Dr. Lindsay Vogel



6 years, 6 months ago


Dr. Lindsay Vogel, "M.D" is a "doctor" working out of her own secret, private laboratory. She mostly works on "enhancing" or "upgrading" the human body, mostly via... ethically questionable human experimentation. She rarely just goes out and kidnaps random people (anymore), as she has succeeded in growing and genetically modifying children (with the eggs from harvested ovaries) that are perfect for her experiments. These children often have little intelligence because of the process she uses to make them susceptible to some of her "changes". She believes that these experiments, which often involve creating children with characteristics of some animals, will better the human race, and bring her fame and fortune in the long run. However, she knows that people might not see her experiments as helpful now, as they are not finished, so she hides them in her incredibly top-secret, hidden laboratory.

Lindsay is an incredibly chipper person, and is always enthusiastic about her work. She is also very intelligent, having come up with most of her methods herself. She is a people person, being very socially active in her youth. However, she is very brazen and extremely unsympathetic, being able to experiment on human beings with no guilt or shame. Lindsay is also very strong-willed and focused, not giving up on beliefs or projects easily. 

Lindsay had an interesting childhood. She was raised by an extremely religious mother and a heart surgeon father. From a young age, her mother would tell her tales of how many of the people in the world were dirty, dirty sinners and how they needed to be "cleansed." While Lindsay did not care much for religion, her perception was changed. She wanted to help these people become better. Over time, that thought changed slightly; she now wanted to make the entirety of the human race "better." Her father pushed her towards a career in medicine, and her path was set. After her medical residency, she left the field of surgery and bought a small, remote island with the money her father left her after he died. She "dropped off the face of the planet," going completely off the grid. Then, she bought herself enough equipment to start up her experiments, and begun. 


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