Billie Russey




Flameo, Hotman!!


Name Billie Russey
Age 22
Gender Female [She/Her]
Sexuality Bisexual [Masc lean]
Race Monster [Fire Elemental]
Height 5'1"
Weight 120 lbs
Theme Song link

Positive Traits

  • Fun-Loving
  • Creative
  • Sociable

Negative Traits

  • Absentminded
  • Perverted
  • Childish

Billie is a very excitable and chaotic person. When it comes to her interests, she has no issue yelling them out to the world! Her entire aesthetic is scenecore and kawaiicore and it's plastered all over her room and social medias. Being a monster, she's been warned about being around humans, so whenever she goes out she has to take on a human disguise. One day, she'd love to be herself around humans-- they seem like fun!



Billie is a very fun loving and excitable girl. She's always the life of parties and tries to get others to hop in whenever she can. Once upon a time, she used to be one of those lonesome emo kids that would sit in the corner and complain about life, but now she can see how exciting it is, which separates her from other people like her. She's a very sociable and talkative girl! She likes making friends! Well, so long as they can handle her obnoxious outbursts. Billie is also very creative! She loves drawing and coming up with cool designs. She's the kind of person to make really bad ocs and ship them with canon characters and you can't stop her. However, sometimes, if she tries really hard, she can come up with really neat designs. She'll usually show them off online if she really likes them.

Billie can be rather absentminded at times. This absentmindedness can either be a curse or a blessing, depending on what it is that she forgets. Something bad happened to her and she forgot it? Awesome! Less things to worry about! Forgot about a party or a hangout with her buddies? SHIT! It happened again!! She's been trying to get better with it, but, her friends usually have to keep telling her. Billie stands up for what she believes to be right (which sometimes is a bad idea) and is a stubborn little shit when it comes to standing up for things she likes. She won't let others tell her differently, even if they are right and she is wrong. Only when people start yelling at her does she begin to waver. She doesn't have very tough skin and as soon as she's yelled at, she's on the verge of bursting into fiery tears. At the same time, being this soft has given her somewhat of a caring heart. While she may be scene kid, that doesn't stop her from helping those in need. She's not that heartless.

Billie is EXTREMELY emotional. She seems to bounce between emotions so fast that no one can really keep tabs on her. Most of these emotions are self inflicted as she's usually the one making herself extremely happy or extremely upset. She's trying to control it better, as she's afraid bouncing back and forth will scare away people in her life. For being 22 years old, Billie is a bit childish and perverted. She'll laugh at sex jokes or other inappropriate things and all around come off as a nuisance to those outside of her circle of friends. Adding to the childish tendencies, she's definitely one to use 'XD' 'RAWR' 'X3' emojis in text just to piss people off. Her parents always warned her that she needed to learn to grow up, but, what's the fun in that?


Billie was born to a family of Fire Elementals in cold New England. Her father and mother were actually very laid back in their parenting of Billie, and that, she was grateful for. She'd say she lived a rather average childhood, keeping away from humans, as her parents warned her of the cruel things they'd do to her. They scared her into believing they'd douse her with water. Humans sounded horrible! Because of this, she was kept at home during her early years, and was only allowed to go to an all monster's school hidden away from the world. There, she was able to discover herself and who she truly was. During her years there, she found the luxuries that were video games, music, art and they became a staple of her life. She also picked up a bit of magic as she was able to conjure up flames with her hands. She was finding plenty of great hobbies to partake in! That is, until her older years hit-- and that was when she met some new friends.

These friends introduced her to scene culture and right off the bat, Billie fell in love with it. The clothes, the colored hair-- everything about it was so cool to her! However, it got to the point where she was falling too in love with it. Her attitude and appearance began changing drastically. While she was still the fun loving kid her parents knew she was, she began to have an attitude towards them. It caught them very much off guard, as she was always such an obedient, caring girl. The more her parents gave their worries, the more she drowned them out. Billie would often times sneak out to go party with friends and do very illegal things at said parties that kids her age shouldn't be doing. It wasn't until her parents found out and screamed at her that she began to shape up. While she still did attend parties and hang out with her friends, her rebellious attitude began to shift, and she began to calm down. She may not have been a rebel anymore, but her upbeat and fun-loving personality was something that a lot of the weird kids at her old school craved. Everything and everyone was always such a downer. Billie was the life of the party that they never knew they needed. However, as the years went on, many of her friends fell out of their scene phase, leaving Billie in the dust. Only a handful of her friends actually stayed around. Others went on to bigger and better things.

Billie was wondering what it was she should do with her life. Pursue magic? Become an artist or a video game designer? Honestly-- it all sounded like too much work to her-- and she was still relatively young! One day, her parents came to her with the idea of going to college and how it'd be the perfect place for her to go. Again, it sounded like too much work and Billie showed no interest. Several years passed and after lazing around the house, listening to her music and writing blogs on Myspace, her parents finally approached her. She either needed to get a job and help out around the house, or she'd be kicked out. Much to Billie's dismay, she agreed something needed to be done. Not really wanting to get a job, she weighed her options. She could go to the school ... thought she didn't want to. Perhaps ... she could just go out and see the world? Travel for a bit and see what awaited her?

She hit the road and took her laptop with her. Leeching off of free wifi wherever she could, she decided to keep a blog and document her travels. So far, it was all she had wished for it to be! And it turned out, humans weren't really that bad!

Likes and Dislikes


  • Rainbow ANYTHING [Dark colors are cool too!]
  • Band Merch!
  • Gasoline and alcohol! She can't drink water, so this is what she resorts to!
  • Hoodies are pretty rad. Big hoodies with huge hoods are EVEN RADDER!!
  • 2000's music. Blast video game music or any of her favorite bands and she'll sing VERY OFF KEY
  • Video games!! She loves playing visual novels the most!
  • -Drawing! Though most of the time it's either moody or just insane.
  • She normally doesn't tell people, but she LOVES shipping things and creating OCs.


  • Rainy or windy weather
  • Water
  • Old knick-knacks ... whats the point in those??
  • Country music! GAG!!
  • If you put her in a frilly dress, it better be neon and have tears in it, otherwise she'll burn it. She hates frou frou things.
  • Being yelled at, or being told what to do. She's rebellious!!


  • Billie is able to warm and cool her body to her liking. If she's touching somebody she'll cool her body to not burn them! That way she'll just come off as really warm.
  • However, if she becomes extremely emotional, whether that be pure happiness, anger, sadness or what have you, she sometimes loses control of her body temperature. Better be careful!
  • The flame on top of her head crackles and sparks upon different emotions. It'll either grow or lessen depending on how she's feeling.
  • While she can't and won't drink water or any other drinks really-- gasoline and alcohol is something she will have! Makes her feel revitalized!
  • She unironically still uses Myspace.
  • She can't cry tears. A strange flaming liquid, almost akin to lava flows whenever she cries. It's the same as her saliva. However, this ooze doesn't burn.
  • Her favorite bands are: Green Day, Gorillaz, MCR, Linkin Park, and Breaking Benjamin
  • If she doesn't say "Flameo, hotman!" to you, then you're definitely not friends in her book.



Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.