


2 years, 5 months ago



Squeak is an 5-month-old (16-year-old) member of the raptant species. (Created by me)

 While small in stature she has a large bulbous sac on her nether end, containing various materials fed to her by her colony. Like the majority of her species she has 3 pairs of limbs, 1 being winged. Her beak is stout and hardened, appropriate for gripping and crushing. While her chest and antennae are feathery, the rest of her body is covered in a hard carapace. 

Her voice has a slightly posh accent, and while soft, she tends to talk quickly.


Squeak resided in the redwood colony, nestled in the backyard of an old divorced man. She lived a sedentary life, only tasked with providing emergency food from time to time. While she had a great curiosity of the outside the regular disheveled state her sisters came back in deterred any big moves.  Squeak kept to herself, harboring a jealously for her peers that kept her from reaching out or socializing with most of them.  Instead, she spent most of the day sleeping, before emerging at night to explore the tunnels, dodge tunnels and gaze longingly at the outside world.

The only company she had was a new honeypot raptant, Snitch, a much older woman who regularly voiced Squeak's own deep desires; while it was unusual, Squeak thought little of it otherwise.  It was only when a much more powerful colony invaded and Snitch was at the helm that Squeak realized her mistake. She had brought her out on one of her expeditions, inadvertently teaching her the layout and schedule of her colony that was now in ruins. Without a home Squeak now had to fend for herself in the world, and learn the true cost and beauty of freedom.


Stifled by a lifetime of subjugation and natural fear-mongering Squeak is an individual filled with big dreams and visions but lacking the backbone to bring any into reality. With her birth-given role she can only live in her fantasies, both brimming with dreams of the future and plagued by fears of its implications.  

She's less mature than most, and looks at everything through a glass-half-empty. On her own she tries to separate herself from the wild as much as possible, to return to the dull safety of her daydreams, and once getting company she tries to avoid revealing how skillless she is.  Even her own species has his traits, like strong jaws, good intuition and cooperation, and the uniqueness of other species only fuel her self perceived uselessness. While possessing little viable skills and great cowardice, Squeak possesses a mind uncorrupted by instinct or duty as a survivor; she is mostly unbiased between species and can serve as the voice of reason in tense diplomatic situations, and appreciate the small victories in life.


Ara: TBA