Ares Cineris



2 years, 5 months ago


Japanese アレズ・シネリズ
Romanji Arezu Shinerizu
Age twenty-five (25)
Gender Male (he/him)
Species Human
Affiliation Foresight Foundation
Voiceclaim (to be updated...)

Ares is a reserved and professional man, to the point of appearing almost completely unapproachable, who prefers not getting involved into other people's affairs unless it is absolutely necessary. Following his unmovable beliefs, he values research and scientific progress more than human connections and lives, and would do anything to advance research he thinks is important. He takes a lot of pride in his creations, especially in the ones who help the Foresight Foundation fight against the Burnish.

He holds a strong contempt towards Burnish people since he was in his late teens, and he is shown to be extremely harsh and unmerciful towards them. He doesn't seem to feel any sympathy towards them (including his own brother), or any remorse for subjecting them to experiments which often leave them horribly injured or killed.

  • the Foundation's research (his own and Heris' in particular)
  • snow, ice and cold things in general
  • classical music
  • the Burnish
  • his scars
  • thinking about his brother
  • flames of any kind, burnish or not
  • sour foods
Background & Story

Ares was born in Promepolis three years before his brother, Apollo. He had a fairly normal childhood and grew up very close to his brother, being very protective of him whenever necessary.

When he was eighteen years old, his house got caught in a fire caused by a Burnish, but was lucky enough to survive (although deeply scarred and physically weakened forever) thanks to being quickly taken to a hospital. He was given the news his parents had died in the fire, and that his brother's body was not found; from then on, he begun harboring a visceral hatred of the Burnish.

After leaving the hospital, he joined the Foresight Foundation as a scientist and engineer. There, he worked mainly on devices to fight off the Burnish, while also partaking in direct human experimentation on them. Among those who he experimented on was his own brother: while they were both surprised by the other being alive, there was no reconciliation between them, and Ares went as far as disowning him after discovering he was a Burnish.

Ares was among the people who were supposed to board on the Parnassus and leave Earth. He was quite unhappy to see the operation fail, feeling especially betrayed by the discovery of Kray Foresight being a Burnish. While he survived the events of the movie, he never sought reconciliation with his brother or with other ex-Burnish, still holding his beliefs regarding them despite the Promare leaving.

Design Notes

  • About half of his body (the left side) is covered in burn scars.
  • He generally dresses very elegantly when he's not in his work attire.
  • //Please dont use the sidebar image as reference for his skintone i fucked it up and only realized after it was too late

  • His name, Ares, is directly taken from the Greek god. I had considered calling him Mars (same god but roman), but I liked Ares a bit better.
  • His last name, Cineris, means "ash" in Latin. It would be pronounced CHI-ne-ris, with a CH sound, but I'm the CEO of the entire latin language and I make the rules
  • He contributed to improving the armors used by Freeze Force and was directly responsible for the creation of the Absolute Zero Bullet.
  • His initial intention was to join the Freeze Force to directly act against the Burnish once he got out of the hospital. However, due to his weakened phsyique and medical issues, he preferred getting himself recruited into the Foresight Foundation and work against them indirectly.
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