sugar snake info



6 years, 6 months ago


Eggs & Hatchlings


Sugar Snakes eggs will show the flavor of snake within the last 4 weeks of their in egg period; The snakes can usually carry on their parent's traits, but having random flavor mutations aren't uncommon. The newly hatched Sugar Snakes are the size of the palm of your hand, and can grow rather fast within the first few years; They will roughly be around 3 ft long within the first 2 years, if given the growing room. After this the growth rate will slow down significantly; These snakes grow with their containers/environment to fit their living space comfortably. Meaning if you keep them in a small enclosure they will stay small, making them ideal for apartment spaces. Although given the space and protection Sugar Snakes can grow to become very old and will continue to grow till they die, but their tastiness and space issues make it very hard for someone to find an anaconda sized Sugar Snake.

Sugar Snakes may be free but they are picky eaters and only eat the food that they represent; So choose wisely when getting your snake hatchling or egg.

Returning and trading Sugar Snakes are always allowed, only for free though since food and maintenance costs a lot.

Appearances & Traits

Sugar Snakes resemble all types of species of snakes with some odd added features of all types of sweets, ranging from Strange Colors to Odd Food like attributes. These food features are, in fact, actually food that will grow off the Sugar Snakes; The bigger the Sugar Snake the more food they will produce. Only the ones that have food features can produce and reproduce food.

The Sugar Snakes' that are only strange colored, are rather uncommon in the wild because they have a strong natural odor and their meat tastes like the sweets they represent. These Sugar Snakes are uncommon because they are typically eaten soon after birth if not taken out soon after hatching, the cannibal problem is something Sugar Snakes seem to grow out of as they grow bigger though. Though being eaten is a problem for wild Sugar Snakes in general, so they often mimic poisonous snakes the best they can with their food and/or colors.

Sugar Snakes have a wide range of Food Features, looks, sizes, each look is unique to each snake, but they always are recognizable as snakes.

Some examples:


Rare Traits

Sugar Snakes can go through some remarkable changes of their own, the following traits are very rare and caused by mutations. Even though these are rare traits that doesn't mean some Sugar Snakes can't have these, just not every Sugar Snake you own can.

Some rare traits include: Sugar Snakes reaching lengths over 50ft, long and extreme horns, poisonous snakes, twins, and gummy/see-through snakes.

Some Very Rare traits are: Snack Snakes*, two heads, and albino.

* Snack Snakes are a very rare flavor variation, these SS are Savory but share the same characteristics that their Sweet cousins have.

Forbidden Traits

Some traits I would rather be kept away from Sugar Snake Species.


1. 3+ heads

2. Unrecognizable as a snake, gooey/slug like Sugar Snakes

To Be Continued...


Will fill as more people come in and ask questions, while thread is small please look through for answers.

Drawing your Sugar Snakes as nagas is a ok as long as they follow these rules/outline.