Travesty Forrest



2 years, 5 months ago


Little Fang
Avey Tare's Slasher Flicks

01 — Profile

Name Travesty Forrest
Nicknames Travis, Little Tengu
Age 13
Pronouns He/Him!!
Height 5’1!
Epithet Corruption
Proficiency 21
Stamina 25
Occupation Making Friends!!

Status Stuck in a Hotel >:0
Designer @ sauce
Worth Priceless Baby Boy
02 — Personality

Travis is a very energetic kid. He is a bit on the impulsive side, but you'll find him with a happy smile stuck on his face, ready to get into shenanigans! There seems to be no end to the kid’s optimism. He’s always first to poke his head into places they’re not supposed to be in, and investigate whatever interesting thing has caught his eye. He cares deeply for his friends, and is very loyal to them. Whenever someone is feeling down, you can be sure Travis will be there to offer a hug. He can also be rather empathetic and gentle when the time calls for it.

Travis has had a rather rough start to life, but he doesn’t let it show… much. Many of his peers tend to isolate him, and his troublemaking nature can certainly draw some ire. But he’s really a good kid, I promise you. Just a bit misunderstood. Know that whenever he asks you to join his ‘religion’, really he’s just looking for a friend. He’d love to get soft tacos with his pals!

Don’t tell anyone, but he doesn’t really like his epithet all that much. Corruption is not the nicest of epithets to be saddled with. After all, the first time Travis used it, he didn’t really have control. It messed him up a little. On the bright side, he can kick vending machines and make them give him free snacks! He’s a little afraid that if others knew his epithet, they wouldn’t want to be his friend anymore. After all, he’s always been the problem from the start. Best you avoid a kid like him.

  • His friends!!!!!!

  • Soft Tacos!!

  • Cool Pink Crocs!!!!

  • Adventure!!

  • Birds, most of the time!

  • The Rain

  • People who are mean :(

  • Birds, sometimes

  • Being alone

03 — Background


Travis never knew his father. It was always just him, and his mom! But he didn’t mind, happy to be there, trying to make his mom smile even if she wasn’t the kindest to him. Some of her gripes with the father she would never name would often be projected onto the poor kid. It’s a good thing he’s good at making friends! One was his first pal growing up, and the two of them would often spend time in their house playing games. They met Buddy later on and were quick to drag her into shenanigans. The two of them would often make a game of trying to unlock their epithets, combing through words that sounded cool or that might be the one. She completed the little group, in a way. Patched everyone up, especially Travis after a tumble or two. And she brought gum! Travis was just glad to have such dear friends, and he would do anything for them! He loved them, and they loved him.

The River Incident

It would’ve been a day just like any other - Travis had dragged his friends Buddy and One on a rainy day to go and poke by the river, up to their usual antics. But Jared was waiting for them. Waiting for him. He was pulled away from his friends, Jared demanding Travis to use his epithet. H-He didn’t understand, he didn’t have one! Travis didn’t like the look the kid had in his eye, the way his hand was hovering above his sword. It.. scared him, a little. So Travis took a step back, trying to get away. Another, and another, until he hit the edge of the bridge spanning over the river. The last thing he felt before plunging into the cold water below was those two gloved hands pushing him away.

Harsh river water bubbled up in his lungs, suffocating the kid. No matter how much he struggled against the water, he couldn’t get back up to air. He was scared. So, so scared, alone in the water. He- He didn’t want to die…!

Something started to burn in his chest. Or rather… rot. He wanted to survive, and that fear awoke the epithet he didn’t know he had. The two kids standing at the edge of the bridge were drawn to the brilliance of light that shone where Travis had fallen. Black feathers began to fall from the sky as a dark, shadowed figure emerged from the water. Unfurling massive, unnatural wings layered over another. Buddy could only look at him in horror, and Jared….. Well, he wasn’t given a moment to breathe before the beast lunged. Travis wasn’t- really thinking. He was operating on instinct alone, transformed into something that wasn’t quite himself, and right there was that kid, the one that tried to…! The bird pinned Jared underneath his claw, locking eyes- what was it in his face? Fear? Confirmation that he was right about Travis? … Acceptance?

“... T-Travis, what are you doing..?”

Buddy. Buddy, his friend, the one who always looked out for him, who was staring him back down in horror. Fear. It was enough to snap him back into reality, shedding the transformation back into himself. But.. not quite. Something was off about his eye. His hand. His body. Scarred from such a transformation he wasn’t ready to use. But.. they were still friends, right? He may have an epithet now, but that doesn’t change things, does it…? He didn’t get her answer before the four of them were pulled apart by people dragged in by the commotion.


..... One doesn’t talk to him anymore. Always disappearing before Travis can snag a conversation with them. Buddy isn’t allowed to speak with him either, and was swiftly switched to being homeschooled. He wasn’t the most loved among his peers, but now? Well, rumors were quick to circulate about the kid. He’s dangerous, they say. I mean, haven’t you seen his arm? But Travis is sure, if he could just talk to his friends, everything would be just fine! Buddy seems like a good place to start - after all, he never got her answer…

The Icebreaker Hotel

”Hi! I’m Travis. Would you like to join my religion?”

In his attempts to reunite with Buddy, Travis more or less snuck into the Icebreaker Hotel. Well, while you’re here, you might as well ask around! Wouldn’t hurt to make some new friends. It has rapidly devolved into quite the adventure! While no one has taken his offer yet, he’s been sorta pseudo adopted by much of the party. His constant optimism keeps the party from getting too down, and Travis is always rushing to give a hug to people who need it. Hopefully, it makes up for the fact that half the time he’s the reason why they get in trouble in the first place.

04 — Trivia

  • Including his party, Travis has asked people to join his religion a grand total of 8 times. He also has asked (1) bug.

  • Is the youngest of his friends, although he’s surprisingly actually a bit older than Jared.

05 — Relationships

Best Friends!!1!

His first friend! He knew One since they were little. Cares about them an awful lot, and more than enough makes up for their more reserved nature. He’s been privy to the slow shift One has gone through, although he hasn’t quite noticed the cause or known how to approach it. He can only hope they’re doing alright…

Buddy Bean
Best Friends!!!!

His best friend! Someone’s got to bring the friend group snacks. Buddy was the one to give the group matching pendants. He’s still a little upset that his got washed away in the river… Travis wishes he could talk to Buddy again. He hopes that she still thinks of them as friends.

Travis doesn't quite know how to feel about Jared. He's not the type to hold a grudge, for one. But the judge is always is on guard whenever Travis is around. Although, he has gotten a glimsp of that softer side before Jared hurriedly hid it away. Maybe they could be friends...?