The Scourge



6 years, 8 months ago


5099831_zJ304hJO3uEC2dd.pngThe Scourge is a debilitating sickness without a known cure. It can only be removed through convincing the parasite to leave, or through magical means. Even the smallest amount can render the victim sick. If there isn't enough of it to infect the host, it simply uses the host's resources to reproduce, and then slowly takes over the body and feeds off of its energy.

Infection symptoms
  • 1 hour - Intermittent dizziness
  • 5 hours - No dizziness, slight fatigue
  • 12 hours - Moderate fatigue
  • 24 hours (1 day) - Recurring fevers (from once an hour to once every 4 hours)
  • 32 hours - Anemia, light-headedness, immune system compromised
  • 48 hours (2 days) - Blue saliva, highly infectious
  • 72 hours (3 days) - Insomnia
  • 96 hours (4 days) - Constant sickness and fever
  • 108 hours - Vomiting, diarrhea
  • 120 hours (5 days) - Death

Depending on the victim's willpower and size, as the sickness goes on, they might feel urged to spread the sickness. It's spread through ingestion, through the victim's saliva.

The parasite's physical, humanoid form can be separate from the infection itself, though it seems to have a psychic link with it, though it's only to the extent of having the ability to make it leave. They cannot control the host. Not unless they use enter the victim whole, which will cause the target's sclera turn blue, and the pupils hot pink, much like Scourge's eyes in their default form.

While Scourge controls their target, the victim is still present, although unable to control their own body. They can communicate with Scourge psychically, but Scourge is fully capable of blocking their words out. All they can do is watch the actions the intruder carries out.

The sickness still progresses as they control a victim, though it develops twice as slow. If Scourge leaves the body before it dies, the target will experience a period of nausea depending on how long they were inside the body.

The Scourge as a physical being

Gender: Agender (they/them)
Height: 4'3"
Orientation: Asexual Aromantic

Alignment: True Neutral

Scourge is a young virus, and not very knowledgeable on human relationships and general concepts. They know almost nothing about personal space and privacy. Most of their behavior is based on their uncontrollable instinct to multiply by taking more hosts, though they can be convinced to tone it down by people they like. Honest, and can be manipulative when wanting to do something.

Their body is very gelatinous, soft like slime. It behaves like jelly, and it doesn't stick to anything unless force is applied. When Scourge "drools", their body drips and leaves a trail behind.
It is impossible to harm Scourge through normal means. The only way to truly harm them is through a highly concentrated amount of alcohol or disinfectant. Otherwise, they will simply squish and reform.
Their arms are awfully long in general, though their left arm is longer, almost longer than their entire body. It's the arm they use to check their target's health. By sticking their hand in their mouth, they can receive information of their wellbeing, their health, heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, and so on... Essentially, anything a doctor would know and beyond.


  • Soap operas
  • Healthy foods
  • Healthy/strong people
  • ???


  • Other sicknesses/viruses
  • Sweets
  • ???
  • ???


  • They sometimes forget about basic human functions when not controlling a body.