


2 years, 5 months ago


Yonah Qalli Quailsong

Age: 28
DOB: September 8th
Gender: Woman, She/her
Orientation: Panromantic Asexual
Height: 5'6"
Weight: "I've never weighed myself without armor on... Hmm..."

Yonah was born in Ishgard to a Xaela father and a Duskwight mother. Due to her half-breed nature with two already notoriously infamous races, she met hardship at almost every social interaction. Being transgender didn't help this in the least, causing her to throw herself into her studies of alchemy in order to try and make a "more perfect" version of herself. Due to her diligent studies, she was able to halt the growth of her height and take on traits more commonly seen in auri assigned female at birth. She briefly attempted to reconnect with the Qalli of the Azim Steppe, but found that life on the Steppe was a bit too violent for her taste. 

While in Othard, she managed to meet another traveller, a Viera boy who she connected with heart to heart very quickly. Despite his secretive demeanor, she seemed to bring out the best in him, and it wasn't long before they were an item. With confidence in her appearance, someone to face the world with, and a slight modification to her name, she finally began to branch out into Eorzea, looking to take on the role of an adventurer. However, she soon learned that most of the ways of an adventurer are not to her taste...

She is staunchly against violence whenever possible, despite being a Paladin. If anything, she holds up her shield to ward off attacks while her boyfriend handles the nitty gritty work. Due to this, she has an agreement with him: he is to take on the role and title of the Warrior of Light in her stead. Her Echo manifests in all the typical abilities, but also the ability to read one's heart and intentions. While she cannot specifically spot a lie, she can tell when someone is saying something heartfully or with malice.