Haldir DarkStorm (Blood Elf)



2 years, 5 months ago


Haldir Darkstorm

Name: Haldir Darkstorm

Age: 104 Years (This is young for an elf)

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Horde | Kirin Tor | Left Hand Path

Species: Blood Elf (Sin'dorei)

Parents: Thaldrik (Father) | Alfsigr (Mother) - His mother is a High Elf (Quel'dorei)

Mate: Angel (Sin'dorei)

Children: Nelinor (Son)

Siblings: Thakir | Enkeadu | Ingridir (Ingrid)

Profession: Mage | Librarian | Enchanter | Tailor

Personality: This dude is young and full of himself, like most of his species he knows he's beautiful and not ashamed to admit it, in fact you'd do well to take notice and tell him. He's what you could consider a Battle mage. He's a magister of many talents, and is always gaining knowledge on other things all the time. He's quite the fan of battle, but also the silence of the library. He loves to read, in fact it's his favourite past time; never bother him if you see him with a book in his face. His favourite colour is purple; being an arcane mage this is rather normal and somewhat expected. He's a bit of a silent type until you get to know him; wary of those whom he's not familiar but quickly warms up to you once you've established yourself as a decent individual.

He's flamboyant in all the ways one could possibly be. Very snooty and high on himself. He's always got a well lit lantern/lamp on him at all times; though he'd never admit it to anyone for fear of seeming weak, he's got a odd fear of the dark.