


6 years, 7 months ago


★ Nori 
»Designer: griffsnuff

»Species: Closed Species - Bagbean

»Gender + Pronouns:  
  • Male
  • Uses He/Him Pronouns
»Means of Purchase + Date Obtained: 
  • Trade with Gloomboys
  • Obtained on 1/1/2019
»Current Value: ???

»Status: Forever homed; never uft/s
» Personality:
  • Nori is a somewhat soft boy most of the time you can say but can be harsh when needed to. He works as a flower shop owner being the guy to search what flowers are best in season. He is willing to sacrifice himself to help his friends which can lead to downfall if he isn't careful. He also dislikes his hair getting messed up.
  • He is also awfully curious but cautious as well  but he isn't afraid to try new things and find the secrets to them and wouldn't give up until he does. He is also really petty and keeps grudges so please don't upset him.
  • Nori is also really talkative when talking about his favourite topics such as flowers, hobbies and other things. He will punch you if you say he's kinda feminine however.
  • .PS. he has no idea how to tend cactuses and tends to overwater them