Diyaki (UFA - P)



6 years, 7 months ago


- Likes spooky woods

- Animals

- Scary movies

- Pie

- Retro technology

- Rugs with neat designs

- Foreign cultures

- Kinda weird

- Loves horror

- Weirds people out

- Really excited all the time

- Kinda over the top

- Has waaayyy to much energy

- Needs to calm down

Before Island life as a kit:

- Was friends with toccara

- Lived in tree house

- Hung around harbor looking for boat rides

- Wandered woods

- Went to town's library looking for good reads and other cool stuff

- Went down to weekly flea markets

- Tree house was near harbor town with fish n stuff

- Grew different plants in boxes hanging from tree limbs

- Had a tire swing on one of the limbs

- Had hut out deeper in the forest

- Hut was more like a shack lol

Life on island:

- Documents the animals and plants

- Really loves the snake species there

- Has a million jars of bugs in her treehouse

- Always catching/tracking something

- Has a million stray animals by her treehouse

- Pet bird named Redgie

- Has a few shelves filled with notes

- A lot of drawers filled with dead insects and small animals

- Skulls and feathers everywhere

- A lot of rugs decorate the floor and form a sort of carpet

- Lots of religious symbols everywhere

- A lot of exotic paintings in her house

- Terrible iron stove

- Hammock for a bed

- Sends letters when the fishermen come by

- Makes trips to different islands

- Polaroid camera

- Lights and pictures strung up everywhere in the treehouse

- Kinda a hermit

- Wants to be a professional photographer when she goes back to the mainland, and produce a film about all her findings

Slots - 2/3

Gender: Female

Applies to both adult and kit life, coat for rain that hides gear, hat for rain and shade, claw bands for climbing and protecting. Grass for flavor and chewing.

Friend count:


- Loves to tell them all sorts of things

- Goes on walks around the woods with them

- Forces to watch scary movies with her

- Shows off scrolls n Flea market finds

- Babbles to for hours n hours

- "your my little bumblebee"

Lyfia, owned by: x

- Trying to help her with breaking the curse

- Directs her to people on the mainland for help, and places to looks

- Always writing letters to her, or going to nearby islands to look for books/scrolls

- Enjoys drinking tea with her, or just doing something together

- Likes to bring her to caves on the island to explore

- Whenever Diyaki visits the mainland, she asks if anyone knows a way/person to break spells

- Writes if she finds anyone/a good lead

Mate: Juyako

- Juyako washes up on shore

- She is like ???

- Nurses him back to health

- Slowly develops feelings for him

- She plans on confessing after a year of them living together

- He disappears one day, and she hears him screaming

- Goes down to shore

- He's on a little ship, kicking and screaming, going to another big ship

- Too far away for her to swim to him

- Heart broken

- Vows to get him back

- Becomes a fighter

- Makes a lot of trips to surrounding islands

- Searches for him, going back and forth from her island to others

- Eventually gives up

- He comes back one day

- "I love you"s exchanged 

- She misses him when he goes, but she knows he has a job to do 

Enemy count:

Acquaintance count: