Coraline (secondary fursona)



2 years, 6 months ago




NAME: Coraline
AGE: 100+
GENDER: female
PRONOUNS: she/her
ORENTATION: heterosexual



SPECIES: Rat + axolotl + blood demon
HEIGHT: 1´75
VOICE: Hitch Dreyse

Yoshio is in love with her.
She doesn't mind belonging to a mafia or feels threatened.
The mafia to which she belongs is very large and wealthy.
She has to lie saying that one of her ancestors is a buffalo just to explain that she has horns.
Why lie, whenever she can she will want to fuck whoever she can if she likes the person.
She earns a lot of money and is very good at her missions.


are you scared of me, darling?

You don't have to fear me, Yoshio, I would never hurt someone with that angelic face.


Coraline was kicked out of Hell in 2018 for reasons I can't name yet. She was found by some people who happened to be mobsters. Time after what happened, the mafia boss forced her to stay in the mafia, threatening her that they had bullets that could kill her, because she is a demon, and she was put in a mafia group where there were only 3 people. The head of that group, Yoshio, a Japanese wolf, was awarded the job of teaching her how the current world was, so from that day on they had to spend almost every day together.



  • films
  • Wine
  • Blood
  • Pizza
  • Yoshio? Who knows


  • Other mafias
  • Lora (her enemy)
  • Perverts
  • People who are easily offended
  • Rude people

Coraline has a very peculiar personality. She has a lot of ego and is very sure of herself. Being a demon makes her able to get into dangerous situations since she has wound regeneration, so it is difficult to damage her. It's a blood demon, so compared to the rest of the people, she is much stronger and more agile than the rest, as well as being able to regenerate her own wounds quickly. But as soon as she goes up in phases those stats increase.

The phases are activated as she activates her power, witch is next:

Coraline is a blood demon, this types of demon gets stronger as the amount of blood she takes, but this is only for a period of time, it depends on how much blood she has taken

Abilities of Phase 1:

-lifts objetcs and humans, beign the fist phase she can´t lift things that are too heavy (telekinesis). This skill does it thanks to her central eye, witch opens when she activate this phase and the following.

-She is much stronger and more agile

-The percentage of regeneration of wounds per second increases.

-She can float thanks to her telekinesis.

Phase 2 abilities:

-All of her stats are increased and can grow wings.

-By increasing her statistics without controlling it, things that weigh little bit (rock, papers, bottles etc...) rise by her telekinesis




They have a very close relationship. She is very fond of Yoshio, but she doesn't know if what she feels is love or just friendship. She is always very attached and hugs him or holds his hand because she knows that Yoshio gets shy.



Maecenas condimentum dui in justo ullamcorper, eget porta ante rhoncus. Vivamus sit amet turpis gravida, molestie risus in, bibendum dolor. Nam sagittis risus sed nulla finibus tincidunt id nec nibh. Ut sed dictum metus, et sagittis felis. Quisque nec dui sit amet est rhoncus convallis sed ut libero. Nam iaculis magna quis quam dapibus rutrum. Ut rhoncus imperdiet magna, euismod suscipit ante. Etiam blandit erat eu purus eleifend, vitae congue elit blandit. Integer at ipsum sit amet justo faucibus viverra non sed mi.

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