
2 years, 4 months ago



pronouns she/her

species curio (undyre)

sexuality pansexual

profession doctor

age ~30


theme weight of living pt.II

designer false-paradoxes

trade status

icon heavendeluxe

background mine

masterlist Curio no.448


"It all crept upon you, in the night it got you and plagued your mind, it plagues your mind."

  • Hailing from hanto magnata, muriel grew up in the warm and (relatively) stable (and less stable politically) climate of tonpelli. Like most other undyre, her world was turned on it's head during the tech wars incident, having narrowly avoided being subsumed into the ai hivemind. She has struggled ever since to come to terms with the calamity and fit herself into a world she never trained for. Currently, she resides in jun nazu where she runs a small clinic and contributes remotely to the archaeological guild's research.

  • • despite believing she isn't deserving of being a role model, she gladly shares her passions and mentors anyone who needs it - it's one of the few things that beings her great joy (and stress lol).
  • • is still tyring to come to terms with what happened on tonpelli, and still isn't sure what to make of the recent involvement of the eisgar.
  • • anyone is welcome at her clinic, so long as they don't bring trouble to her door (she has a shock element built into her hands, you know - you've been warned!).
  • • Her name comes for the word 'mareel', the phenomenon caused by bioluinescent algae in the waters at night. She adapted it to 'Muriel' to accommodate the mainlanders and it's stuck with her since.
  • • remotely oversees a project researching ancient techonlogy - particularly in regards to biology and cyborgs. This has been complicated somewhat by the uncovering of the ankuri.
  • • very big sushi fan - sashimi, sushi rice bowls, and onigiri are dishes she frequently enjoys!


Muriel grew up as an only child in a stable household in the medical district of hanto magnata. Born into a family in relatively good political standing, she never wanted for anything - except maybe for the freedom to forge her own path in life. Be that as it may, she followed in her father's footsteps regardless and soon graduated from the medical academy rather uneventfully. She spent several years afterwards as a general practitioner and surgeon, experiencing all the profession had to offer as she considered which specialism to take. This was abruptly put on hold when contact with the mainland had been re-established.

Though the mainland was full of potential and possibilities, Muriel wasn't able to simply throw caution to the wind and move there - she was still expected to marry and start a family on Tonpelli, after all! But this wasn't to be, as all of Muriel's plans for the future would be washed away in one night. The night Hanto Magnata fell to the cyborgs.

Lost and aimless at first, Muriel feared for her life before she found and joined the Tonpelli Blues. Inspired by Cirrus, she resolved to do what she could for those who took up arms against the cyborg menace. After he fell, she remained with them for many months afterwards until an unfortunate lapse in perimeter security landed her on the receiving end of a cyborg's stun gun. When she awoke in the old medic's HQ she'd lost half her limbs and some organs, but she thanked the ancestors she still had her mind.

Broken, humiliated, and more fearful for her life than ever before, Muriel beat a hasty retreat to the mainland - setting up shop in the city with no shortage of wounds to fix; Jun Nazu. Desperate to escape from her new reality as a tech-touched individual, she has the tendency to stretch herself too thin - looking after her clinic, thinking up new projects for collaborators in the archaeologist's guild, and mentoring students being her favourite ways to achieve this. But sometimes, in the darkness of her home in the early hours of the morning, she is haunted still by memories buried deeply enough to be dreams. Dreams of being dragged along once-familiar corridors to an inevitable doom by hollow-eyed curios, and of being held down long enough to feel the ice-cold sting of a needle send her to inescapable oblivion.

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