Enyo Lühaj



2 years, 5 months ago


Lorenzo Barley

Alias(es) Lorenzo Barley, Enzo
age 54yo
gender Male, She/He
height 6'4" (Prone to change)
hometown Fort Tamerton
birthday December 26, N/A
Alignment Lawful Neutral
occupation Field Marshal

INFORMAL TLDR; Has the laid back grandparent that'll slip you money/a happy meal while telling you not to tell your parents vibe and calls everybody "my friend," often means it. A charasmatic strategical leader who remembers everyone she meets and always seems certain about everything. She's very compassionate, keeping up such comforts and optimism in the worst of situations.





  • Loves festivities, especially a special wittle one I'm planning to create.
  • Prone to motion/seasickness.
  • Has had numerous surgeries preformed on his right knee after a severe injury on deck but still has a limp.
  • Adores classical music, and used to play piano in his childhood.
  • Uses large synonyms for "good" and uses them often in her speech.
Design Notes

  • Wears some eyeliner outside of C1's
  • Her hair gradients from dark brown to grey. I just realized hair doesn't naturally grey like that after intentionally trying to make it more realistic when drawing him f
  • Tis a stylistic choice.
  • Almost always dressed in polka dot (suits) whenever she's given the option.
  • I'll actually design the respective badges and medals one day.

TLDR; Essentially grew up in Fort Tamerton with the supervision of her father at certain intervals while he went back and forth between her and her older brother, Gabriel, who was on the other side of the country. Eventually the two siblings met and got along well with both of their military careers but oopsies Enzo then turned him in for treason or sumn. Lorenzo grew more fond of having to fill his father's shoes as he was given more leadership positions, eventually rising up to where she is now.


