Fella's Comments


Thank you everyone for participating!

All of your ideas were pretty cool but the winner of this write to adopt will be enigmew!

I really love all the dynamics and overarching story you have in mind for this character and I am certain you will give them a good home. ^^

I'll be sending the transfer soon.

thank you so much!!!! ill my best to use them best I can!!!! excited to work with the design :3

:00 I’m not too good at coming up with things like this! But, I feel as if they would be a little rainboy<33 a little boy who always caries around an umbrella even with clearskies just incase. They bring it everywhere because they afraid of the stormy weather, it sorta comforts them when it does rain because it gives them a sort of shelter rather than a roof over their head when it rains, they have an umbrella instead<3 they are also obsessed with rain dolls, they have them everywhere. They try their best to not be outside when it rains, but if they have to be they put their rain boots on, grab their umbrella and makes a run for it wherever they have to go.

they’re name would be: Rag 

Pronouns: they/he

Likes: umbrellas, beaches (because it hardly rains there), rain boots, and clear skies

Dislikes: rain, thunderstorms, anything that has to do with bad weather


//addition: they would also bring an umbrella everywhere because they feel as if they have the nickname ‘rain boy’ from everyone in town because every time he goes out it starts raining so he feels as if he Jinx’s the weather in a way. That’s why they stay inside for the majority of the time and hate the weather.

I don't really have much backstory for any of my characters right now so sorry if my writing is not super descriptive haha

the character would fit in this world

I haven't written it down on my page yet, but this world is a sort of dream world made up of completely random characters and beings (you know when you wake up from a dream, but you can't remember what it was about even though you know it was interesting? well characters from this world are borns from the parts of dreams you can't remember)

In this world are kingdoms based on completely random things, for example, an umbrella kingdom (I'm still working on the characters for this so there's nothing for it yet on my page) and other wacky kingdoms. One of the kingdoms I was thinking about was a clown/party kingdom (still brainstorming it) citizens who live there typically wear bright colors and have clown-like/jester-like designs. For example, some of the characters related to that kingdoms are spider monster and ocean beast (these are not ordinary citizens though). I'd like to think that this character would also be a citizen of this kingdom (their design works perfectly for it). Perhaps a vendor/salesperson/storyteller of some sort? They would be a timid character, and a bit of a coward, but eventually would learn to be a bit braver with the help of their friends. Sorry not sure what I would do for a name for them yet, usually I'm slow with names haha. 

Edit: Oh another character from the kingdom I think they'd fit into (the clown/party kingdom) is Peacock (this character descends from an ocean kingdom also (another kingdom I'm working on) I think Peacock would be a buddy of theirs and would probably push them to do stuff (I think this character would be scared of Peacock at first and hide away from them, but eventually they'd be friends)

(Would go to my story folder: https://toyhou.se/CarSeat/characters/folder:2637165)

Name: Agnis Hyde

Pronouns: They/He (Cisgender male - they is often used due to the androgynous look they have)

Species: Possessed Childhood doll (plushed canine)

Agnis is the best friend of Pumpkin and often accompanies her wherever she goes. They are her main voice of reason and usually tries to keep her safe as much as he can due to how fragile Pumpkin’s head is. 

Agnis is often seen as the clumsy one, however when given the chance they are confident and outspoken. Agnis has a power that not many know about, he is able to travel into a dream universe and control it (like lucid dreaming, except they can travel into others’).

Agnis’ was originally created by a father as a gift to his newborn baby daughter, over the years they started to become worn and tattered which eventually made them undesirable and forgotten. When the daughter had found him again, she decided to dump Agnis as well as other childhood toys on the side of the road. Agnis wasn’t sentient back then, when he had woken up he remembered all the events that happened and felt sorrow; he slowly made his way to the Orange City in which he met Pumpkin. 

this idea gave me an interesting idea for a dynamic with a few of my other character :3 i hope this idea interests you!

as an employee at a popular hangout spot (functions mostly as an arcade / diner / lowkey venue for local performers) in the States of Energy and Evolution, they end up hearing a lot of gossip and news from the teenagers that frequent it. they're always dressed brightly and play the part of an employee that often takes on too many hours because they simply aren't sure how to say no. they're a sleep deprived and low energy friendly employee that does a good job dealing with the more unruly customers that come through. they've become a makeshift role model for a handful of main characters in my universe, iuxta, lens, and igor, and actually functions as a practical guardian for the igor. being the only adult they thought would be willing to take in the weird little guy they found. 

their relationship with igor looks very dysfunctional on the outside, given that they often have to bring igor into the hangout spot and dropping them at their own reserved table with a jumbo cup of water with a twisty straw, a basket of fries, and a handful of quarters for the arcade. but despite their busy long days, they do a good job keeping him well fed and rested, and give them a lot of ticket prizes from behind the quarters when none of their bosses are looking.

they act as a makeshift mentor figure for their hero's journey, despite not being that much older than them as a young adult still trying to figure out their own way in life. in the process of being a responsible role model for these teenagers they end up dealing with a lot of chaperoning and involvement in things that are wayyy out of their scope. the idea follows that they are doing their best to be supportive while trying to keep stable in a society run on magical technology. but because of these kids they keep getting wrapped into conspiracies that are so much bigger than themself and they're feeling extremely humbled and overwhelmed with the prospect.

despite all their humbling professions and their very low energy reactions and anxieties, they genuinely care about the kids they end up taking responsibility for despite the fact that they definitely dont feel fit for the role, and do their best to do what they can to keep them safe while they're off going behind their parents' backs to get up to otherworldly hijinks! 

aside from the more plot related ideas, they're also interested in pursuing a college education and intern at a lab studying magical technologies (because they're also a huge underpaid go-to for technical issues at the hangout spot) and contribute to another's character's creation, tomomi! this connection totally is a catalyst for more hijinks im sure. they tend to be accident prone in lab scenarios so they most they like to do is write up reports rather than physically testing things!

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Thus Lil dude definitely works at a bowling alley cleaning and helping guests. He is sweet and shy and loves hugs.

Likes: Clay, paint, sweets, 80s lighting, face paint, and animatronics 

Dislikes: Dirty spaces, the quiet, gossip, new environments, and boring days

The bowling ally he works at it huge and for the entertainment of kids and people alike, every employee has to wair some form of face paint <3

I would absolutely love to adopt him so im crossing my fingers 

This guy is a humble newspaper boy just trying to make a few extra bucks to keep him and his mother afloat since they are extremely poor. Everyone knows his name in the small town and just thinks he’s a good guy. One day he overhears one of the secret reporters talking to one of his bosses about a scoop, but they were denied. Feeling intrigued and confused, he decided to follow the story himself.