
July Holland

28 ✦ Female ✦ Daydreamer



Oringinally intended to be a sona used in place of my real face on sites like artfight and postcrossing. Decided to give her a fictional story because that's just funner. Voice claim is Rose The Hat from Doctor Sleep.


July is from Summersville, West Virgina. She's an avid cryptid hunter and is particularly fond of mothman (of course) and bigfoot. She also has a soft spot for dogmen and has been longing to visit Michigan and Wisconsin to check them out. She's into photography, phostcarding, and journaling. Contary to popular belief she is not fond of journalism, she thinks that it is too invasive. She adore camping, exploring, and just generally adventuraing. Has a serious case of wanderlust and has a goal to roadtrip across the country and then backpack around the world. Gets lost very easily though and has a tendency to wander off. Sometimes talks to trees when board. Bugs are friends. Loves raccoons. She enjoys all types of music but indie folk is a favorite. Personality wise she is very easily distracted and is rather fickle. She is the embodiment of both ‘feral goblin’ and ‘reject society return to monke’.


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."

  • yes
  • duh of course
  • more yes
  • definitely absolutely
  • give me
  • no
  • maybe not
  • of course not
  • ewww gross
  • more no

Theme Songs

The Decemberists - June Hymn, Firewoodisland - Owl Song, Meskerem Mees - The Writer

Dream Destinations

Michigan, Wisconsin, Romania, Austria, Myanmar, Bermuda, and Cook Islands.

profile html by Hukiolukio