Alcina Albani



2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Alcina (Alyssia) Albani

Gender: female

Age: 11

Sign: Capricorn

Hair: dark brown, white streaks (common with her family lineage)

Eyes: Chocolate brown with pink

Likes: soft and fluffy things, animals, music, rainbows, games, unicorns

Dislikes: shouting/screaming, adults, the name Alyssia, her family, sharp objects, fire

Fears: her parents, fire, adults, physical contact from adults, deep water, trusting others

Personality: Alcina is a cautious and quiet child. Very distrusting of others, especially adults. She’s quick to bolt when she feels threatened. 

She’s more of a flight rather than fight type but will quickly get violent when cornered, believing everyone will harm or hate her if they find out what she can do.

She wants to be able to be comfortable around someone but her upbringing has taught her to always be cautious. 

The family drama, custody battles, and abuse certainly didn’t help


•Summoning magic- Could use her imagination to manifest whatever but due to her lack of proper training she has trouble controlling her powers at times. To make her manifestations more solid she draws them in one of the sketchbooks she carries with her along and tears the page out when she needs to use it.

•Familiar- each gifted member of her family have a special summon. One that they can always reach out to or call upon so long as they have the energy to do the initial summon. They’re much stronger and can even maintain their form and presence if their master is knocked out. 

They’re tough and fierce creatures that are believed to reflect the soul of their master.

Unlike a normal summon they can’t be harmed. The only way to kill a Familiar is to kill their Master though, much like when their Master is knocked out, they don’t instantly disappear.

Due to here young age and stunted knowledge her familiar isn’t quite able to take a fully solid form for long. It does seem to take the shape of an equine with antlers.


Alcina (named by her great-grandmother) was born into a heritage of powerful but very secretive magic users. The gift skipped not only her mother’s generation but also her grandmother’s, which has not happened in their tree for centuries. This led her great-grandma to believe she was going to be extremely powerful.

Her mother had despised her family even before her daughter was born because the gift had skipped her too. It didn’t help that she’d gone off and married a very religious and old fashioned man.

When she had her daughter she had only reconnected with them out of curtesy and tradition. Soon though she found that Alyssia (what she named her daughter) was blessed with the gifts of her family and was enraged while her husband was horrified. 

She didn’t tell him anything about her side of the family. They hadn’t even been invited to their wedding.

Her mother tried to forbid the rest of her family from seeing Alcina, even going as far as to try and restraining orders filed against them. This sparked an ugly feud and familial turmoil. 

The grandmother and great-grandmother did their best to keep little Alcina out of the line of fire in the disputes, having been granted visitation rights at least. They taught her all they could with what time they had. 

Unfortunately they couldn’t protect her from getting the brunt of it at home with her parents. The whole situation had shook her parents’ marriage and they weren’t kind to each other either but both refused to get a divorce, believing it’d only bring more shame.

Her father never hesitated to speak I’ll of her family and their gifts. Calling them wicked and an offense to God. 

He’d burn anything she brought home from when she visited them. 

Her mother was no better. She’d forcefully cut and dye Alcina’s hair. She’d smack her if she called her anything else but “Ma’am” or her father anything else but “Sir”. 

Any mention of her Gifted name, her mother’s side of the family, or magic was met with swift and violent punishment. Soon Alcina stopped speaking altogether and her grandparents noticed very quickly.

This was brought to the attention of Child Services and Alicna was removed from her parents’ home and placed with her grandmother, along with a restraining order against the parents who were arrested.

Her family began to try and get Alinca help but she had almost completely closed herself off from others. She struggled in confidence and socializing, even with kids her own age. Her outbursts didn’t help either, especially when they triggered her summoning. 

She hurt a few kids, both intentionally and accidentally, before she was pulled from school by her grandmother.

The relief of being away from her parents wouldn’t last though as they kidnapped her several months later, having paid their bail and planned to run off with their child.

The Accident:

Alcina had willingly gotten into her parents car out of fear of what would happen if she didn’t. Though she could easily defend herself at this point, the mental scars had kept her fearful of them.

That is until they were heading up the mountains…

She began to panic, realizing that they were taking her far away and she began to try and escape the car. This resulted in her mom turning and smacking her repeatedly while berating her. It was then that Alcina subconsciously summoned her Familiar for the first time. Their car went over the railing and several times before it stopped at the base of the steep hill.

Both of her parents were killed in the crash. Alcina was pretty hurt but used one of her Nana’s potions amplified by her magic to heal her most sever wounds. 

She ran away from the scene as the rain poured down and into the woods, trying to find her way home.

It would be a couple days before she came across civilization in the form of a Pizzaplex, a place she’d never been to and didn’t recognize…..