Sparrow's Comments

Hey! 💚 does anyone in my th (not in mains, important, islanders, or species) potentially interest you for trade? ^^

Sorry for the late reply ! I really like 

You can @ my main (jutta) in a reply for a faster response if you'd like ! I don't mind !

Jutta thank u for looking!! Sorry I’m a bit too tent with Julian atm ;; did anyone else potentially interest you? <3

I also like ! If they also don't work, is it ok if you make a tag that removes the other tentative ones? I don't want to waste your time 😔

I’m sorry I am super tent with her too, I apologize for haggling!! Those two are just coincidentally two of the ones I’ve been considering keeping, other than them I would be up for almost anyone in, I tried tagging ones I probablyyy wouldn’t trade with "tent" and also put "✨" in the names of some I probably wouldn’t trade. But it’s honestly hard for me to 100% decide if I’d be willing to trade them or not until I’m actually asked ;;

In these i probably wouldn’t trade anyone from "characters", and "retired" is forever homed. There’s also the navigator section which I probably wouldn’t have any I’d trade besides like possibly the Tbn/sakurai/jasmine/.. sorry for my indecisiveness ^^”