There was one specific part of my RPG that was left unknown. No characters either fit the part or came under my ownership. I even sadly thought of scrapping it from the game. But that's all about to end right here! :D

So, without further ado…let's take a look at [ENTITY UNKNOWN].

Poor [ENTITY UNKNOWN]…Trapped inside of the Void forever, and lives that life with nobody to accompany them…

So that's why we have to start at the very beginning.

There are two realms: Reality and Fantasy. The Board are the ones searching for ways to enter Fantasy and make all dreams come true. Within the Board are at least eleven classified members. Well…there used to be TWELVE, though.

Board Member #12 was said to not exist. However, it was the Board Leader's doing that caused the others to forget all about this specific member…Let's go back to the last time they were at a Board Meeting…

"ORDER! I WILL HAVE ORDER!" the Board Leader ordered, banging his gavel.

"I'M RIGHT HERE, YOU DINGUS!" spat Order, the Leader's gavel.

"Not you, the Board! We must retain order!"

The Board sat down, paying attention to the Leader.

"Now, we have come to terms that the federal financial input won't be enough to manifest energy to open a strong enough portal to Fantasy. We must figure out other ways we can raise the funds for our cause!"

The Board began rapidly spitting out suggestions.

"We can advocate to tax the middle-class for it!"

"Foreclose homeless shelters!"

"Why don't we just…be direct and ask the people nicely to help our cause?" suggested Board Member #12.

The room slowly turned their heads toward them. Every which way, a deadly stare would burn through their eyes.

"Number 12…would you kindly follow me for a minute?"

"Y-Yes, Mr. Leader?" They got up and out of their chair, exiting the meeting room with the Leader.

The Leader led them to the Portal Room, swiftly opening a portal.

"I just want to…make you feel privileged, by making you the first person to visit Fantasy."

"Wait- You mean it? Mr. Leader, I'm honored!" #12 was jumping in excitement.

"Enjoy yourself. Don't go insane…"

He maliciously smiles at that last statement, pushing them through the portal and closing it soon afterward, returning to their meeting.

The shocking factor of it was…it wasn't Fantasy. The coordinates were way off. This was the torturous midway between Reality and Fantasy…the Void. #12 looks at their corrupted self, terrified at what they have become. This was the moment when they knew…the moment the Leader and the Board returned…they would get their revenge…


In the RPG, she appears in the Narrator's ark, which is the final ark of the RPG. The main team prepares to face the Narrator in Reality, when he threatens to erase Fantasy from existence. The moment they notice he wasn't joking around, they head into action, going through the Portal.

But they suddenly realize that this isn't Reality…they appeared in the Void.

They hurry to get out of there when they see [ENTITY UNKNOWN] in the distance. Their appearance was severely corrupted and didn't feel fitting in the universe. As [ENTITY UNKNOWN] starts approaching them, the team must do everything they can to get away. The terrain in the Void was invisible though, and what was even worse was that [ENTITY UNKNOWN] was able to manipulate the terrain to their will, causing damage as the team tries to get away. If they manage to run from them for five minutes, the portal will recharge and they will be able to escape. If [ENTITY UNKNOWN] CATCHES them though, they will engage in battle. This is the only being that is impossible to win against. None of the team's attacks will hit them, and once the team goes down, [ENTITY UNKNOWN] will use a unique attack that erases the team from existence. This will trigger Bad Ending #13: Forgotten Causes.

Some extra things I hope to work on: If a player uses hacks to beat them, [ENTITY UNKNOWN] will use ANOTHER unique move called Clean Slate. This softlocks the game. Once booted back up, their save file will be wiped, with the word "Gotcha" next to it.

I might make [ENTITY UNKNOWN] a placeholder for corrupted files, probably as a little gag to freak some people out, thinking the Void being is coming for them. XD

But other than that, that's currently everything I have for them! I hope to work on a move set and more lore for them in the upcoming future. Thanks so much for this opportunity! <3



Name: Howin


They kill people for fun. If you get on his nerves he will Kill you.

He’s good friends with https://toyhou.se/18598942.curiosity-truesona- (they kill together sometimes)

This lil dude is so cute, and I have a perfect place for them in my story!

Whisper is an archfey banished to the material plane for betraying the fae court. While the other banished fae set up camp in the woods by a big city and tried to build new lives for themselves, Whisper started work on his own projects. He collected plushies that had been lost or abandoned in the nearby city and brought them to life to help him in a very for a very special mission. To help children in bad situations. He and his plush companions travel around, following the smell of sadness, to find their next charge. Once their target has been located, they place themselves in a location where the child will inevitably pick them up and bring them home. They then become this child's protector. Stopping bullies if they're being picked on at school. Protecting them from bad home lives until help can come. Comforting them in bad times. And as all the plushies have been gifted claws and teeth, they are extremely good at their jobs. When their charge is safe or no longer needs their help, they say goodbye and move on to the next one who does.

His plush army all live in a little clan campsite in the woods which has been built out of recycled trash, while he goes back and forth between the plush camp and his archfey friends' treehouse base. Whisper is the leader of the plush protectors, with a cutthroat plush rabbit named Stitches being his second in command. They all sometimes team up for especially tough cases, but usually they all have their own targets/charges. As a shapeshifter, Whisper can shift between his full size form and a small, plushie form. He will sometimes will go into the city with his archfey friends to party or get supplies for the archfey base.

Name: Mystery

Gender: Male

Pronouns: They/Them

Likes: Dark Things, Blood, Weapons (Mainly sharp objects)

Dislikes: Bright Lights/Colors, Cute Things, Bullies(They will hunt them down)

Bio: Mystery is a Quiet and Strange fellow, They rarely speak and are always coming out of nowhere when you least expect it, They are an experiment that escaped the lab and is dangerous.

Why I Want: I'd love to have this guy in my lab story!

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