but yet very destroyed on the inside. Okuya however still has a big heart and much kindness to show, people who meet her often describe her as a goddess living in a humans body to hide. Her other self however caused a lot of trouble and caused her life to be destroyed. Okuya often spent days alone to find herself and to keep the vile one inside, the fact she herself did such horrible crimes scared her deep into her bones and mind. Okuyas self however faded, just as her body and she got cursed with the burden to never feel a humans touch again, not until the other got killed.

♦ Details
white blue
Skin tone
Hair style
styled voluminous and long
Hair Color
dark blue purple-ish
unsure, evil, nicely
petal cherry blossom
♦ Notes
  • Okuyas clothings are always light blue or pure white
  • She ALWAYS wears her fang necklace
  • She often wears accessories hair sticks to keep her styled hair together
  • Okuya also wears a black thin collar around her neck
♦ Credits
♦ Notes
  • Okuya is the old version of Sama and does not share any connection or visual looks!.
  • Okuya is an own OC and has its own history.
  • OC was purchased by me/P0linasan.

Okuyas Personality is more like splitted in half, even though her evil and cruel side don't show often it's still something she have to overcome everyday. As she became the mistress of the Roharu Temple her moods were calm and intact more often because of its Aura. But still the rumors going on about her make her worry and let her personality be in different shapes, sometimes very hard to handle. Okuya learned to absorb those feelings by doing tasks and exploring the nature. Even though Okuya's a very mature, warm hearted and pure kind of person there is still chaos going on inside of her sometimes.

By time Okuya got used to everything and also got the name of an Ochita Megami, a fallen goddess who is still respecte but also very avoided. Her bad side, the side who can kill anyone in a heart beat still frightened many villagers and people outside of Skyland. Many warded her off by hanging up different wind chimes outside their homes to keep her outside of their homes and to protect themselves. However, this worked pretty well since her other side reacted to the sound of the wind chimes, however, its Okuya herself who makes the wind chimes move by her influence of the wind.


Okuyas behavior also shows very much how much of an introvert she is, she avoid to talk to others and she also avoid the show herself to others. Okuya is also more likely described as shy since she flinches a lot when people try to mke any touching movements towards her.


Her voice gets describes as an innocent soul a lot, since Okuya don't really talk or better said, she don't dare to talk at all. Her feelings are very much visible through her expressions and gestures.

warm hearted

Okuya is very much of a pure and warm hearted person since she have a lot of understanding towards things and even people. As she got banned to the Roharu temples she found peace within and learned to love the things that she got blessed with.

cold hearted

However, her very vile and evil self is someone who don't carry any understandings or any good symphaty. She can be as evil as she can be as warm hearted, very often she catch herself to have the darkest thoughts and the cruelest intentions she ever got. That self is something Okuya is fearing a lot, very simple: Okuya is afraid of herself.
  • Okuyas true Origin is Su Kryo, but left as she suffered from the punishments she got for having a certain influence of the winds (Su Kryo people fear people with "unnatural" powers).
  • Okuya secretly collect things that look beautiful, for example unique shapes of stones or very large flowers she didn't got to see before.
  • Her powers reached their tops again as she turned 20 and was relieved once she remembered them.
  • Okuya was blessed to live two lifes and is now immortal with her second, even though she's cursed she prefers her second life over her first.
  • She always have to make her own umbrellas since they break a lot when the wind is to strong.
Charisma [ 90% ]
Kindness [ 50% ]
Patience [ 100% ]
Temper [ 76% ]
Courage [ 82% ]
Integrity [ 20% ]
Intellect [ 33% ]
Maturity [ 80% ]
Creativity [ 70% ]
Humour [ 60% ]


Okuya very often go for walks or even wandering through the Cherry woods and their mountains, she enjoys it the most when the sun is shining and she always carries her umbrella and fan with her when shes outside for a walk.


She absolutely adores to craft things such as fans, umbrellas, decor stuff and also making her own tea pots. Painting or to decorate her crated works is her favorite part of it. However, Okuya avoids to craft wind chimes on her own since her temple carries enough of it already which make their sound through the halls.

Self made food (specially dangos and sushi)

Another thing she adores is also cooking! Okuya is a very good cook since she learned how to cook over several years on her own. Her favorite food is Sushi but also dangos for a snack time at the rivers, she very often cook herself some carryable meals before she goes outside for a long walk.

Meeting Spirits

Very often Okuya get to meet spirits crossing her way, they are often very friendly to her and most of them tell her that they noticed her before but didn't got the chance yet to cross their way with her and get to know her. Someone Okuya got to meet very often is Su Roku, the very first leader and main spirit of the Roharu temples. Even though Okuyas place isn't the Su Roku Island (ruin island) itself, but a part that once belonged to the island specially the temples. Su Roku told her once how much of a lovely child Okuya was many many years ago before she got her second life gifted.

The other self

Okuya abhore her other self as much as she tries to accept it. Her other self caused her pain and is the reason for her current status and the curse that lays on her shoulder. However, her other self only got the show when Okuya lost control over herself which don't got to happen very often but her thoughts are still partly ruled over by her othe self.

Memory loss

Because of the huge strenght Okuya needs to make up to keep the vile self away from her it happens here and there that she catch herself standing anywhere without knowing how and why she got there. Okuya also sometimes forget stuff she wanted to say in the middle of a sentence because of that.

The Cold

She really don't like the cold days (winter) which makes her not go outside very much, she still enjoys snowfall and the great landscape when its all covered in snow but the cold forces her to not survive long without feeling weak or even tired, she tried going out several times but rather enjoy the cold weather from the inside.

Social and physical contact

A simple touch is enough for Okuya to flinch and step back from someone, she avoids social contact as much as she do with crowded places. Okuya feels highly uncomfortable and not welcome at all when shes around people, mostly it cause her to only think about what other might think of her or how many eyes lay on her. This is also the reason why Okuya visit a town or any other island extremely rare.
Attack [ Bad ]
Defense [ Poor ]
Magic [ Good ]
Resistance [ Average ]
Agility [ Average ]
Dexterity [ Good ]
Stamina [ Excellent ]
Focus [ Excellent ]
Strategy [ Good ]
Luck [ Average ]

White Umbrella

Okuya always carries an umbrella with her when shes going outside, it became a real habbit to do so because she struggles a lot to pull ot every little cherry blossom petal or even leaves out of her long hair. Cherry Blossom trees bloom and last longer than they do on earth. Its also very usefull when it might rain when Okuya's outside for her wandering walks. Okuya also use this umbrella as a follow guid for her wind abilities.

A pair of accessories hair sticks

Because of Okuyas very long and wild hair she likes to style her hair very often, either sticked around or only from the side. Very often her hair interrupt her view so she rather have two those hair sticks to keep it all together.


Her fan is only used when its warm or even hot outside, even though she don't use it often she still likes to carry one around just in case, it also stands for a noble behavior and manner.

Fang necklace

Okuya believes that when she wears or just carry this necklace with her, nothing bad can happen to her, its not approved but she still very much hold onto it and the believe itself keeps her calm. It's said that the fangs once belonged to a very stong creature with great wisdom.

Controlling the wind

Okuya developed her influence of the winds when she was in her teen years. By either thinking of it or moving her hand with a special movement she can creat gusts of wind or even stop a stormy weather if she'd be strong enough. Okuyas ability was gifted from a very legendary old Kami who looked out for someone to be woth to carry those abilities, Okuya did in their eyes and was their successor.

Wandering through the spirit world

In Skyland only gods and goddess are able to make their way to enter both sides, the normal and present world and the spiritual world. Okuya is the only one to break the laws with real visions she got of spiritual gods, an open gate between the real world and the world in the past. However, it can get dangerous if she lets in the wrong spirits if she isn't careful enough.


Because of Okuyas sacrifice she did with the help of her other self, Okuya was reborn into a very uncommon family and was gifted with being immortal as well. However, Okuya do not know that her other self is responsible for her curse she got later, it was truly a deal with the devil to be immortal.


Since Okuya was able to remember her past life she is also able to get flashed visions that last for only seconds, either its usefull or only a moment she experianced in the past OR future, both could have influence on her future.


Since her other self is completly banned inside of her, Okuya has a huge lack of being able to fight or to protect herself with actual hurting people. Even though she can defend herself with her abilities, Okuya avoid to give her other self the slightest chance of getting out by showing a sign of being "brutal".


Okuya is highly sensetive towards things which makes her to get manipulated easily if she isn't careful enough. Very often things hurt her even though it was just something a normal being could let go off easily, Okuya spend most of the time to think about it. And yet, it's hard to make her cry.

Her Status

The rumors and the status she got are often the reasons for her to feel uncomfortable and also to feel like a huge outsider, Okuya don't think much of herself even though shes a powerfull fallen goddess with a huge heart and great abilities. It often leaves confirmation when she rather ignores stuff she got told and is viewed as ignorant and arrogant at the same time.

Her other self

Okuyas other self is very often the reason for her to keep going but also the reason to hold back, it's imortant that Okuya do not get angry or emotional quickly or easily since it might trigger a break through of her other self who can kill and destroy a whole island within an eye blink if she tries hard enough to get her going. Poeple fear her because of that.

"Words can be resembled as a storm...you can't turn back time to impede the affect..."

♦ A fallen goddess

Okuya was present shortly after the fall of Skyland and its very darkish times and its selfish leaders who turned Skyland into a whole dangerous place. Since poverty and crimes became a normal thing in Skyland it was very foreseeable that Okuya ended up suffering from that as well. Okuya came from Su Kryo to Su Saya since the people there didn't believed in strong powers and other "unnatural" happenings in their surroundings and believes. Okuyas life started with a lovely surrounding, she got a family and a very healthy relationship with her sister Karma, the villagers of Su Kryo called them the unbreakable siblings since Okuya and Karma always stayed together. As soon as people on Su Kryo started to hunt people with unusual abilities, it was just a matter of time when Okuya got to be extradited for her influence of the winds and great wisdome she got from a Kami. However, Okuya didn't expected to be betrayed by her sister who told the villagers about Okuyas self and abilities. It was the first time Okuya got to meet someone she never knew was inside of her all along, it was until later as she found out that the blood on her hands was from her sister Karma. Okuyas mind and self was so destroyed by this betrayal that another self brocke through to take revenge, another self got to be aside of her as she got to be a goddess. Since everything of that happened hidden, Okuya got no other choice than leaving before things would get worse with her, it was for her own safety.


As soon as Okuya arrived at Su Saya it was very hard for her to keep herself alive and to forget what she had done since all of that followed her with every step she took. Okuya later noticed something like whispering through her head which told her to do things or not to do things, mumbled and rare but still understandable, for a huge while it completly made her crazy and people around her started to avoid her by her own influence. Okuyas acting and overal presence got noticed pretty much by the elder ones of their current generation and of course they wanted her more than anything cause of her extreme unique being she got and because of her ability to controll the wind, the elder ones had a huge interest into gods and other mystique creatures, in their eyes nothing is higher than themselves, not even a god. Okuya never met up with them since she saw directly what they wanted from her and it was her decision that she won't give herself to them. Because of the truth the elder ones got to know from the villagers at Su Kryo, Okuya had to hide for a huge while and escaped from many people trying to betray her. Okuya however noticed pretty fast that her self got sort of invisible, her body was very fragile and it was possible to even see through it. It was clear for her that her other self she tried to hide for such a long time is destroying her by taking over her body and mind, something like imbalance. It was the first time Okuya gave up with that and laid the control over to her other self, it was like a dull and numb feeling Okuya described later as she saw herself in a place Okuya felt extremely familiar with. It was a Temple near the waterfalls which got abandoned hundred years ago, the more Okuya entered this place the more memories flashed through her. Okuya got to know that this place belonged to her and that the goddess who was so loved, and got rejected by her people, was Okuya herself.


Okuya however suddenly remembered very well that it was her who tried to escape through another childs soul to grow, and to continue living on this place. The only reason Okuya was born again was because of her influence of peoples mind and evolution, this is also the reason why Okuya didn't looked like any of her "family members" It was like they would have adopted her if you'd say so. Okuya tried to get her other self away from her village she tried to murder a hundred years ago, until now it wasn't successful to kill the vile and evil self of the goddess Okuya who got damned to be invisible for a humans touch, no soul in this universe should be able to give Okuya the slightest touch of love or a warm feeling she could feel save in, it was just possible to escape the curse for a short period of time. Okuya stayed at the Temples for a while since she could hide there unbothered, later Okuya found out by a villager passing by that the whole place got signed of as cursed because of the massive lost of everyone passing through this area. The villager however told her that Okuya reminds him of the godess who was responsible of that, sadly it wasn't sucessful for her to hide her invisible-ish body, it was now clear that her other self lived there for a while and warded her birth right and own place. Once again Okuya got judged over and betrayed since the villager told everyone about his strike with her, saying that Okuya would have tried to kill him even though her evil self wasn't present at all. More and more people of Su Saya came by to chase her off from their island in fear Okuya could kill them, they all remembered her vile self as a sovereign murdering and longing for blood. Most of the villagers also talked about her as if she were an innocent goddess trying to trick you with her kindness and kill you afterwards, the vile and the evilness still remains in peoples stories. Since the fear grew bigger it was decided later by Guraijin that this part of Su Saya needs to be splitted off as a separated island itself since a lot of things got out of hand and people begun to question why a fallen goddess was allowed to wander through their places, been alive and be able to do such things. Even though Guraijin wasn't able to let people know the truth, it was still allowed for Okuya to enter the other island since Guraijin didn't saw a danger in her presence as she saw how much the vile self everyone knew her as faded. However, Okuya was still damned to not feel a slightest touch by anyone as the most higher spirits noticed her crime in reincarnation as she sacrificed her soul to be reborn and to escape her curse for a while. Though, Okuya got to make a little relations with others believing in her story and origin, especially another hidden god who visited her often and is also the only person who talked to her the most, and who spent his time with her mostly. It was also a huge secret that this god was able to touch her every full moon, according to the folk and the tales which got told about her, Okuya and the unknown god reunite every fullmoon since the love of her life Okuya had in her first life would return back to her. Still, it destroyed Okuya how much she got hated and how many people viewed her as the cruel person she was, many wished her death and avoided to even talk about her since most saw it as a bad omen.


By time, people started to hang up wind chimes outside their houses to keep Okuya away from their homes, most did it to protect themselves and the others to honor her so she can pass by when shes outside her temples, many of them believed if they would honor her, Okuya would hold back to choose them in particular to take their lifes. Okuyas temples over the years were full of those wind chimes from people who tried to ward her off, even to "lock her" into the temples. It was still a huge secret that Okuya got cursed to feel no touch by anyone, a deal she made since the very beginning. Still, people showed their respect to her once a year when the first full moon appears above Skyland, there are only a few people who believe in the stories which get told about her and her presence. It was very very rare that Okuya showed herself to others since she is afraid to feel rejection and hate once again. Also the reason for her other selfes sudden 'disappearance' is the fact Okuya started to accept her fate and to protect others by protecting herself, all of that was a pure result of betreyal, judgements, and hate towards her and it was her duty to live with that, in fact, her vile self truly never left. Until today people tell stories about the goddess Okuya who can control the winds and about the mysterious god who get to reunite every fullmoon. Some people also use to believe that whenever a strong wind is running through, Okuya would be around.

♦ Su Kryo

Okuya was born in Su Kryo, the winter island of Skyland. Okuya never had much to give and not much to take from Su Kryo since she experianced nothing but rejection and discomfort on Su Kryo. Very much at the beginning of Okuyas ability development her family kept it as a secret and teached Okuya to not tell anyone and to not use her powers at all. She and her Sister Karma were always together, playing and laughing and also sharing their deepest secrets with each others. It got noticed pretty much since both were present a lot and their Family itself had a very good reputation, her father was one of the right hand of the leaders. As the villagers started to compliment and express delight towards the good weather (the last storm took place BEFORE Okuya was born), it was clear to Karma that it was Okuya who brought them this joy, refered to a gift from the gods. As Karma felt more and more jealous of Okuya she started to give Okuya the fault for everything bad that happened on Su Kryo by using Genjias history record which happened years ago. She compared her with Genjias powers and the horrible happening which took placea long ago, it was Karma who gave everyone the hint for Okuyas powers. By tricking Okuya, Karma was successfull to make Okuya use her powers without knowing that some villagers hide as Karma told them to. As they saw how Okuya as able to make snow petals and some leafes float like a dance in the air it was just a matter of time when they planned and decided to kill Okuya off to 'protect' the island from the vile. However, that betrayal left Okuya to feel a certain anger and grief at the same time, that the villagers begun to fear Okuya was reasoned as she killed Karma without hesitation, the villagers described Okuya as someone incredibly mysterious and someone evil with a very tin black heart. It was the first time her other self brocke through and it was clear that this kind of self was hiding since a very beginning, the Ochita Megami has returned. Very much soon Okuya left Su Kryo as she turned back to normal quickly as she realized what she had done to her sister...

♦ Su Saya

Okuya had a lot of struggles to get along on Su Saya since she arrived there at its darkest time. She was hiding constantly and her backstory got spread fast all over Skyland and Su Say itself. Because of that the elder ones started to show interest in her which she avoided. As Okuyas body got more and more invisible by time cause of its affection and visions her other self caused she lost herself and handed herself over to the other self. Later it was discovered that her vile self saved her from dying since the one can't live with the other. Her vile self brought her to the old Su Roku temple which was build in Su Saya, but is as abandoned as the Su Roku ruin island itself. It was clear to her very fast that she was one of the four gods, including Su Roku. However, she was found very soon by a normal Su Saya villager as they passed through the aera, Okuya got noticed very fast and it was just a matter of time when they would find out, and they did. Since Guraijin, the leader of Skyland at this time, feared that Okuya and the place itself could get destroyed it was decided later that this part which rightfully belongs to Okuya only needs to be seperated from Su Saya, this part got to be one of the smallest island which is still attached to Su Saya. Because of the rumors and tales people told about Okuya, more and more people started the hang up wind chimes at Okuyas temple or at their own homes to 'ward' Okuya off, in fear she could try to kill them. In fact, the bridge that connects the Island and the temple with Su Saya is full with wind chimes, beautiful to see, yet with a very destroying meaning. However, Okuyas curse is also partly a reason to honor her at every full moon, there is not much of any proof, but the rumor itself that she is cursed and that another god reunite with her gives enough reason to better honor her and treat her with respect every new fullmoon of the year. Its been told that this night is the night Okuya would meet someone special again. Most honor and respect her since they believe if they do that, its more unlikely that she will have any interest to come for their beings. Okuya still lives on the island on her own, rather hiding and being 'unknown', waiting for the one Okuya adores.

Zhilan♦ Wife

Okuyas relationship with Zhilan is very intense, between all of the stories which got told about Okuya, Zhilan is the only one knowing the extreme truth and her origin at Su Kryo. Zhilan got to love Okuya as a piece of her own and both meet up everytime a new full moon appears in the skies. Something that keeps Okuyas other self away is the hope and love she got to experiance through Zhilans trust and conection both goddesses have.

Guraijin♦ Friend

Even though Okuya kept her distance from her she still liked Guraijin for being who she was since Guraijin is a person Okuya can relate to very much. Therefore, Guraijin crosses Okuyas way more often when she is wandering on another islands, Guraijin always have a moment for her.

Lorelia♦ ???

Lorelia never got to meet Okuya in person as she started her leadership over Skyland, but seeked for her more often as she visited her by Lorelias invitations. Both get along good and its very important to Lorelia to keep her curse still as a secret, this was later signed from both on an offical contract.

Tamashi♦ ???

Before Okuya left Su Kryo it was Tamashi who accompanied her from the island and told her to run and never look back, even though Tamashi is an outcast herself.

Karma ♦ Sister

Her relationship with Karma was extremely close, both were unbreakable sisters and bot have spend most of their time together. Both were known for the two sisters of Su kryo with an unbreakable bond. It was truly a horrible act how things turned at the end, she would have killed Karma earlier since she showed signs of jealousy long before her betrayal, according to the vile Okuya.

Character Name ♦ relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus.

Character Name ♦ relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus.

Character Name ♦ relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus.