Glassling ♔ Honeydew



6 years, 6 months ago


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"Call me a girl again and ill scar you for life!"


"Hi hi! I'm Honeydew, but you can call me Honey! Unsurprisingly I really really love to spread honey on my food.. Even icecream. Its not gross okay! Anyway, im besties with Atlas and Persephone but im more of a caretaker for Atlas than a friend... Anyway I guess I'll cya later!"



【 Name 】 HoneyDew【 Alias 】 Honey
【 Age 】 18【 D.o.B. 】 Feb 6th
【 Gender 】 Male【 Sexuality 】 Asexual
【 Origin 】 content【 Ethnicity 】Glassling
【 Status 】 Single【 Voice Actor 】 tba
【 Height 】 content【 Build 】 content
【 Eyes 】 Red and Blue【 Skin tone 】 Tan
【 Hair color 】 Green【 Hair style】 Short and a little wild
【 Demeanor 】 Cute but Fierce【 Style 】 Cute and Genderless
【 Value 】 $20【 Designer 】 Duckreaux
【 Likes 】
  • Strong People - they're my idols
  • Hamburgers - with pickles and ketchup!
  • Fries - dipped in a smoothie is better
  • Fall - I love wearing long sleeved cardigans
  • Honey - I'm made of it so...
【 Dislikes 】
  • Mosquitos - they're aiming for my honey..
  • Pants - too constricting!
  • Needles - they can't piece my glass skin but..
  • Being Lost - its why I always use my phone's GPS
  • Being Called a Girl - I like wearing girls clothes but im still a boy
【 Charisma 】

【 Empathy 】

【 Patience 】

【 Stamina 】

【 Courage 】

【 Integrity 】

【 Perception 】

【 Judgement 】

【 Intelligence 】

【 Humor 】


Honeydew's an adventurous kid who loves to do dangerous things that would mark him as a 'tomboy'. He loves to climb trees, climb up tall people, run around in the rain and plenty of other things that gives Perse a small heart attack! Honey loves wearing feminine clothes because he thinks it looks cute on him, but really hates it when people refer to him as a girl and will tackle people for it! He understands people assuming he's a girl with his round face, small stature and girly clothes - but hates it when people say "what a cute girl!" and ignores him referring to himself as a boy. Atlas nicknamed him 'monkey' because of how quick Honey moves and his ability to swing himself anywhere in a hot second.

Honey is an odd kid because he has to be Atlas' guardian despite being smaller and younger, and Persephone's comfort friend who visits often to keep her from being alone for too long, although he hope that changes soon.. When he has 'free time' he usually spends the time walking around in the city, buying clothes and looking for job openings since he's starting to run low on funds.

HTML by lowkeywicked