Libra System



2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Libra
Age: 27
DOB: October 6th 1995
Gender: He isn't quite sure himself. Probably a boy, likes he/him.
Sexuality: Polyamorous panromantic gray-asexual
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Fluctuates. 195 lbs currently.

The Libra System is a highly advanced cybernetic canine. It's up for debate just how "human" he is. His original body was destroyed, but his brain was transplanted into an early prototypical body. This first trial body was rife with errors and bugs, causing issues with attentiveness, emotional regulation, fatigue and overall energy, mood, and many physical issues on top of it. Crashing, freezing, and needing to be restarted once a day was the norm for him. However, these conditions were unable to be treated with the current technology at the time. Various other hardware chips were added to his OS in order to run various programs to help him function in day-to-day life. However, in times of high stress, they would often overwrite the base code of the body in order to operate it. 

After several years in this shell, his brain could not properly be stored in the container safely, so the contents of it and all its patterns and wavelengths were digitized. This data was copied and transferred to a newer, much more stable and much more state-of-the-art body. It didn't take longer for him to recover in this new form. An oddity that had been observed was that traces of the hardware chips from the previous system remained, still assisting his tasks. He has much more control over when these programs kick in, however, and he seems to live his life a lot more seamlessly. His core is a goofy, fun-loving personality, but his programming allows for him to be a lover, a caretaker, a child-figure, a protector, a persecutor, a mediator, or whatever role he and others deem necessary. 

His partners are Fenri, a bisexual bigender zburator, and Fig, a bisexual trans man flying fox.